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Contents . Brief Description of Generic VHTRMotivation for ModellingGeneration of Xsections for Whole Core FETCH Analysis using WIMS9Determination of Reactivity CoefficientsRZ Whole Core Transient Example using FETCHFuture Aims. What is a VHTR? . Evolutionary HTGR for higher coolant temperatures Combined electricity generation process heat applications (Hydrogen) HTGR well established design, handful prototype/demonstration reactors - DRAGON (UK) - AVR, THTR (German9455
1. Coupled Neutronic Fluid Dynamic Modelling of a Very High Temperature Reactor using FETCH Brendan Tollit
KNOO PhD Student
(BNFL/NEXIA Solutions funded)
Applied Modelling and Computation Group
Earth Science and Engineering
Supervisors: Prof C Pain, Prof A Goddard
KNOO Post Doc. Support: Dr J Gomes
3. What is a VHTR?
4. What is a VHTR?
5. What is a VHTR?
6. What is a VHTR?
7. VHTR Inherent/Passive Safety Features
8. Motivation for Coupled N-TH Modelling
9. Whole Core VHTR FETCH Modelling
10. Multiscale Generating Cross Sections
11. Multiscale Generation of Cross Sections
13. Reactivity Temperature Coefficients (WIMS9)
14. RZ Whole Core Transient Example using FETCH
15. RZ Whole Core Transient Example using FETCH
16. Future Aims