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Visual Storytelling

SlideShare of my presentation about Visual Storytelling at WCF Davos - Barcelona, 2014, May, 23th. I talked about emotions, image, graphics, stories, reality, filmmaking and more.

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Visual Storytelling

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Visual Storytelling WCFDavos | Barcelona “Visual Storytelling, a Socratic Approach” Montecarlo 2014 - May, 23th

  2. We are going to discuss some questions about image, story and visual language. About Visual Storytelling

  3. But first… What is Visual Thinking?

  4. What is Visual Storytelling?

  5. “Cinema deals with feelings, sensations, intuitions and movement, things that communicate to audiences at a level not necessarily subject to conscious, rational and critical comprehension” Alexander Mackendrick

  6. “Cinema is not so much non-verbal as pre-verbal” Alexander Mackendrick

  7. Reality, Truth and other Stories

  8. “If you want to trick someone with a photograph, there are lots of easy ways to do it. You don’t need Photoshop. You don’t need sophisticated digital photo-manipulation. You don’t need a computer. All you need to do is change the caption” Errol Morris

  9. “Photography is truth. The cinema is truth twenty-four times per second” Jean-Luc Godard

  10. The Kuleshov Effect

  11. The Kuleshov Effect

  12. The Kuleshov Effect

  13. What Are Images?

  14. It is not only about violence. You name it: Love… Sex… Friendship… Illness… … And so on.

  15. “The perfect movie would be one that had no sound and the screen was completely blank” Kitano Takeshi

  16. And then?

  17. “Mystery is inseparable from chance, and our whole universe is a mystery” Luís Buñuel

  18. Thank you! www.quimicavisual.com www.imastrangerheremyself.com @Imastranger

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