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Why Mangal Dosh Puja Need To Perform in Ujjain

The performance of Mangal Dosh Puja in Ujjain by the devotees is considered as highly auspicious due to the spiritual as well as historical significance of Ujjain. Ujjain is believed to be the birth place of planet Mars known as Mangal Graha and usually this place is considered as a spiritual site for the performance of Mangal Dosh Puja. Ujjain is the home of Mahakaleshwar temple and it is believed that this place is powerful enough to pacify all the malefic effects of Mangal Dosh by performing Mangal dosh Nivaran Puja in Ujjain.

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Why Mangal Dosh Puja Need To Perform in Ujjain

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  1. Why Mangal Dosh Puja Need To Perform in Ujjain? The performance of Mangal Dosh Puja in Ujjain by the devotees is considered as highly auspicious due to the spiritual as well as historical significance of Ujjain. Ujjain is believed to be the birth place of planet Mars known as Mangal Graha and usually this place is considered as a spiritual site for the performance of Mangal Dosh Puja. Ujjain is the home of Mahakaleshwar temple and it is believed that this place is powerful enough to pacify all the malefic effects of Mangal Dosh by performing Mangal dosh Nivaran Puja in Ujjain. Mangal Dosh Nivaran Puja If a person is having Mangal Dosh in his horoscope, then Mangal Dosh Nivaran Puja is performed to pacify the adverse effects of Mangal Dosh in the life of an individual. It is believed that Mangal Dosh arises due to the unfavorable alignment of planet Mars which results in certain challenges as delay in marriage, disharmony in martial relationships, health issues and financial stability as well. So this Puja aims to pacify the effects of Mangal Dosh and ensure peace and harmony with in personal relationships. Generally Mangalnath Mandir Bhat Puja in Ujjain is performed as a sacred ritual to be effective due to Ujjain’s divine connection with the planet Mars. Reasons for Performing Mangal Dosh Nivaran Puja in Ujjain There are numerous reasons for performing Mangal Dosh Nivaran Puja in Ujjain as: Spiritual Significance of Ujjain Ujjain is also known as Sapta Puri which means one of the holiest cities in Hinduism. This place is believed to have immense spiritual energy associated with the Mangal Graha. The ritual of performing Mangal Dosh Puja is spiritually charged with the positive and pious environment enhancing the effectiveness of Puja. Astrological Importance The city of Ujjain has the strong connection with the Vedic astrology and with planet Mars. It is believed that Ujjain’s alignment with the unique cosmic energies especially its specific location on the Tropic of Cancer enhances the effectiveness of

  2. rituals and remedies performing at this place. By performing Mangal bhat Puja in Ujjain, the devotees are blessed peace and prosperity into one’s life. Presence of Mangal Nath Temple Ujjain is the home of Mangalnath Temple and believed to be the birth place of Mangal Graha and so it is considered as an ideal place to perform this powerful Puja and mitigate the adverse effects of Mangal dosh from the life of an individual. Temple Mangalnath holds the spiritual significance for devotees to seek the blessings of Lord Shiva and overcome the challenges associated with Mangal Dosh. Sacred Kshipra River Sacred River Kshipra holds an immense significance not only for the holy place Ujjain, but also considered as an important place for performing Mangal Dosh Puja. As per the Vedic rituals, it is a holiest river which is concerned with full of spiritual energies. Performing any Puja at Kshipra river cleanse one’s body, mind, and soul and will be helpful in mitigating negative energies. Mahakaleshwar Jyotirlinga Ujjain is a place which holds Mahakaleshwar Jyotirlinga where it is believed that Lord Shiva’s blessings are sought to pacify the negative influences of the planetary positions of planet Mars. Devotees believe that performing Puja at Mahakaleshwar Jyotirlinga not only brings protection from negative energies but also leads to liberalization. The presence of Mahakaleshwar Jyotirlinga in Ujjain makes it as a symbol of divine power and eternal energy. Importance of Performing Mangal bhat Puja at Mangalnath Temple Performing Mangal bhat Puja in Ujjain at Mangalnath Temple is highly suggested by the Vedic scholars or the priests. According to Matsya Purana this temple is dedicated to the Supreme Deity i.e. Lord Shiva and considered as the birth place of planet Mars. It is believed that the rays of Mars planet fall here and the tropic of cancer also passes through this place. Therefore Mangalnath Temple holds an immense significance to perform Mangal Dosh Nivaran Puja and help in mitigating the evil effects of Mangal Graha.

  3. Procedure for Performing Mangal Dosh Puja in Ujjain 1.With the help of Pandit Ji choose an auspicious day for performing the Puja. 2.Collect the gatherings as - flowers, sindoor, red cloth, rice, jiggery, diya, coconut, red colored fruit, etc. 3.Begin with invoking Lord Shiva and start chanting Mangal Mantra. 4.Offer gatherings and prayers for Puja and ask Lord Shiva for his blessings and remove the effects of Mangal Dosha and other obstacles from life. 5.Focus on positive intentions and conclude the ritual by offering Prasad to devotees. 6.If possible donate red colored clothes and fruits to the needy after the completion of Puja. Wrap-up Performing Mangalnath Mandir Bhat Puja in Ujjain is an auspicious ritual to seek the blessings of Lord Shiva for mitigating the adverse effects of Mangal Graha.

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