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The Fire Alarm Panel is the controlling component of a Fire Alarm System. The panel receives information from devices designed to detect and report fires, such as Detectors & monitors their operational integrity, and provides for automatic control of equipment. Palladium supplies the world's class fire detection system with the utmost quality. To install a fire detection system in your building visit: http://www.palladiumss.com/fire-alarm-system-panels-02-zone
Fire Prevention and Safety in Offices E L E C T R I C A L W I R I N G & C I R C U I T S Makesurethatyouroffice’selectricalwiringandcircuitiswell- plannedandinstalledproperly. Replacealldamagedandcracked electricalsockets, cordsandwireswithoutanydelay. S M O K I N G Neverallowyouremployees, stafforvisitorstosmokeindoors. Carelesssmokingcancausefireandhence, itshouldbedone outdoorsonly. However, youcanhaveadedicatedandseparate arrangementforsmoking, F I R E E X T I N G U I S H E R Yourofficepremisesshouldhavefireextinguishersinstalledatevery floor. Makesurethatthefireextinguishersareworkingproperlyand servicedon-time. Teachyourofficeemployeesandstaffstohowto useafireextinguisherinthetimeofneed. E M E R G E N C Y E X I T Forbigofficebuildingsandcommercialfacilities, havingaseparate emergencyexitisimportantlyrequired. Keeptheemergencyexit clean, dryandfreeallthetime. S T O R E H A Z A R D O U S M A T E R I A L S S E P A R A T E L Y Allflammablematerials, eitherinsolid, liquidorgaseousform shouldbekeptseparatelyindesignatedandsafeareas. Teachyour officestafftohandletheflammablesubstancesverycarefully. FireDetectionSystem ToknowmoreaboutFireDetectionSystem Visit: www.palladiumss.com