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Block Broker is a ground breaking new ICO broker platform set to offer investors better than market deals on ICO’s and completely eliminate ICO fraud by creating a 100% safe investment environment. Block Broker is the world’s first decentralized ICO investment platform and it is going to change the way people invest in ICO’s forever. How does the project create value to the ecosystem and differs from competing projects: Block Broker is the first of its kind. We offer a truly unique solution to not only combat ICO frauds, but also providing an easy to use ICO broker platform.
4.1 4.1 ICO PROFILE 0 TEAM 0 0 expert ratings VISION Block Broker Decentralized ICO Broker Block Broker is a ground breaking new ICO broker platform set to offer investors better than market deals on ICO’s and completely eliminate ICO fraud by creating a 100% safe investment environment. Block Broker is the world’s first decentralized ICO investment platform and it is going to change the way people invest in ICO’s forever. project create value to the ecosystem and differs from competing projects: Block Broker is the first of its kind. We offer a truly unique solution to not only combat ICO frauds, but also providing an easy to use ICO broker platform. Platform Smart Contract TIME Start in 0 Days 11 Hours 2018-05-11 - 2018-07-20 Token BKBK Price 1 BKBK = 0.06 USD Tokens 150000000 Token Type ERC20 Hard Cap 5,000,000 USD Soft Cap 300,000 USD Platform Ethereum Distributed 20% Accepting BTC, ETH ICO Start 2018-05-11 ICO End 2018-07-20 Country Australia MORE ON ICO Report About Team Milestones Ratings Public Discussion White paper SHARE Block Broker is a ground breaking new ICO broker platform setto o?er investors better than market deals on ICO’s and completely eliminate ICO fraud by creating a 100% safe investment environment.
| Privacy policy | Terms | Premium listing Block Broker is the world’s first decentralized ICO investment platform and it is going to change the way people invest in ICO’s forever! BBK will strengthen the industry allowing the promising crowd-salesto shine through and ensure that fraudulent ICO’s don’t get an opportunity to tarnish the booming industry. All of the ICO’s we support are handpicked by our team of experienced professionals so that our users can be 100% con?dent of a safe and prosperous investment environment. Twitter feed ICOCrown is an ICO rating platform supported . © 2017 - 2018 All rights reserved. Mail at : info@icocrown.io Contact Us