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Genetic diseases. 20% pediatric patientshereditary = derived from one
1. Genetic and Pediatric Diseases Jan Laco, M.D., Ph.D.
2. Genetic diseases 20% pediatric patients
hereditary = derived from one´s parent
familial = transmitted through generations
congenital = present at birth
3. Genetic diseases 1. Mendelian disorders
defect of single-gene with large effect
2. Disorders with multifactorial inheritance
> 2 genes with small effect + environment
3. Cytogenetic disorders
chromosomal aberation of number and/or structure
4. Mendelian disorders > 5,000 disorders
autosomal dominant
autosomal recessive
X-linked (recessive)
pleiotropy – various phenotype
5. Autosomal dominant disorders one parent is affected (heterozygot)
child – heterozygot (50% chance)
males and females
50% reduction in gene product ? clinical symptoms
6. Autosomal dominant disordes Nervous
Huntington disease, neurofibromatosis
polycystic kidney disease (adult type)
familial polyposis coli
Marfan syndrom, Ehlers-Danlos syndromes
familial hypercholesterolemia
7. Marfan syndrome abnormality of fibrillin 1 (elastic fibres)
FBN1 gene (15q21), > 100 mutations
prevalence 1 in 20,000
75% cases familial
skeleton + eye + CVS
8. Marfan syndrome Skeleton
elongated habitus + arachnodactyly
high-arched palate
joints hyperextensibility
chest deformity (pectus excavatum)
bilateral dislocation of lenses
9. Marfan syndrome CVS - most serious
aortic aneurysma
aortic dissection
aortic incompetence
myxoid degeneration of mitral valve ? floopy valve syndrome
10. Ehlers-Danlos syndromes defects of collagen synthesis or structure
? 18 collagen types
10 variants of E-D syndromes
skin and joints hyperextensibility
11. Familial hypercholesterolemia common mendelian disorder
prevalence 1 in 500
mutation of LDL receptor
accumulation of LDL in blood
cholesterol traffic into macrophages and vessel wall
heterozygotes: 2-3fold elevation
homozygotes: 5fold elevation
12. Familial hypercholesterolemia clinical features
xantomas on eyelids + upon extensors
xantoma = accumulation of macrophages
!!! increased risk of atherosclerosis
+ complications !!!
13. Autosomal recessive disorders largest group
both of alleles are mutants (homozygot)
parents not affected (heterozygotes)
child homozygot (1 to 25 chance)
metabolic disorders (enzymopathies)
hematopoietic disorders
14. Autosomal recessive disorders cystic fibrosis
lysosomal storage diseases
Wilson disease
glycogen storage diseases
15. Cystic fibrosis most common AR disorder in whites
carrier frequency 1 in 30
prevalence 1 in 2,000
defect of secretory process of all exocrine glands
16. Cystic fibrosis defective CFTRs ? defect of chloride ions transport across epithelium ? epithelium impermeable to chloride ions
? dehydrated viscid mucus with increased content of NaCl
CFTR gene (7q31-32), 300 mutations
70% patients: dF508
17. Cystic fibrosis GIT - pancreas (80% patients)
viscid mucus in dilated ducts
atrophy (Langerhans islets spared)
fibrocystic disease
malabsorption of fat + vitamins A, D, E, K
18. Cystic fibrosis GIT - small GIT glands
newborn: viscid mekonium ? obstruction of small bowel ? rupture ? peritonitis
GIT - bile ducts
secondary biliary cirrhosis
male reproductive tract – vas deferens
infertility (95% males)
19. Cystic fibrosis Lungs - dilation of bronchioles and bronchi ? secondary infection ? bronchiectasis + abscesses
S. aureus + P. aeruginosa + Burkholderia cepacea
? pulmonary hypertension ? cor pulmonale
20. Cystic fibrosis diagnosis - sweat chloride test
treatment – symptomatic
life expectancy - 30 years
21. Phenylketonuria = lack of Phe hydroxylase (Phe ? Tyr)
? hyperPhemia and PKU
normal at birth ? 1st year ? symptoms
mental retardation + no walking, talking
seizures, albinismus
Phe intermediates in urine + mousy odor of sweat
Guthrie test ? Phe free diet
22. Galactosemia = disorder of galactose metabolism
lack of galacto-1-phosphate-uridyltranferase
lactose (milk) ? glucose + galactose ? glucose
? accumulation of galactose-1-phosphate
liver + eyes + brain
fatty change ? cirrhosis + cataracts + mental retardation
after milk ingestion vomiting + diarrhea
jaundice + hepatomegaly
23. Hemochromatosis = increased uptake of iron in intestine
? depositions of hemosiderin
liver + pancreas + skin + heart
chocolate brown cirrhosis
fibrosis ? diabetes mellitus
skin pigmentations
24. Wilson disease (hepatolenticular degeneration) = disorder of copper metabolism
defect at level of ceruloplasmin
? accumulation: liver + brain + eye
basal ganglia (neurologic symptoms)
Kayser-Fleischer green brown ring
25. Glycogen storage diseases (glycogenoses) = defects of glycogen synthesis or degradation
12 forms
glycogen accumulation in cells ? pale cytoplasm, PAS +
26. Glycogen storage diseases (glycogenoses) Glycogenosis I (von Gierke)
hepatic (hepatorenal) form
hepatomegaly + hypoglycemia
Glycogenosis II (Pompe)
acid maltase
Glycogenosis V (McArdle)
27. Lysosomal storage diseases lysosomes: hydrolytic enzymes
= incomplete catabolism of sphingolipids and mucopolysaccharides
accumulation in lysosomes in macrophages
35 diseases
28. Sphingolipidoses Tay-Sachs disease (GM2 gangliosidosis)
hexosaminidase A
brain (neuron + glial cells) + retina („cherry spot“)
mental retardation + blindness
death in 2-3 years
29. Sphingolipidoses Niemann-Pick disease
acid sphingomyelinase
macrophages + brain
spleen + liver + bone marrow
death in 3 years
30. Sphingolipidoses Gaucher disease
macrophages (Gaucher cells): „wrinkled tissue paper“
type I: hepatosplenomegaly + long life
type II: lethal
type III: intermediate
31. Mucopolysaccharidoses defective degradation of MPSs
dermatan-, heparan-, keratan-, chondroitin- sulfate
liver + spleen + hear + blood vessels
coarse facial features (gargoylism), clouding of cornea, mental retardation
7 variants
MPS I: Hurler
MPS II: Hunter (X-linked)
32. X-linked disorders NO Y-linked disorders known
X-linked recessive
heterozygous female carrier
only sons affected
daughters carriers
X-linked dominant – rare
vitamin D - resistant rickets
33. Hemophilias A and B hemophilia A: factor VIII
hemophilia B: factor IX (Christmas d.)
< 1% of activity ? symptoms
easy bruising
massive hemorrhage after trauma
spontaneous bleeding in joints ? deformities
34. Duchenne muscular atrophy = absence of dystrophin (all muscles types)
impaired contractile activity
muscle weakness ? lipomatous atrophy
calves, legs, shoulders
chest muscles ? respiratory insufficience
Becker muscular dystrophy
abnormal form of dystrophin
less severe symptoms
35. Disorders with multifactorial inheritance Diabetes mellitus type II
Essential systemic hypertesion
Schizophrenia, bipolar disorder
Congenital heart defects
Skeletal abnormalities
36. Cytogenetic disorders 1 in 200 of newborn infants
50% first trimester abortion
normal karyotype: 2n (46) … diploid
euploid: 3n, 4n, …
aneuploid: 3n + y, …
trisomy: 2n+1
monosomy: 2n-1
autosomal x gonosomal
37. Down syndrome = trisomy 21 (47)
? maternal age
< 20 years: 1 in 1500
> 45 years: 1 in 25 !!!
most common
38. Down syndrome increased risk
acute leukemia
Alzheimer disease
39. Other trisomies Edwards syndrome
= trisomy 18
Patau syndrome
= trisomy 13
40. Klinefelter syndrome 47 XXY
male hypogonadism
elongated body + eunuchoid habitus
reduced body hair
testis atrophy ? azoospermia ? sterility
41. Turner syndrome 45 X0
female hypogonadism
growth retardation
swelling of nape of neck
ovarian atrophy ? primary amenorrhea
infantile breast + outer genitalia
42. Pediatric Diseases childhood: birth – 15 years
perinatal period: 1st week - ? mortality
neonatal period: 1st month
700 in 100,000 … < 1st year
40 in 100,000 … < 5th year
20 in 100,000 … < 15th year
43. Causes of death – under 1 year IU growth retardation / low birth weight
Respiratory distress syndrome (RES)
IU hypoxia / birth asphyxia
Birth trauma
Congenital anomalies
Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS)
GIT disorders
44. Causes of death – 1 to 15 year Injuries
Congenital anomalies
Malignant neoplasms
Heart diseases
45. Congenital anomalies Malformations = primary morphogenesis errors
Disruptions = destruction of normally developted organ
amniotic bands
Deformations = compression of fetus
malformed uterus, leiomyoma, multiple fetuses
46. Congenital anomalies Agenesis
= complete absence of organ
= incomplete development of organ
= absence of opening, e.g. GIT, bile ducts
47. Etiology of congenital malformations Genetic (see previous lecture)
infections – rubella, toxoplasmosis, syphilis, CMV
maternal diseases - diabetes mellitus
drugs – thalidomide, warfarin
alcohol, smoking
48. Perinatal infections Transplacentally
viruses, parasites, bacteria
encephalitis, chorioretinitis, hepatospenomegaly, ..
during pregnancy (infected amniotic fluid) or delivery
Streptococcus agalactiae, HSV
+ chorioamnionitis + funisitis
49. Prematurity and IU growth retardation prematurity = gestational age < 37 weeks
premature rupture of membranes
chorioamnionitis, placental anomalies, …
twin pregnancy
RDS, necrotising enterocolitis, CNS bleeding
50. Prematurity and IU growth retardation small for gestational age = born in term but weight < 2,500 g
chromosomal disorders, congenital malformations, …
placenta previa, placental abruption, placental infarction, …
preeclampsia, chronic hypertension, drugs, smoking, …
51. Respiratory distress syndrome = RDS, hyaline membrane disease
inability of immature lungs to synthesize surfactant
20% children, boys
alveoli collapse ? greater inspiration effort to open ? atelectasis ? hypoxia ? damage of epithelium and endothelium ? hyaline membranes
52. Respiratory distress syndrome airless, heavy lungs, mottled color
Mi: congestion, atelectasis, hyaline membranes
complication – bronchopulmonary dysplasia
+ ? O2 concentration
Mi: hyperplasia/metaplasia of bronchial epithelium + peribronchial/interstitial fibrosis
53. Necrotizing enterocolitis intestinal ischemia + bacterial colonisation + feed formulas
terminal ileum, cecum, right colon
distended, friable, congested segment
perforation ? peritonitis
Mi: mucosal or transmural necrosis
complication: post-NEC fibrosis
54. CNS - germinal matrix hemorrhage GM: persists until 35th week
subependymal location
primitive cells + thin-walled vessels
hypoxia ? damage of endothelium
hemorrhage ? ventricular system
scarring ? obstructive hydrocephalus
55. Sudden Infant Death Syndrome „sudden death of infant < 1 year + complete autopsy does not reveal other cause of death“
age: 2 - 4 months
crib death
autopsy: big thymus + petechiae (mark of breathlessness)
56. Hydrops fetalis = generalized edema of fetus
x partial (pleural, peritoneal effusion)
chromosomal abnormalities (trisomies,…)
fetal anemia
immune – Rh and ABO incompatibility
non-immune - thalassemia, parvovirus B19
CVS (heart defects)
57. Immune hydrops = Abs induced hemolytic disease of fetus blood – Rh incompatibility mother x fetus
mother Rh0 x fetus Rh+
during delivery fetus RBCs ? mother circulation ? Ab (IgM ? IgG) ? next pregnancy ? cross placenta ? hemolysis of fetus RBCs
? anemia ? hypoxia ? cardiac failure
58. Immune hydrops Gross: pale fetus + placenta hepatosplenomegaly
Mi: BM hyperplasia + extraBM hematopoiesis
immature erythroblasts in fetus circulation
„Erythroblastosis fetalis“
? bilirubin from RBCs breakdown ? CNS damage (basal ganglia) ? „kernicterus“
59. Tumors of Infancy and Childhood tumor-like lesions
hamartoma = focal overgrowth of tissue in organ where it normally occurs
hem- and lymphangioma, heart rhabdomyomas
choristoma = normal cells in abnormal location
pancreatic tissue in stomach wall
60. Benign tumors hemangioma - cavernous + capillary
skin of face, scalp
red blue mass („port wine stains“)
lymphangioma – cystic
skin + deep tissues (neck, axilla, mediastinum, retroperitoneum)
growth ? compression
Turner syndrome
61. Benign tumors Sacrococcygeal teratoma
10% cases + congenital anomalies of cloacal region, midline defects (spina bifida)
75 % benign (mature)
12% malignant (immature) ? lethal
62. Malignant tumors hematopoietic system + CNS + soft tissues
spontaneous regress x differentiation into mature elements
improved survival – chemotherapy/ actinoterapy ? secondary malignancies
Mi: primitive appearance
„small round blue cell tumors“
63. Malignant tumors Hematopoietic system
leukemias (ALL)
lymphomas – Hodgkin x non-Hodgkin (Burkitt, DLBCL)
CNS – medulloblastoma, ependymoma
Liver - hepatoblastoma
Kidney - Wilms tumor
Neural crest - neuroblastoma
64. Malignant tumors Eye – retinoblastoma
Soft tissues – rhabdomyosarcoma
Bones – osteosarcoma + Ewing/PNETs
Thyroid – papillary carcinoma