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Proofreading Is such a difficult task, right? No, it's not. It is just a time taking task but a very simple one. It just takes few simple steps to complete your full proofreading.
PROOFREADING In Just 7 steps
What Is Poofreading? Proofreading is the reading of a galley proof or an electronic copy of a publication to find and correct production errors of text or art. Proofreading is the final step in the editorial cycle before publication. • • Source:wikipedia
Step1: Checklist It reduces the failure by compensating for potential limits of human memory and attention. It also ensures consistency and completeness in carrying out a task. Create a list of all important things and mark them in points.
Step 2: Fast-Check Fast Check is done so that we don't forget any points in the checklist. If we missed any point in the checklist, fast- check will help us to insert the missing points in the checklist.
Step 3: Spell Check Before proofreading a printout, it is very important that you check the errors like misspellings or some errors that you generally make such as grammar errors and parenthesis errors.
Step 4: Read Aloud Reading Aloud your content will help you to identify more errors that were not noticable earlier. Sometimes you may write same word twice which you can notice while you read it aloud.
Step 5: Focus on One Line at a Time Cover the content with the blank paper. As you finish proofreading one line, slide the paper down by the next line. Do this till you finish the last line. By this you will concentrate only on the one line and you will not get distracted.
Step 6: Attend to Format Check page numbering, column alignment, relative fonts, font size and other features of standard elements such as headlines, subheadings, captions and footnotes.
Step 7: Proof Again What is the harm in reading your content once again with the same thoroughness as it will be the last time you can edit your content. So make sure it is at its best.
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