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Alpha Medicolegal Ltd. Suite 102, Cariocca Business Park, 2 Sawley Road. Manchester, M40 8BB Telephone: 0161 205 3983 Fax : 0161 205 4891 Web site: www.alphamedicolegal.com Company Registration No: 6521585. Medical Experts throughout the UK.
Alpha Medicolegal Ltd. Suite 102, Cariocca Business Park, 2 Sawley Road. Manchester, M40 8BB Telephone: 0161 205 3983 Fax: 0161 205 4891 Web site: www.alphamedicolegal.com Company Registration No: 6521585
Medical Experts throughout the UK Alpha Medicolegal is a company which is Specifically set up to provide a medico-legal reporting service for Solicitors and Insurance Companies who require medical reports for legal purposes. The company’s reputation will be based on the provision of service, standards, Reliability and independence. Our Medical experts provide services throughout the United Kingdom. We are a medico-legal reporting company who provides medical reports for personal injury claims and medical negligence. Our reports are compliant with CPR. Experts across all disciplines We keep Curricula Vitae for all our Experts on file. Panel Experts are sent a 3-monthly information review, to monitor recent developments, changes in the medico-legal field, problem areas and expected standards. Our aim is to professionally and speedily meet the medico-legal reporting requirements of all solicitors and insurers whilst providing an effective and personal service to our clients. Our panel of medical experts consisting of specialists such as General Practitioners, Orthopaedic Surgeons, Accident & Emergency, Psychologists and Psychiatrists practice nationwide. Our in-house team consist of very experienced administrators and medical doctors who are available to take your calls We continually monitor our Expert database, updating information, adding new Experts and removing those who no longer practise.
Monitoring the company performance In-house audits In-house audits are carried out to monitor and manage performance. For example: • Number of Consultant/General Practitioner referrals • Time taken to obtain appointment for medical examination • Time taken for report to be received and returned to instructing Solicitor • Doctor performance is audited on a ‘one- to-one’ basis Review of Progress Our administrators are professionally trained to facilitate progress and to deal with your queries. On your behalf, they can effectively liaise with Hospitals, Experts and Clients. Both administrative and medical staff are available to take your calls. Feedback As a service provider it is of utmost importance that we receive feedback on the service the company offers in order to continually develop and enhance the service received by its customers. We would like to know what you like / dislike about the service which you received. Review of Reports On receipt of medical reports from our Experts, they are examined for clerical accuracy and medical content to ensure minimum standards as set out in the Terms of Service. Location We will ensure that the Clients have no further than 15-20 miles to travel for Medical Appointments with exceptions in certain areas. Our aim is to make a convenient appointment by arranging it as near to where the client lives.
Company Operating System Alpha Medicolegal can accept information electronically or by mail. Within 48 hours, we will notify the names of appropriate Medical Experts practising in the Client’s area. Close attention is paid to the suitability of the Experts put forward with regard to waiting times and professional charges.
Instruction to expert The nominated Expert will be instructed to provide an appointment and prepare a medical report when all the relevant documents have been received, and will be sent a copy of the acting Solicitor’s instruction letter. We write to the Client to notify them of the appointment date, venue and the name of the examining Expert. The Client should be offered an appointment date within 10 days in the case of GP Instructions and 14 - 28 days for Consultant cases. On receipt of appointment dates, we will send notification to the Solicitor and contact the Client to confirm that they are aware of the appointment and are able to attend. Alpha Medicolegal will acquire medical records as per instructions. Under the Data Protection Act 1998, healthcare establishments have 40 days to comply with a request for the release of records. We pay for the discharge of records and on receipt, they are photocopied; a copy is kept on file and a second copy is forwarded to the Medical Expert. We have an excellent system of reminders on the database. If the appointment, medical records and reports are not received within set time limits, we will expedite the matter and keep the Solicitor informed of any delays. We would expect to receive the medical report from a GP within 1 – 3 weeks from the examination. In the case of Consultant reports, we would expect receipt within 2 – 4 weeks following the date of the examination. If the medical report is not received within these timescales, we regularly chase the Expert by telephone and in writing and notify the instructing Solicitor. Upon receipt, reports are checked for administrative accuracy, compliance and presentation. If the report is satisfactory, the original copy is forwarded to the Instructing Party along with an invoice that includes administrative charges. As a service provider it is of utmost importance that we receive feedback on the service the company offers in order to continually develop and enhance the service received by its customers. We would like to know what you like / dislike about the website, how you feel about the service which you received and any other feelings that you may have and would like to express. The Feed Back form is available on our website: www.alphamedicolegal.com Appointments Medical Records Reminders Medical Report Feed Back
Other Service/treatment we can arrange rehabilitative treatment and diagnostic investigations for clients involved in road traffic accidents. Once we receive the Expert’s report, we forward it to the acting party, who is then in a position to decide on any further requirements if recommended by the expert. Our dedicated staff is ready to deal with your queries. They liaise with both Experts, Clients and the solicitors and are happy to report on the progress of a case. Both administrative and medical staff are available to take your calls. We can arrange further treatments in following disciplines, 1 – Physiotherapy 2 - PTSD management and cognitive behavioural therapy with Consultant Psychiatrists and Psychologists 3 - Scanning services including X-rays, MRI scans and CT scans