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“Active Packaging” Mochamad Nurcholis Food Science Department Agricultural Technology Faculty Brawijaya University 2013
OVERVIEW Definisi & Karakteristik Active Packaging Jenis Active Packaging Aplikasi Active Packaging Active Packaging
Faktor Intrinsik. Evaluasi Sistem Pengemasan keasaman (pH), aktifitas air (aw), kandungan nutrisi, Jumlah dan jenis mikrobia, potensial redoks, kecepatan respirasi dan struktur biologi •Kerusakan Bahan Pangan (kimiawi, fisik,mikrobiologi) •Umur Simpan / Faktor Ekstrinsik suhu, kelembaban relatif (RH) komposisi gas sekitar. www.themegallery.com
Definisi : • Kemasan yang dibuat sedemikian rupa untuk mengatasi masalah yang dijumpai dalam produksi dan distribusi pangan serta dapat memperpanjang masa simpan atau meningkatkan keamanan pangan atau sifat organoleptik. Active Packaging
Karakteristik Active Pacaging : • Penambahan bahan tertentu untuk memperpanjang umur simpan • Memiliki peran menyediakan barrier inert terhadap kondisi eksternal Active Packaging
Tiga Kategori Active Packaging : – absorbers (i.e. scavengers) (Table 2.1) • Absorbing (scavenging) systems remove undesired compounds such as oxygen, carbon dioxide, ethylene, excessive water, taints and other specific compounds – releasing systems (Table 2.2) • Releasing systems actively add or emit compounds to the packaged food or into the head-space of the package such as carbon dioxide, antioxidants – other systems (Table 2.3). Active Packaging
Contoh Active Pacaging : • Absorbers : O2absorber, CO2 absorber • Scavengers : Sulfite scavengers, Aldehyde scavengers • Releasers : Heat releasers, Antimicrobial-releasing systems, antioxidant releasers, flavor releasers, color releasers • Moisture regulators Active Packaging
In the USA, Japan and Australia, active and intelligent packaging are already being successfully applied to extend shelf-life or to monitor food quality and safety Active Packaging
1. Oxygen Absorbers Active Packaging
Oxygen Scavenger • An oxygen scavenger is a substance that scavenges oxygen chemically or enzymatically protects the packaged food completely against deterioration and quality changes due to oxygen Active Packaging
Roles Of Oxygen Scavengers 1. Preventing oxidation i. oils and fats to prevent rancidity, ii. both plant and muscle pigments and flavours to prevent discolouration (e.g. meat) and loss of taste iii. nutritive elements, e.g., vitamins to prevent loss of the nutritional value. 2. Preventing insect damage Oxygen scavengers are very effective against insects because they remove the oxygen the insects need to survive. Active Packaging
Roles Of Oxygen Scavengers 3. Prevention of proliferation of moulds and strictly aerobic bacteria – Some moulds, such as Aspergillus flavus and Aspergillus parasiticus produce highly toxic substances called mycotoxins. • It has been demonstrated that moulds can proliferate in headspaces with oxygen concentrations as low as 1–2% (Smith, 1996). Oxygen levels of 0.1% or lower are required to prevent the growth and mycotoxin production of many moulds (Rooney, 1995). – In gas packaging aerobic growth can still occur depending on the residual oxygen level in the package headspace. Active Packaging
Selecting The Right Type Of Oxygen Scavenger • Oxygen scavengers must satisfy several requirements: they must 1. be harmless to the human body. 2. absorb oxygen at an appropriate rate. 3. not produce toxic substances or unfavourable gas or odour. 4. be compact in size and are expected to show a constant quality and performance. 5. absorb a large amount of oxygen. 6. be economically priced (Nakamura and Hoshino, 1983; Abe, 1994; Rooney, 1995). Active Packaging
In general, O2 scavenging technologies are based on one of the following concepts: iron powder oxidation ascorbic acid oxidation catechol oxidation photosensitive dye oxidation, enzymatic oxidation (e.g. glucose oxidase and alcohol oxidase), unsaturated fatty acids (e.g. oleic acid or linolenic acid) or immobilised yeast on a solid material (Floros et al., 1997). Active Packaging
1. Iron Powder Oxidation • To prevent the iron powder from imparting colour to the food, the iron is contained in a sachet. • The sachet material is highly permeable to oxygen and water vapour. • A rule of thumb is that 1 g of iron will react with 300 ml of O2 (Labuza, 1987; Nielsen, 1997; Vermeiren et al., 1999). • Iron-based oxygen scavengers have one disadvantage: they cannot pass the metal detectors usually installed on the packaging line. “Do not eat” Active Packaging
2. Enzymatic Oxidation • A combination of two enzymes, glucose oxidase and catalase, has been applied for oxygen removal. • In the presence of water, glucose oxidase oxidises glucose, that can be originally present or added to the product, to gluconic acid and hydrogen peroxide (Greenfield and Laurence, 1975; Labuza and Breene, 1989; Nielsen, 1997). • The reaction is: • They cannot be effectively used with low-water content foods (Floros et al., 1997). Active Packaging
Kelebihan dan Kelemahan O2 Scavanger • Kelebihan : – mampu mengurangi konsentrasi oksigen hingga < 0,01% (lebih rendah daripada konsentrasi oksigen residu yang dicapai dengan modified atmosphere packaging (MAP) (0,3-3,0%)) – Scavenger oksigen dapat dipakai tunggal atau dengan kombinasi dengan MAP. • Kelemahan : – kemungkinan kecelakaan ingestion isi ke konsumen menghalangi kesuksesan komersial (Amerika Utara dan Eropa) Active Packaging
Di Japan, Toyo Seikan Kaisha Ltd telah memasarkan laminasi mengandung scavenger oksigen besi yang dapat thermoform menjadi tray Oxygard yang telah dipakai secara komersial untuk nasi masak (gambar 9.1).
2. CO2 Scavanger • CO2 has to be removed from the package to avoid food deterioration and/or package destruction. – Fresh roasted coffee can release considerable amounts of CO2 due to the Strecker degradation reaction between sugars and amines (Labuza and Breene, 1989). – Unless removed, the generated CO2 can cause the packaging to burst due to the increasing internal pressure. • The reactant commonly used to scavenge CO2 is calcium hydroxide, which, at a high enough water activity, reacts with CO2 to form calcium carbonate • Disadvantage of CO2 scavenging it scavenges carbon dioxide from the package headspace irreversibly and results in depletion of CO2, which is not always desired Active Packaging
3. Ethylene Scavenger Ethylene (+) accelerates respiration, leading to maturity, softening and ripening of many kinds of fruits, can cause yellowing of green vegetables and may be responsible for a number of specific post-harvest disorders in fresh fruits and vegetables. ( - ) ethylene is often detrimental to the quality and shelf-life of fruits and vegetables. • To prolong shelf-life and maintain an acceptable visual and organoleptical quality, accumulation of ethylene in the packaging of fruits and vegetables should be avoided. Active Packaging
3. Ethylene Scavenger Principle of ethylene adsorption • Ethylene can be absorbed or adsorbed by a number of substances, such as activated charcoal, silica gel and aluminium oxide, clay materials (cristobalite, Oya stone and zeolite). • A number of catalytic oxidisers have been combined with adsorbents to remove the adsorbed ethylene such as potassium dichromate, potassium permanganate (KMnO4), iodine pentoxide and silver nitrate, each respectively embedded on silica gel. – Most suppliers offer ethylene adsorbers based on KMnO4. To be effective, KMnO4 must be adsorbed on a suitable inert carrier with a large surface area such as celite, vermiculite, silica gel, alumina pellets, activated carbon, perlite Active Packaging
Principle of ethylene adsorption Potassium permanganate adsorbers change from purple to brown as the MnO4-is reduced to MnO2, indicating the remaining adsorbing capacity. Adsorbent materials containing KMnO4 cannot be integrated into food-contact packaging but are supplied only as sachets because of their toxicity and purple colour (Sherman, 1985; Zagory, 1995).
4. Odor Scavanger • Flavour scalping, i.e., sorption of food flavours by polymeric packaging materials, may result in loss of flavour and taste intensities and changes in the organoleptic profile of foods. Odour removers scavenge the malodorous constituents of both oxidative and nonoxidative biochemical deterioration. obviate the effect of odours developed in the package materials themselves – fresh poultry and cereal products detectable deterioration odours such as sulphurous compounds and amines from protein/amino acid breakdown or aldehydes and ketons from lipid oxidation or anaerobic glycolysis. care must be taken as in some cases these odours may be a signal indicating that the the products are exceeding the microbial or chemical limits. • Active Packaging
Principle and commercial applications • Active packaging reduce bitterness in grapefruit juices – The causes of the bitter taste are naringin and limonin. • Naringin is the bitter component found in most fresh citrus fruits and therefore in freshly processed citrus juices. • Limonin is formed as a result of heat treatment of the juice during processing and a chemical reaction in the acidic juice medium. an active thin cellulose acetate (CA) layer for application on the inside of the packaging – It contains the fungal-derived enzyme naringinase, consisting of a-rhamnosidase and b- glucosidase, which hydrolyses naringin to naringenin and prunin, both non-bitter compounds. Active Packaging
5. Anti Mikrobia Microbial Characteristics oxygen requirement (aerobes and anaerobes) cell wall composition (Gram positive and Gram negative) growth-stage (spores and vegetative cells) Optimal growth temperature (thermophilic, mesophilic and psychrotropic) Acid/osmosis resistance Selecting Antimicrobial Agent Characteristic Antimicrobial Function Of The Antimicrobial Agent inhibit essential metabolic (or reproductive genetic) pathways alter cell membrane/wall structure
• Antimicrobial agents in the packaging system or using antimicrobial polymeric materials show generally three types of mode : i. release – The antimicrobial agents can be either a solute or a gas allows the migration of antimicrobial agents into foods or headspace inside packages, and inhibits the growth of microorganism ii. absorption – Removes essential factors of microbial growth from the food systems and inhibits the growth of microorganisms. • Example, the oxygen-absorbing system canprevent the growth of moulds inside packagen iii. immobilisation. – Immobilisation system suppresses the growth of microorganisms at the contact surface. – Immobilisation systems may be less effective in the case of solid foods compared to the liquid foods because there is less possibility for contact between the antimicrobial package and the whole food products Active Packaging
5. Ethanol Emmiter • Penggunaan etanol sebagai agen antimikrobia khususnya efektif terhadap jamur namun dapat juga menghambat pertumbuhan yeast dan bakteri telah didokumentasikan. • Etanol dapat disemprotkan secara langsung ke produk pangan sesaat sebelum dikemas. Namun demikian metode lebih praktis dan aman melalui penggunaan film dan sachet emitting etanol. • Semua film dan sachet mengandung etanol diserap atau enkapsulasi dalam bahan pembawa yang membiarkan kontrol pelepasan uap etanol. Active Packaging
• Contoh : EthicapTMadalah emitter etanol yang terdiri dari alcohol food-grade (55%) dan air (10%) diserap pada serbuk silicon oksida (35%), dan dibawa dalam sachet terbuat dari laminasi kopolimer kertas dan ethyl vinyl acetate (EVA). • Untuk menutup bau alcohol, beberapa sachet mengandung sejumlah kecil vanilla atau flavor lain. • Sachet ini dilabel Do not eat contents. Active Packaging
6. Moisture Absorber • Air berlebihan kebusukan pangan. absorber atau desiccant menghambat pertumbuhan mikrobia dan degradasi tekstur dan flavor yang berhubungan dengan air menjaga kualitas pangan dan memperpanjang umur simpan dengan. • Untuk penggunaan pangan kering dikemas, desiccant seperti silica gel, kalsium oskida, dan mineral sachet plastic permeable tahan sobekan. Active Packaging
• Beberapa perusahaan membuat pad absorbent tetesan air, lembaran dan blanket untuk pengendalian air cair dalam pangan tinggi aw, seperti daging, ikan, ayam, buah dan sayur. • Pad absorber tetesan air umumnya diletakkan dibawah daging segar, ikan dan ayam kemasan, untuk menyerap tissue drip exudate Active Packaging
• Polimer superabsorben tipikal termasuk garam polyacrylate, carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC) dan kopolimer pati, yang memiliki afinitas kuat terhadap air. Active Packaging
TERIMA KASIH Food Science Department Agricultural Technology Faculty Brawijaya University 2013