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Introduction . For many children and young people having surgery, this may be their first and only experience of a hospital environment. Admissions must be carefully planned to avoid any distress to the child and family, so care needs to be provided by staff who are educated in the needs of the child/young person and their carers (RCN 2004).Recommendations by the Royal College of Nursing suggest: Specialist knowledge is needed to assess, plan, evaluate and implement the care required to mee9455
3. The word anaesthesia means the loss of the sensations of touch, pressure, pain and temperature in any part of the body, or in the whole of it.
Anaesthesia can be given in various ways and does not always make you unconscious; it can just be used to stop pain in an area of the body, this is called a local anaesthetic.
A general anaesthetic is used when you need to be in a state of controlled unconsciousness and free of pain during a test or operation. A combination of drugs given either as gas to breathe into the lungs, or as an injection (NHS 2008).
5. KRAPP (2002)
9. Regional anaesthesia is used for operations on larger or deeper parts of the body. Local anaesthetic drugs are injected near to the set of nerves which carry signals from that area of the body to the brain.
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