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  1. My country in the world... Russia Mamaeva Liana 9 "А" class

  2. The list of headings: The Health Of Russia National features of Russia Hello! My name is Liana! I tell you about Russia. A Tip Of Russia Transport Of Russia Religion Of Russia Banks and Russian money The Sights Of Russia Tourism Russia The Capital Of Russia

  3. NATIONAL FEATURES OF RUSSIA The Russian mentality is inherent in the neglect of politics and power. The streets are not made to smile, to face others and just start talking. Russian is quite responsive and willing to help. Treat foreigners warmly and respectfully. Russian honor their traditions. There are people have the habit of theft, the principle - "do not steal - do not survive. Of great importance in the life of the Russian people, alcohol plays. Russians are very DREAM LIFE fond of noisy company, to walk "from the soul", with songs and dances

  4. A TIP OF A TIP OF RUSSIA RUSSIA Money TippinginRussiaisnotmandatory,itiscustomarytotip primarilyinrestaurantsandcafes.Theirsizeisusually10%-15% ofthetotalamountoftheorder.Sometimesthetipisalready includedinthebill.

  5. Well enough in our country developed public transport system. In most cities, for movement, you can use the buses, route and ordinary taxis. In large cities there are trolley buses, trams and metro. Between cities convenient to travel by trains, trains and buses. In the seven largest cities — Moscow, Saint- Petersburg, Nizhny Novgorod, Samara, Yekaterinburg, Novosibirsk and Kazan — there is underground. You can also rent a car with a driver or without. In Russia there are a large number of international companies, dealing with rental cars. TRANSPORT OFRUSSIA

  6. Religion Of Russia The majority of people in our country are Orthodox Christians. Also among the Russians there are Muslims, Buddhists, Catholics, Jews etc.

  7. Are credit cards and traveler's checks travelers can mostly only in large cities, and some hotels and supermarkets. Currency exchange can be done at banks and exchange offices. Banks usually work from 10.00 to 17.00 from Monday to Friday. Major banks are open from 9.00 to 20.00, Saturday from 10.00 to 18.00. Many exchange offices of the capital are open until 24.00 or around the clock The official currency of the country is the Ruble, 1 ruble equals 100 kopecks. BANKS AND RUSSIAN MONEY Widely accepted cards are Visa, MasterCard, more rarely Visa Electron and Cirrus / Maestro, very rarely - Diners Club. You can use traveler's checks, but cashed only in banks.

  8. Themostimportantcityofourcountry The Sights Of Russia Moscowisatthecenterofthecountry.Thereisa hugenumberofeducationalinstitutionsofthe highestlevel:MGTUnamedafterBauman, MoscowstateUniversity,MoscowstateInstitute ofinternationalrelations,PlekhanovRussian UniversityofEconomics,StateUniversityof management,etc. Notlesspopularwithtourists,andSaint Petersburg-theNortherncapitalofourcountry. ThecityislocatedonnumerousIslands,ingood weatheritisverypleasanttotakeawalkalong thecanalsandriversofSt.Petersburgon pleasureboats.Suchexcursionsareverymuch. InthecentreofthecityisPalacesquare,hometo themagnificentWinterPalace.Inthebuildingof theWinterPalaceoperatestheworld-famous HermitageMuseum,foundedbyCatherinethe Second. Themostpopularwithtouriststhecity's museums:theHermitage,RussianMuseum, Kunstkamera,MuseumofPushkin,Dostoevsky. ThemostimportanttheatresofSaint-Petersburg: Mariinskytheatre,TheatreofOperaandballet. MussorgskyBolshoidramatheatre. Totheattractionsofourcountrymustbe attributedtothecityoftheGoldenRingof Russia". –Moscow. Touristcenterofthecapitalisworld famousRedsquare,whereeveryyear onmay9heldaGrandmilitary parades. TheMoscowKremlinisaunique architecturalensembleandtheoldest partofthecity.TheKremlinisthe officialresidenceoftheRussian President.Spasskyclockonthe SpasskayatoweroftheKremlinarethe mostimportanthoursofourcountry. InMoscowalotofmuseums,themost popularofthemare:are:Tretyakov Gallery,PushkinMuseum,Historical Museum,etc. Moscowzooisoneofthebestzoosin theworld.Widelyknownthroughout thecountryandMoscowcircusof NikulinonTsvetnoyBoulevard. Themostfamoustheatresofthecapital are:Largetheatre,Smalltheatre,etc

  9. The RUSSIA TOURISM 2016 MOSCOW CITY Tourism in Russia. Monetary unit, which operates on the territory of Russia and having circulation in Moscow, is the Russian ruble. According to customs regulations, foreign tourists are allowed duty- free importation of things if they are not intended for productive or commercial activity, their quantity and the price (about 2000 USD and 5000 USD for citizens of Russia, who was abroad more than 6 months) do not exceed the established norms.


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