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ACI Seminar on Formwork at Chennai Dtd 23rd and 24 th July 2009. Seminar Report Prepared by V. G. Abhyankar. The program schedule was as shown below. DAY-1. DAY-2. Seminar Venue – L&T ECC – Convention Center. Key-Note Address by Dr. A. Ramakrishna.
ACI Seminar on Formwork at Chennai Dtd 23rd and 24th July 2009 Seminar Report Prepared by V. G. Abhyankar
Key Note address :- • Cost of formwork / staging reach upto 40% of concrete cost. • The use of conventional vs. System formwork has to be studied properly in this context to get maximum speed, quality, safety and economy. • The use of system formwork in various specialty jobs viz. Domes, shells, tunnels, cooling towers has now proved that the overall satisfaction can be achieved • The formwork design of Bahai - lotus temple, Delhi, was extremely difficult. It consumed about 5 and half years time, but the end results were extremely satisfactory. • The slipform method and Push-Launching operation used for construction of Konkan Railway’s highest bridge could complete the project on time and expected quality and budjet. • Use of System formwork shall be made as a ‘RULE’ • Preplanning is extremely important to get the ‘EXCELLENT’results. • A few components which are subjected to rusting need to Galvanized for long life. • The options like – Purchase, Hire, by-back etc are available with the system formwork manufacturers.
Presentation by MEVA Formwork System – Mr. Mark Rose (Austria)
Aspects that affect the Formwork – ppt by Mr. Mark Rose (@ Meva)
Innovative Bridge Launching System discussed by Mr. A. B. Karnik during his presentation on Enabling works
Use of Timber from cold countries (Scandinavian) countries is advisable as compared to the timber from tropical countries. The participation of students in such engineering activities shall encouraged and shall be appreciated. Dr. Shivaram Sharma (Head – R & D – L&T) presented his paper on Formwork for Self compacting concrete which received overwhelming response. The use of VMA (viscosity modifying agents) in SCC was discussed in detail The latest developments in the filed of SCC (VMA, Rheometer, effect of the formwork etc) were discussed and debated. The Q-&-A session followed by each session was also very informative. The EFNAARC guidelines, 2005, flow test, V-Funnel test etc. were also disused. The speech by Mr. C. V. Kand on the failure case studies was liked by every one. Mr. Kand explained the failure of formwork / staging and various construction practices. Mr. Kand also emphasized on the prayer to be oofered after construction of any structure for the goodwill of the people. Key points discussed during the Session are as listed below
The speech by Mr. C. V. Kand on the failure case studies was liked by every one. Mr. Kand explained the failure of formwork / staging and various construction practices. Mr. Kand also emphasized on the prayer to be offered after construction of any structure for the goodwill of the people. Key points discussed during the Session are as listed below Staging placed on back filled soil shall be discouraged. In one case the formwork jammed in between the pier and the bearing and the collapse happened.
Dr. Menon (IIT-Chennai) and his student Mr. Prakash, presented their paper on Reliability analysis for the Formwork, using Monte-Carlo technique. The technique appears to be bit complex but by the use of tools viz. tables, graphs, software it should give more economy in future. Mr. V. V. Gadgil (the originator of the Idea of this seminar) addressed the audience on second day. Explained the importance of the formwork / staging in Mega projects. Key points discussed during the Session are as listed below India has shown 9% GDP growth in the recent days of global slow down, hence its very encouraging for the Industry and investors too. Mr. Shrinath (HOD – Formwork division of L&T) discussed various safety aspects about the formwork and staging and the research work done at their own testing laboratory. The draft code IRC-87 (under wide circulation) was noted. Bridge failure in Cuttak, 15.07.2009
Building Standing on Single column within the premises of L&T
Chennai - Airport THANKS