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Broadcast Media Interviewing

Broadcast Media Interviewing APAMSA Leadership Development Module Broadcast Media Interviewing Relations-Oriented Behaviors Radio, television, and the internet gets the news out quickly to a large audience The interview may be broadcast live or taped

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Broadcast Media Interviewing

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  1. Broadcast Media Interviewing APAMSA Leadership Development Module

  2. Broadcast Media Interviewing Relations-Oriented Behaviors • Radio, television, and the internet gets the news out quickly to a large audience • The interview may be broadcast live or taped • Interesting and unusual stories are most appealing for broadcast media Source: Ohio Arts Council - www.oac.state.oh.us/resources/mediaresourceguide/media.asp

  3. Relations-Oriented Behaviors Leadership Challenge (29) • Broadcast Media Interviewing • Interviewing is a tool to gather information about the story, do not treat as a casual conversation • Utilize the Guidelines for Broadcast Media Interviewing to work with broadcast media outlets and prepare your interview

  4. Supporting Guidelines For Broadcast Media Interviewing • Target the media • Spokesperson • Etiquette • Interview rights • Public service announcements • Crisis media relations Source: G. Yukl, Leadership In Organizations (New Jersey: Pearson Prentice Hall, 2006, p. 71-72)

  5. Broadcast Media Interviewing Target The Media • Target the type of audience to whom the media outlet appeals • Contact the media 3-6 weeks in advance of the news event, talk show, or interview • Briefly declare your event and explain why it is newsworthy • Give a written description of the organization and the person being interviewed Source: Ohio Arts Council - www.oac.state.oh.us/resources/mediaresourceguide/media.asp

  6. Broadcast Media Interviewing Spokesperson • Select an enthusiastic, well-spoken person who is not camera shy • Speak clearly and concisely, pronounce every word fully and state everything as facts • Look at the reporter, not the camera • Turn off all electronic devices and focus on the interview Source: Ohio Arts Council - www.oac.state.oh.us/resources/mediaresourceguide/media.asp

  7. Broadcast Media Interviewing Spokesperson • Stay calm and collected • Wear cool (soft pastel) and comfortable professional clothing, simple jewelry and light makeup • Do not drink water or chew gum while answering questions Source: Ohio Arts Council - www.oac.state.oh.us/resources/mediaresourceguide/media.asp

  8. Broadcast Media Interviewing Etiquette • Stand-up interviews: • Keep your hands at your sides, not crossed or in your pockets • Keep your feet next to each other, firmly on the ground • Do not shift around, fidget, or pick at your clothes Source: Ohio Arts Council - www.oac.state.oh.us/resources/mediaresourceguide/media.asp

  9. Broadcast Media Interviewing Etiquette • Sitting interviews: • Do not swivel in the swivel chair, or just avoid sitting • Men cross their legs at the knee, women cross their legs at the ankles with knees together • Reporter stands, you stand; reporter sits, you stand or sit • Stay at level with the camera Source: Ohio Arts Council - www.oac.state.oh.us/resources/mediaresourceguide/media.asp

  10. Broadcast Media Interviewing Interview Rights • You have rights to: • Decline an interview • Ask gist of interview and its use • Ask what type of questions will be asked • Set the interview time and location • Name of the interviewer • Have legal and PR counsel present • Not answer a question • Ask for the question to be repeated • Be treated with respect, dignity, honesty, and fairness Source: Ohio Arts Council - www.oac.state.oh.us/resources/mediaresourceguide/media.asp

  11. Broadcast Media Interviewing Interview Rights • You have rights to: • Clarify an incorrect assumption or statement • Stop the interview • Not speculate • Not know the answer and ask for time to research it • Review an issue before answering questions about it • Follow up regarding questions or issues during coverage Source: Ohio Arts Council - www.oac.state.oh.us/resources/mediaresourceguide/media.asp

  12. Broadcast Media Interviewing Interview Rights • You do not have rights to: • A list of all interview questions in advance • Speak on behalf of an organization you are not affiliated • Be dishonest • Review the article or segment before publication or air time Source: Ohio Arts Council - www.oac.state.oh.us/resources/mediaresourceguide/media.asp

  13. Broadcast Media Interviewing Public Service Announcements • Low-cost way to reach target audiences with a brief message of community interest • PSAs can raise community awareness about your cause or event Source: Ohio Arts Council - www.oac.state.oh.us/resources/mediaresourceguide/media.asp

  14. Broadcast Media Interviewing Public Service Announcements • Format: • Submit in 10-second (25 words), 20-second (40 words), or 30-second (60 words) lengths • Keep the message simple, short, and to the point • Type on 8 ½” x 11” paper, double space and 1” margins • Your contact information in the upper left corner Source: Ohio Arts Council - www.oac.state.oh.us/resources/mediaresourceguide/media.asp

  15. Broadcast Media Interviewing Public Service Announcements • Format: • Type release dates in upper right corner • “Start” date to begin airing and “Kill” date to stop airing • Type the word count and time in seconds at the bottom left margin (e.g., 40 words – 20 seconds) Source: Ohio Arts Council - www.oac.state.oh.us/resources/mediaresourceguide/media.asp

  16. Relations-Oriented Behaviors Summary • Broadcast Media Interviewing • Radio, television, and the internet gets the news out quickly to a large audience • Interviewing is a tool to gather information about the story, do not treat as a casual conversation • Utilize the Guidelines for Broadcast Media Interviewing to work with broadcast media outlets and prepare your interview

  17. Relations-Oriented Behaviors Sources • Ohio Arts Council • www.oac.state.oh.us/resources/mediaresourceguide/media.asp • Free Management Library • www.managementhelp.org/ldrship/ldrship.htm

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