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Dr. Gregory M. Casey is a board certified oral surgeon and facial plastic surgeon. When it comes to facelift surgery, Dr. Gregory Casey is the top most expert surgeon in rhytidectomy treatment like upper facelift, mid facelift and lower facelift surgery and much more. If you are seriously concern about your face and want good result then it’s necessary to choose the expert and qualified surgeon. To know more about type of facelift surgeries, watch this presentation or visit http://drgregorycasey.com/ or http://caseycosmeticsurgery.com/
FACELIFT SURGERY http://caseycosmeticsurgery.com/facial-cosmetic-surgery/facelift
FACELIFT SURGERY BY DR. GREGORY CASEY Face is the most attractive part of human body. Everybody wants to look beautiful but due to aging process our skin loses its stretchiness. The best solution for this problem is facelift surgery or Rhytidectomy. If you are seriously concern about your face then its necessary to choose the expert and qualified surgeon. Dr. Gregory Casey is the top most expert surgeon in rhytidectomy treatment like upper facelift, mid facelift and lower facelift surgery and much more. For more information navigate to this link: http://caseycosmeticsurgery.com/facial-cosmetic-surgery/facelift
TYPES OF FACELIFT SURGERY OR RHYTIDECTOMY • Upper Facelift • Lower Facelift • Mini Facelift • Mid Facelift
UPPER AND LOWER FACELIFT • Upper Facelift The upper facelift surgery includes forehead lift, brow lift, lower and upper eyelid lift surgeries. Upper facelift surgery reduces wrinkles and lines in the upper face. For more information visit : http://caseycosmeticsurgery.com/upper-face-lift/ • Lower Facelift The lower facelift surgery includes chin augmentation, double chin reduction and lip augmentation. Dr. Gregory Casey offers effective lower face surgery that improves yours loses skin of lower face. For more information visit : http://caseycosmeticsurgery.com/facial-cosmetic-surgery/lower-face/
MINI AND MID FACELIFT • Mini Facelift The mini facelift surgery is most common part of facelift surgery. This type of surgery includes surgery of lower facelift and jawline. A mini facelift surgery is designed to improve your face. To know more visit http://caseycosmeticsurgery.com/facial-cosmetic-surgery/mini-face-lift/ • Mid Facelift The mid facelift surgery procedure restore your eyelids and cheeks. The mid facelift surgery include surgery like ear surgery, nose surgery and cheek and malar augmentation surgery. To know more visit http://caseycosmeticsurgery.com/midface/
PROS AND CONS OF FACELIFT • Pros of facelift surgery • It can make you appear ten to fifteen year younger. • Improves facial contour. • The results are long lasting. • It can improve your mental health. • Cons of facelift surgery • It will just create the new version of you but not you. • Normal surgical risks. • Infection. • If you chooses a board certified surgeon like Dr. Gregory Casey then chances of risk will be nominal. For more information visit http://drgregorycasey.com
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