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Office of Highway Safety Planning Grantee Orientation Meeting November 1, 2005. FY 2006 Program Year. OHSP Direction. Maintain high levels of safety belt and child safety seat compliance Reduce alcohol/drug traffic deaths Improve traffic record data, accuracy, and timeliness
Office of Highway Safety PlanningGrantee Orientation MeetingNovember 1, 2005 FY 2006 Program Year
OHSP Direction • Maintain high levels of safety belt and child safety seat compliance • Reduce alcohol/drug traffic deaths • Improve traffic record data, accuracy, and timeliness • Reduce intersection-related fatalities and serious crashes • Support Statewide Strategic Highway Safety Plan 2
Alcohol • Pilot programs: Fatal Alcohol Crash Team, Drug Recognition Expert, DWI paperwork reduction software • Improve prosecution and treatment of drunk drivers, including training and support of expanding DUI court programs • Implement 2005 Impaired Driving Program Assessment recommendations 4
Youth Alcohol • Strict enforcement of underage drinking laws • Training in recognition of fraudulent ID • Promoting alcohol-free youth • Courageous Persuaders • Protecting You/Protecting Me • MCRUD 5
Child Passenger Safety • Technician training to reduce misuse of child restraints • Michigan Dental Association promotion • Head Start ‘Buckle Bear’ pilot program 6
Pedestrians, Bikes • Develop City of Detroit Pedestrian Safety Task Force • Bike helmets for children in low-income populations 7
Motorcycles • Implement 2005 Motorcycle Rider and Education Program Assessment recommendations • Work with Department of State to increase training and education of new riders • Conduct a motorcycle helmet use observation survey 8
Safety Belts • Safety Belt Enforcement Zones • Michigan State University 4-H Safety Belt Program • Outreach Efforts 9
Police Traffic Services • Continued support of national safety belt and drunk driving mobilizations and: - summer-long enforcement - Operation SABRE on U.S.-2 - Pilot intersection enforcement • First-ever statewide Traffic Enforcement Training Conference last month 10
Community Programs • Community-based grants for local traffic safety initiatives • Refinements to the Safe Communities program to target individual communities’ needs 11
Roadway Safety • Low-cost intersection safety training for non-engineers • Roadway design safety analysis for three additional Metropolitan Planning Organizations 12
Corporate Programs • Drive Safely Work Week campaign • Workplace traffic safety conference for an estimated 100 corporate partners • Pursuing programs with Department of Military and Veterans Affairs and Office of the State Employer 13
Traffic Records • Improvements in crash records and data collection • Web-based learning management system • Develop LEAMS crash module 14
Upper Peninsula • Sponsor traffic safety training for the U.P. Northern Michigan Training Consortium • Sponsor U.P. traffic safety partners to attend the Michigan Traffic Safety Summit
Research, Reports • Statewide safety belt observation surveys • Updated ‘Crime vs. Crash’ study • Breakdown of societal costs of crime and traffic crashes for counties and local communities
Communications • Paid advertising and news media push for traffic enforcement mobilizations • New advertising ‘creative’ for safety belt mobilizations • Build on sports marketing opportunities • NASCAR races at Michigan International Speedway • Detroit Tiger games at Comerica Park • Super Bowl XL 17
2006 Traffic Safety Summit February 28-March 1, 2006 Lansing Sheraton Hotel 18
Program Requirements • Progress and financial reports are required at a minimum quarterly • Final report shall include project’s purpose, significant accomplishments and summary of impact on stated problem • Contact program coordinator for prior approval of deviations to approved grant • Out-of-state travel requires prior written approval at least 30 days in advance • Grant-funded data, materials, plates, negatives, video, designs, audio, etc. must be provided to OHSP • Printing requirements require program coordinator and/or Division Director approval 19
Program Requirements • Pay special attention to the Lobbying Restrictions for federal grantees see Grant Management Requirements handout pages 1-2 20
Lobbying • Urging an elected official to take a particular position or action on a legislative matter and expending funds for that purpose • Direct lobbying – contacts and activities targeted directly at government decision makers • Grassroots lobbying – contacts and activities that have the intent or effect of encouraging third parties, members of special interest groups or the general public to contact their legislators or government officials
Federal Lobbying Restrictions • Applies to OHSP supported persons/programs including grants, contracts and cooperative agreements • Prohibits the use of appropriated funds directly or indirectly in acting on legislation before and after its introduction
Advocacy • Definition: speaking or writing in support of something • Permitted PRIOR to a bill being introduced
Advocacy • Become an expert in the subject area • Invite legislator to press or other event • Develop general materials about the topic • Send legislators updates on progress of project in district • Arrange for legislator to participate in seat belt check, safety belt zone, car seat clinic
Bottom Line • Check with your program coordinator prior to any action to assure federal program compliance
Financial Grant Management • General Guidelines • Audit Requirements / Dates • Administration Costs • Indirect Costs • Proper Reporting Procedures • Equipment • Federal Grant Requirements • Back-up Documentation • Examples of Good Financial Documentation • Year-End Requirements • Questions 27
General Guidelines • Reporting Entities are required to fill out and submit a new budget each year. • The budget must accurately reflect all costs, based on the grantees best estimate. • While estimates are allowed for budgeting purposes, only actual costs can be claimed for reimbursement. • Fringe Rates for overtime should only include costs that increase if overtime is worked, usually FICA, Workers Compensation, and Retirement. 28
Audit Requirements • If the reporting entity receives $500,000 or more in federal financial assistance, the grantee must include accurate audit dates in their application • Reporting entity’s that do not receive $500,000 or more in federal financial assistance are not required to fill out the audit dates. However they are required to check the box indicating this fact. • Do not just guess about this. This information is used for follow-up at year-end for federal reporting purposes • CFDA #s are provided with your grant award, and should be provided to your auditors if receiving over $500,000 (See hand-out for more details) 29
Audit Requirement Dates • The audit requirement dates should cover the reporting entity’s entire fiscal period. If the grant falls within 2 audit periods for the reporting entity, both should be listed. The grant must be submitted to OHSP within 9 months following the end of the audit period. Audit Period Example- Calendar Year Grantee • Beginning: 1/1/2005 Ending: 12/31/2005 • Submission: 6/15/2006 • Beginning: 1/1/2006 Ending: 12/31/2006 • Submission: 6/15/2007 30
Administrative Costs • For overtime enforcement, administrative costs, including both salaries and fringes, must be no more than 5% of the total grant budget. Example • Overtime Administrative Costs = $ 372.00 • Overtime Administrative Fringe Benefits = $ 91.00 • Total Administrative Costs = $ 463.00 • Total Grant Budget = $ 14,994.00 • Administrative Percent ($463.00/$14,994.00) = 3.09% • 3.09% Administrative Costs are acceptable, since it is under the 5% limit. (See hand-out for more details on Administrative Costs) 32
Indirect Costs • The indirect cost rate must be approved by the grantee's federal cognizant agency, with written documentation to be maintained by the grantee • If a grantee doesn’t have a federal cognizant agency, OHSP will serve in this capacity • The approved indirect cost rate may be subject to a negotiated reduction that is mutually acceptable to the grantee and OHSP • Higher indirect costs result in less funding dedicated to program activities (See hand-outs for more details) 33
Proper Reporting Procedures • Financial back-up documentation must match the reimbursement request entered into e-grants • If there is a local match, the total back-up must agree with the total reported, separated by OHSP’s share and the grantees match • Costs must be incurred within the fiscal year in which reimbursement is requested. Costs incurred before the grant period is approved or after it ends will not be reimbursed. 34
Equipment • Grantees who purchase any single piece of equipment with a total cost of $5,000 or more are required to fill out an Equipment Records Form. This form has been sent with your grant approval letter. • This applies whether OHSP provides all or only part of the funding. For example, if our office provides $4,000 and your agency matches $3,000 for a single piece of equipment costing $7,000, the Equipment Records Form is still required. • You will receive a letter at year-end asking you to verify that you are still using the equipment for highway safety purposes 35
Federal Grant Requirements • Grantees are required to report actual costs, not budgeted • If a cost is missed for reporting purposes in a prior quarter within the same fiscal year, it may be added to the current quarter for reimbursement, with an explanation provided • Costs cannot be claimed for prior expenses not within the current fiscal year, or for costs incurred after the grant period ends • Financial or Program reporting errors may delay reimbursement to the grantee 36
Back Up Documentation... • Back-up documentation is required to be submitted for all costs claimed for reimbursement. OHSP’s requirements for back-up have been revised due to a review this year by NHTSA. • Documentation must now include one of the following: • A detailed general ledger, trial balance, or budget/expenditure report from the grantee’s official accounting system. • Actual receipts &/or lists of officers, times, and amount paid, supporting the amount requested, with a general ledger confirming the amounts submitted at year end. (See hand-out for more details) 37
...Back Up Documentation • Time and attendance records or daily records are required to be kept by the grantee for all personnel costs. These do not have to be submitted with the financial statement but must be available for review during monitoring. • In order to properly document expenses you have incurred throughout the grant year, grantees must set up a separate account or cost center in their accounting records to track expenditures of federal highway safety funds. (See hand-out for more details) 38
Examples of Good Financial Documentation • Example A: Equipment Grant • Example B: Mini Grant • Example C: Enforcement Grant • Example D: Non-Enforcement Grant (See hand-out for more details) 39
Year End Requirements • September: OHSP sends a year-end letter to all grantees with information on year-end issues and a form to fax to us with year-end estimates. • October 11: IF the final financial report has not been submitted by this date, grantee must submit year-end estimates. The estimate allows OHSP to set up payables in order to close out the state’s financial year. • November 15: Submission of all financial requests and documentation for the grant year are due and the Final Report box must be checked in e-grants 40
Grant Deadlines • October 11, 2006: • November 15, 2006: Submission of all financial requests and documentation for the grant year Grantees submitting their final financial reports after October 11 must fax an estimate to OHSP by that date, using the form provided with the year-end letter. The estimate form allows us to set up payables in order to close out the state’s financial year. 41
Questions 42
Contact Information Please contact your program coordinator for questions – Contact sheet in your folders 43
Enforcement Grant Project Directors must return after lunch for some brief information 44