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Dr.Eduardo Correa Director PANAFTOSA. The National Veterinary Services as support for the Sanitary Programs of Control: Organization Assurance of Quality Evaluation . Topics of the Exposition. . Concepts about Veterinary Services Concepts and Actions of Strengthening of Veterinary Attention at Local Level. Quality of Services. Evaluation and Audits..

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    2. Dr.Eduardo Correa Director PANAFTOSA

    3. Topics of the Exposition

    4. NEW SCENARIOS Changes in the national and international zoosanitary situation, Increment of the internal demand as for the quality and inoquity of foods of animal origin, Necessity to increase the exportable offer of animals and cattle products, giving execution of the standards of quality demanded at level of international markets, Presence of international entities, in relation to the fixation of standard and regulations for the exchange: O.M.C, CODEX, O.I.E, Others

    5. LIVESTOCK SECTOR V/S AGRI BUSINESS AND PRODUCTIVE CHAINS Every time is bigger the conscience that the traditional conception of cattle or agricultural sub-sector, it should be changed by the agri business vision and productive chains, considering inside this to the entirety of the agents, be individuals - companies or organizations that act or they impact in the animal environment.

    6. The beginning of the Services in the America of the South. Diagnostic Laboratory. Veterinary attention of the Army. The first structures of veterinary attention Decade of 20's at the 50's Centralized systems, inside the structures of the Ministries. The bases of the current services of veterinary attention 1960 - 1970

    7. Mission in Animal Sanity according to international requirements

    8. Mission in Animal Sanity according to Farmers Community

    9. FIELDS OF ACTION Contribution to the public health. Contribution to the cattle production and the animal health. Contribution to the preservation of the environment. Contribution to the maintenance of the biological diversity. Contribution to the affective feeling of people.

    11. Systemic Outlook Of Zoosanity And Food Safety

    12. OIE Definitions of Veterinary Services

    18. ASPECTS TO CONSIDER IN THE REGULATION OF THE SYSTEM OF VETERINARY ATTENTION.(1) Establishment of agile, strong, efficient technician-administrative structures and with the enough capacity for the attention of the emergencies to those that are usually faced. Integral concept of agriculture business and productive chains. The agents' actuantes active and committed participation in the different processes, even with some responsibilities that so far were resided in the official organisms.

    19. Concrete capacity of the official organisms for the supervision and effective control of the actions that are delegated. Establishment of formal instances of coordination among involved sectors. Acreditation mechanisms for the performance of professionals, technicians and companies that they conform, in actions that they are considered as official. Public account for the official organisms.

    23. National Structures and Covering Central Level . Regional Level. Local Level Laboratory structure.

    25. Agents Official services Zoosanitarios (Agriculture and Health), Other Public services as Customs, Police, Education, etc. Cattlemen, individually and Associates. Merchants of Animals and Products of Animal Origin as well as importers and exporters.

    26. Agents Process Industries of Animal Origin Products foods manufacture and pharmaceutic and biological laboratories for animal use, Consumers and citizens in general, Political level

    27. Describir la historia Describir la historia

    28. Describir la historia Describir la historia

    29. Describir la historia Describir la historia

    42. WORKSHOP-SHOP AUDITS OF SERVICES AND PROCESSES OF VETERINARY ATTENTION Resolution VII of the XXX COSALFA 27 field professionals and laboratory of the 6 countries of the PCP and 10 of PANAFTOSA Lecturers of: OIE, USDA, IICA, CVP, SENASA/Arg., MAPA/Brasil y PANAFTOSA Discussion of experiences of audits Revision of the pattern developed by PANAFTOSA for the region.

    43. CONCLUSIONS Positive impact of the audits (2001-2002) in the technical programs countries Annual cycles and auditors' formation Adoption of a new guide, including good practical To institutionalize the process of pursuit of the recommendations Specific resources for audits

    44. RECOMMENDATIONS New Manual: regulation, practical technical and good guides, Chronogram of actions and pursuit Composition of the grups/Base of auditors' data in Panaftosa Program of formation contínua of auditors Panaftosa/CVP/Cuenca will define the form and the environment of popularization of results and resolution of non conformities

    46. Acting Cooperatively PHEFA–Hemispheric Plan for the Foot and Mouth Desease Erradication Strengthening of the local levels Strengthening of areas of Borders.

    47. Regional forums for Cooperation in Animal Health. RIMSA. COHEFA. COSALFA. REDIPRA. COTASA. Agremmnet Cone SU GIEFA.

    48. Human resources and financial in the countries of South America

    51. Manual de Calidad, define la política, y objetivos del sistema. Procedimientos.Descripción de las responsabilidades,metodos y herramienta para las tareas que deben llevarse a cabo. Instrucciones.explicación detallada de los procedimientos. Registro de los Resultados.Para su monitoreo,evaluación y corrección de errores. Quality of Veterinary Services.

    52. EVALUATION OF VETERINARY ATTENTION SYSTEMS . Basic model or Desirable Image. Detailed listing of processes to be analyzed. Establishment of a team multi disciplinarian for the evaluation.

    53. Purpose or Basic Objectives of the Evaluation of Veterinary Services To contribute to get and / or to improve the level of indispensable mutual trust between two countries that begin or they maintain cattle (an import/export process). To collaborate with the national authority to identify the areas problems and to establish the priorities of the organization, and to contribute this way to improve the quality of the services that are lent through the organization.

    54. Basic aspects to Consider in the Evaluation of Veterinary Services Prevalents condition in the country Type of projected trade System of animal production Zoosanitary situation existent Development level in veterinary public health.

    55. Elements or Key Approaches of The Evaluation 1. About Generals Aspects and Processes 1.1 The organization 1.2 The resources 1.3 Legal and regulation aspects 1.4 Capacity of Administration

    56. Elements or Key Approaches of The Evaluation 2. On Technical Aspects in Operation 2.1 of The actions to maintain the zoosanitary existent level. 2.2 of the actions to improve the zoosanity. 2.3 of the agricultural proctection. 2.4 of the inputs of use animal. 2.5 of the support actions

    57. OTHER REFLECTIONS On the veterinary in this same context. On the veterinary education.

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