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Eyebolts are available in various design configurations depending on the application and intended use. Eye u2013 a top-formed loop that can be bent, welded, or forged. Shoulder u2013 the "skirt" formed by the eye and shank to resist bending. Shank u2013 the threaded shaft that connects to the eye. Here're some terms to become familiar with to better understand the various types and designs of lifting eye bolts. You can purchase Eyebolts from KDK Forging Co.<br>For More Info Visit Us - https://kdkforging.com/eyebolt.html
EYEBOLTS Availableinarangeofsizesupto4"diameter. Forproductspecificationsandorderinginformation, pleasecontactus. https://kdkforging.com/eyebolt.html
KDKProduscsupsctandprcssłorgings. Wchavc bccn produsing thcm łor somc oł thc lcading sompanicsinAmcrisałormorcthanfihyycars. Companics that dcmandthcvcrybcstinprcsision and quality shoosc KDK. KDK bcgan łorging somponcnts in 1947. Wc havc bccn making advanscmcntsinourproscsscscvcrsinscthcn. Wc bcgan as a sompany that was primarily making wartimcparts,WWIIthatis.Torsionbarswcrcour mainprodustandthcrcwasnoshortagcołwork to bc donc during and ahcr thc war. Sinsc thcn wc havccxpandcdintomanydicrcntindustrics. ABOUT US StainlessSteel Eyebolt
Eycboltsarcavailablcinvariousdcsign sonfigurations dcpcnding on thc applisationandintcndcdusc.Eyc–a top-łormcd loop that san bc bcnt, wcldcd, or łorgcd. Shouldcr –thc "skirt" łormcd by thccycandshanktorcsistbcnding.Shank –thcthrcadcdshahthatsonncststothc cyc.Hcrc'rcsomctcrmstobcsomcłamil- iar with to bcttcr undcrstand thc various typcs and dcsigns oł lihing cyc bolts. Vou sanpurshascEycboltsłrom KDKForgingCo.
Eyc bolts arc small ssrcw łorgings that havc a loop on onc cnd and arc thrcadcd on thc othcr cnd. Eyc bolts arc sommonly uscd to attash lincsto ob¡csts.Forcxamplcthcsanbcuscdto attashasablctothcbaskołapaintingtoallow thc painting to hang łrom a nail on a wall. For morcołanindustrial applisation,cycboltssanbcuscdtohang variousindustrialhooksonattashropcorshain to.KDKmanułasturcsmanydicrcnttypcsoł cycboltsina varictyołshapcsandsikcs.Thc diamctcrsołthcsccycssanrangcłrom½insh to3½inshcs.Thclcngthsanrangcłrom4 inshcsto36inshcs.Thcthrcadonthccycbolt sanbcsustommadcto sustomcrspcsifisationsaswcll. ProductDescription
Eyebolt Features Customshapesandsizes Secondaryoperations¦cut threadingand rollthreading Sand blasting h plating available Specifiedheattreatingavailable Availableinstainlesssteelorcarbonsteel materials,
CONTACTUS (708)388-8770 www.kdkforging.com https://kdkforging.com/eyebolt.html
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