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Medical Access Urgent Care Center and Germantown Primary Care Associatesprovide today’s families and businesses with excellent quality and convenient medical care at affordable prices. For more visit: www.medicalaccessmd.com
Summer Emergencies: Know When to go to Summer Emergencies: Know When to go to Urgent Care Urgent Care Blisters on your feet:Walking long distances or trekking could lead you to have huge blisters on your feet. For temporary relief, cover with gauze dressing or swaddle in layers of soft cloth, and seek medical help. Itchy spots on skin:these could be caused by bed bugs. Generally, this is not a huge problem, but if your child is hyperallergic, this could cause a lot of discomforts. In any case, do not self-medicate; seek medical help ASAP and let the experts decide treatment. You touched poison ivy:the itching, swelling, and redness may go away on its own, or be persistent and cause agony. Wash the affected area first with cool water and soap, and if the condition worsens, get to Urgent Care. Ear Infection:Commonly caused because of swimming in unfamiliar waters, it can be pretty painful. Your ears are delicate organs; do not attempt to perform any procedure yourself; get help atUrgent Care Clinics.
Bites:Insects and snakes all seem to thrive in the summer – or perhaps it’s because you’re outdoors a lot more in this season, but you’re at a higher risk of insect and snake bites in summer. Wash area with water and soap, tie a tourniquet if you can and call Urgent Care and head there right away. Dehydration:The most common side effect of summer! Make sure you give small sips of water to the person; if the dehydration is severe, an IV drip may be required; visitUrgent Care immediately. Allergic reactions:hives, urticaria etc. are major allergic reactions that when not treated in time, can lead to serious complications – even death. If you find rashes rapidly appearing, fever, itching, breathlessness etc. rush the person to Urgent Care ASAP. Sunburn:This can be pretty painful and cause the person a lot of distress; this is definitely a case for Urgent Care. Persistent summer cough:If the usual home remedies like honey and ginger don’t work, seek professional help. Persistent coughing can hamper night sleep and make the person irritable. Cuts, burns, wounds:When you go camping, it’s quite likely that you cut or burn yourself, have a fall – perhaps even suffer a minor fracture. Do the necessary first aid, but visit the Urgent Care as soon as you can. You can also prevent some of these emergencies by being a little cautious and preparing a bit in advance. You could come toMedical Access Urgent Carefor our Summer Special Physicals. We will do a thorough checkup and based on the results, can provide preemptive care. Medical Access has centers in three convenient locations – Germantown, MD and Alexandria and Woodbridge, VA. We are open 7 days a week, just walk in and get professional, personalized medical care. 0