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Do Preventive Health Check- Ups really help you?

A health check-up can give your doctor the necessary proof to determine the course of medication or treatment, or the necessary lifestyle change you need.

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Do Preventive Health Check- Ups really help you?

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  1. Do Preventive Health Check- Ups really help you? Satish Chandran, a 34 year old executive works for a leading tech firm. His food habits are that of any average Indian. He’s a social drinker and doesn’t smoke. During the weekend he met one of his friends who told him about a discounted health check-up offer. Reluctant at first, as he thought he is young and it was too early for a diagnosis in his case, then came to the conclusion that getting a test wouldn’t harm in anyway but would rather give him the right signs about his overall health. When Satish received his reports, he was taken aback to see his cholesterol, (Low HDL (Good) Cholesterol) BP and blood glucose levels at the borderline of the reference range or marginally high. He definitely wasn’t expecting this. Satish’s family has a history of high blood pressure and cholesterol. Part of his family were also obese. He takes a lot of care to ensure that he does not overeat. He is also conscious about his food habits and stays away from junk food. Although he includes organic produces and enough fibres, one cannot say that he is fit enough or the kind who exercised. Satish was just like every one of us when it came to his health. He listened to everything he thought was ‘good for health’ Preventive Health Check-ups help you work on a focussed or customised diet plan and exercise regime rather than a generic one. So here’s a quick list of all that preventive health check-ups can benefit you with: Lower Healthcare costs in the long run: You mitigate the risks of running into a potential health ailment with regular health check-ups which helps you save money in the long run. Nip the disease in the bud: It helps doctors diagnose and treat the disease at its very early stages before it advances to any greater proportions. Blood tests: There is no work like blood work. Your blood samples can tell so much about your health. Cholesterol, diabetes, anaemia, heart, kidney and thyroid issues are all detected with blood samples. Identify stress related disease: Hectic work schedules can spark off a variety of diseases. Stress is found to be linked to a number of physical and psychological diseases. This can manifest in your reports and enable you get the help you need.

  2. YES Preventive Health Checkups really help by: Predicting future conditions: The one very important thing that this report did was to predict the future health condition of Satish early on. It gave him a clear idea of how his health might be or what he could suffer from one year down the line. Corrective action on diet, exercise regime and/ or medication will certainly help Satish on the path to staying healthy and fit. Preventing or reduce the pain and symptoms: A health check-up can give your doctor the necessary proof to determine the course of medication or treatment, or the necessary lifestyle change you need. It may be as simple as getting a 15 -20 minute brisk walk every day, or avoiding sugar in your coffee. Most of the time, the onset of a disease can give you a lot of discomfort. Although cholesterol levels usually do not have any symptoms, blood sugar and blood pressure levels have can give you dizziness and fatigue. Easing this discomfort or pain with medication is necessary while getting into a corrective course on your lifestyle. Giving you continuous medical records: Many of us underestimate the power of data. Regular health check-ups will help in creating and maintaining the state of your health over time, which serves as a ready look-up regarding the history of your health and the medications you’ve been prescribed. These results also help in tracking the status of your health to see the progress you have made over time. No one likes going to the doctor or the hospital. Preventive Health Check- ups can help in minimising that. A Preventive Health Check-up is definitely not everything you need to stay healthy. But it’s the only thing you need to start a healthy life! Satish Chandran may have a long way to go, but he has started his journey nevertheless and that’s exactly the point.

  3. Source Taken from Page : https://www.medall.in/blog/do-preventive-health-check-ups-really-help- you/

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