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Veterinarian. Olivia. Job Description. Diagnose and treat diseases and dysfunctions of animals. Participate in research and development, consultation, administration, technical writing, sale or production of commercial products. Include veterinarians who inspect livestock. Typical day.

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  1. Veterinarian Olivia

  2. Job Description • Diagnose and treat diseases and dysfunctions of animals. • Participate in research and development, consultation, administration, technical writing, sale or production of commercial products. • Include veterinarians who inspect livestock.

  3. Typical day • On a typical day most vets will treat sick or injured animals by prescribing medication, setting bones, dressing wounds, or performing surgery, inoculate animals against various diseases such as rabies, advise animal owners regarding sanitary measures, feeding, general care, medical conditions, and treatment options, collect body tissue, feces, blood, urine, or other body fluids for examination and analysis.

  4. Training/Education • Level: First professional degree • PhD in veterinarian programs • PhD in animal medicine • PhD in surgery

  5. Salary • Starting: $46,600 • Median: $79,100 • High: $143,700

  6. Required Math • Arithmetic • Algebra • Geometry • Calculus • Statistics

  7. Bibliography • http://www.careerinfonet.org/occ_rep.asp?next=occ_rep&Level=&optstatus=111111111&jobfam=29&id=1&nodeid=2&soccode=291131&stfips=34&x=20&y=14#op6 • http://online.onetcenter.org/link/summary/29-1131.00

  8. So You Want To Be An Engineer Joshua

  9. What is an Engineer? An engineer is a person who uses math, science, and physics, to solve a problem. An engineer needs to design what he/she is building and document everything that they do in the process.

  10. What to Learn? • An engineer needs lots of education. • You need • 4+ years of college with a bachelor of science and engineering discipline • Specific job training is also available • College Prep Math. • Calculus • Algebra • Trigonometry • Geometry • Linear Algebra

  11. A Day in the Life • An engineer has a busy day • An engineer might be working on designing a project. In this case they will be making many calculations and using design programs and simulations to test their ideas • An engineer might also work with customers for requirements on specific jobs they need to do. • An engineer also only has a certain amount of money they can spend. They need to budget their money on only what is necessary or they will not be able to continue their project.

  12. How Much We Talking? • Engineers make money; but exactly how much do they make? • Salary is based on experience and job type. • An engineer fresh from college usually makes about $20 per hour, which is a good amount of money. • A normal engineer will make around $33 per hour, which is a good amount of money. • Many advanced engineers will make $45+ per hour, but need to have years of experience before they can make a large salary.

  13. Future Outlook • Engineering among hot careers over the next 10 years • Forbes magazine reports in June 2009 that for the 2nd year in a row engineer is hardest job to fill in the US. • Expected Growth Rate Over the next 10 years. • 20% - Computer Engineer • 8-10% - Other Engineers

  14. Advancement Oppertunities Within Engineering (Directors, V.P.) Outside Engineering (Program Management, Patents)

  15. All You Need is Math • Engineers use math to do many things • When designing a project engineers may use • Calculus - For volumes and surface areas of objects that they are working with. • LinearAlgebra – Engineers may need to know how long to make something. • PhysicalGeometry – Commonly used for deigning the products looks in a 3d form • Arithmetic – Commonly used for financing and basic calculations of a project. • DifferentialEquations – An engineer might need to know how to make something work. For example an engineer might need to know how to move a robot arm. • Trigonometry- Used commonly for optics. For example how far is something.

  16. Why Engineering? • You would want to have this profession for many reasons… • This profession is exciting with lots of hands on work. You work as part of a team to solve a common goal and are able to change the world.

  17. Products L-3 Guardian® SME PED – Secure Wireless Handheld Smartphone Jeteye anti-missile Technology My dad, as an engineer makes many products involving optics, lasers and other things

  18. Bibiliography • Arnie Kravitz - Director of Imaging Products and Services • "Hot Job Growth in Engineering." College of Engineering at Michigan Tech. Web. 19 Nov. 2009. <http://www.doe.mtu.edu/news/job_growth.html>. • Iris On the Move Demo. Sarnoff Labs, 2009. Web. 19 Nov. 2009. <http://sarnoff.com/products/iris-on-the-move/demo>. • Photograph. L-3 Guardian® SME PED – Secure Wireless Handheld Smartphone. L3 Communications, 2009. Web. 19 Nov. 2009. <http://www.l-3com.com/products-services/productservice.aspx?type=ps&id=601>. • Photograph. New jer. Jeteyebrocure. BAE Systems, Sept. 06. Web. 19 Nov. 2009. <http://www.baesystems.com/BAEProd/groups/public/documents/bae_publication/bae_pdf_eis_jeteye.pdf>. • "The Top Jobs for 2009 | Fast Company." FastCompany.com - Where ideas and people meet | Fast Company. Web. 20 Nov. 2009. <http://fastcompany.com/articles/2009/01/top-jobs-2009.html>.

  19. Chef Kira

  20. About the job • A chef supervises a kitchen or section of a kitchen • In the kitchen (or section of the kitchen), they observe the staff, menus, food, and other related issues

  21. A typical day as a chef • Check the sales at places like the fish market or the farmer’s market • Check on the kitchen • Work on a new menu for the next meal • Work on any special orders that they get at the restaurant.

  22. Salary and future outlook of a chef • Salary: • Starting Salary:$20,000 • Median Salary:$34,370 • Top Salary:$60,730 • Future outlook: • There are expected to be many openings for a chef in 2010

  23. Types of math used • Fractions (examples: ½ a cup or ¼ of a cup) • Calculate fractional amounts (example: when halving or doubling a recipe) • Calculate the volume of a pan- to know which size container/pan to use • Figure out the prices- so they don’t charge too much or too little • Measurements- how much to serve the people that they are serving.

  24. Courses required to be a chef • High school: • General education • Then Choose what kind of Chef you want to be. • Community College: • Culinary arts courses • Then do Apprenticeship programs or go to culinary school.

  25. Why would you want to be a chef? • You can cook more things than before you learned how to be a chef without burning them • Eat the new foods that you learned how to make

  26. Bibliography • Smith, S. E. “What Does a Chef Do?”. August 7, 2009. http://www.wisegeek.com/what-does-a-chef-do.htm • Peel, Mark. “Chef Profile: Mark Peel”. January 1, 2009. http://www.restaurant.org/careers/profiles/markpeel.cfm • Bureau of Labor Statistics. “Chefs, cooks, and food preparation workers”. January 1, 2008. http://www.bls.gov/oco/ocos161.htm#top • Yahoo Answers. “What types of math do chefs use?”. April 10,2009. http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=2009428161752AA1RPcb

  27. Bibliography- page 2 • Hagy,Chad. “How to become a Chef”. http://www.ehow.com/how_2151488_become-a-chef.html • Wiki Answers. “Why would you want to be a Chef?”. http://wiki.answers.com/Q/Why_would_you_want_to_be_a_chef

  28. The End

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