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ROSS ELEMENTARY School-wide Discipline Plan 2008 - 2009. 4890 Ross Road Memphis, Tennessee Roy Stone, Principal. Guiding Principles. A safe and appealing environment will help ensure that all students are treated with respect and dignity.
ROSS ELEMENTARYSchool-wide Discipline Plan2008 - 2009 4890 Ross Road Memphis, Tennessee Roy Stone, Principal
Guiding Principles • A safe and appealing environment will help ensure that all students are treated with respect and dignity. • Students will be empowered to make positive decisions regarding rules and consequences. • Motivation and responsibility will be fostered through positive interactions with all students. • Faculty and staff will become actively involved in communicating responsible behavior to all stakeholders.
Vision Our vision for Ross Elementary is for all students to become high achieving, well-rounded citizens that appreciate and respect themselves and others. Our children will be prepared to emerge as lifelong learners and productive contributors to a diverse society.
Mission The mission of Ross Elementary is to provide a secure atmosphere that empowers each student to develop the academic and social skills necessary to become responsible, productive citizens.
Philosophy Statement • To preserve the dignity of our students, we believe they should develop ownership of their choices and actions. By implementing a school-wide discipline plan, we can model positive and effective relationships that promote social and academic growth in the home, school, and community.
Evaluation To evaluate the progress of our current disciplinary plan, we are using the following indicators: SMS Data Blue Ribbon Data Website Research, Evaluation & Assessment Dept. Data (REA) Teacher Feedback
Goals and/or Objectives Goal: To increase positive student behavior choices to reduce the number of disciplinary referrals Objectives: • Decrease suspensions by 20% • Reduce the number of referrals to the office by 10% • Reduce the number of fights by 10% • Reduce the number of students who are tardy by 20% • Maintain the state attendance goal of 93%
MCS Discipline Committee Worksheet 2008 - 09 Name of School: Ross Elementary Discipline Committee is representative of the school faculty and includes an administrator. Fill in the names of committee members and designate a Team Leader (TL) *Indicates members mandated by MEA contract
Discipline Committee • Our 2008-2009 school discipline committee is dedicated to establishing a consistent ongoing effort to creating a safe, orderly and nurturing environment that is conducive for learning. Therefore, our team will hold monthly meetings with minutes and agendas to address school issues involving disciplinary procedures. • Myke Collins is the committee chairperson and he will be responsible for reporting information to the faculty during staff meetings and/ or via email. Katika Davis is responsible for entering the behavior data into the system. • Our 2008-2009 meeting schedule is posted on the next page. Our committee members for the 2008-2009 school year is listed on the previous page.
Monitoring Process • School, classroom, and individual discipline data are analyzed each month by the Discipline Committee. Adjustments are made to the School-wide behavior plan (if necessary), coaching is provided for teachers, and the S-Team process is used to develop intervention plans for students with at-risk behaviors. • AIMS web (K-5) Benchmark Testing (3 times per school year) Progress Monitoring Tier II ( bi-weekly) Progress Monitoring Tier III (weekly) • STAR – School-wide • Think Link Formative Assessments – monitor student achievement in Reading/ Language Arts and Math
Action Steps • The discipline committee will determine the specific needs for staff development based on behavior data analysis. • The discipline committee meeting minutes will be reviewed by faculty monthly and a portion of each faculty meeting will be devoted to a mini-lesson on behavior management. • The S-Team process is in place for students experiencing academic and behavior problems. Action Plans are implemented and monitored by the school counselor, classroom teachers, and parents. • Responsive Classroom is implemented in grades K-5 to encourage students to set positive behavior and academic goals throughout the school day. • Community stakeholders will be invited to talk to students throughout the year to reinforce positive behavior and goal setting. • Group counseling with Joan Terry will be provided for students experiencing anger management issues. • Additional extracurricular activities will be implemented as incentives for positive behavior.
Celebrations • Daily announcements recognize student birthdays and outstanding classroom achievements. • Bulletin boards highlight academic achievement, honor awards, school activities, and special programs like Accelerated Reading. • Successes are shared by intercom during the morning and afternoon announcements, as well as in our Monday Memo. • Students receive special incentives like pizza, popcorn and coke parties, and sock hops to encourage academic and behavioral success. • Daily “kudos” are announced to recognize continuous fight-free days. • We conduct Honor Award programs to recognize student academic achievement. • Students “showcase” their talents with performances during PTA meetings.
School Rules • Keep your hands and feet to yourself. • Always show respect to your teacher, other adults, and your classmates. • Use acceptable language. • Follow directions. • Keep to the right and always walk in the building.
General Procedure for Dealing with Problem Behaviors Observe problem behavior Is behavior major? Find a place to talk with student(s) NO YES Ensure safety Problem solve Write referral & Escort student to office Problem solve Determine consequence Determine consequence Follow procedure documented Follow documented procedure NO YES Does student have 3? Follow through with consequences File necessary documentation Send referral to office File necessary documentation Follow up with student within a week
How we teach the rules and procedures Rules and procedures will be provided via our school handbook, for students and parents during registration. Teachers will reinforce school rules and procedures throughout the academic year by modeling and conducting role play activities. Administration will conduct grade level assemblies to emphasize expectations for the academic school year. Curriculum night will be held to review the school handbook and to discuss ways the school rules can be supported at home. (Strategies and ideas will be shared to reinforce teacher /parent collaboration.) School -wide rules and expectations are recited daily during morning announcements. Rewards and praises are given to encourage desirable behavior. Consequences for negative behaviors are communicated to students and dealt with swiftly and fairly.
School Procedures • Procedures for entering school: School personnel monitors students upon arrival each day. Safety patrol and other staff members are assigned to designated posts to direct students to assigned areas. • Breakfast: Teacher cohorts are assigned to weekly breakfast duties to monitor student behavior during breakfast( 8:00-8:25) . • Hallway Traffic: Safety Patrol assists with directing hallway traffic throughout the building and portable area. Students are directed to walk to the right as they maneuver throughout the building. • Lunchroom: Students are instructed to use appropriate cafeteria behavior, which includes using their “indoor voices.” Students are escorted into the cafeteria by their homeroom teachers and directed to their designated area. Upon completion of lunch, students are given the command for cleanup, and classroom helpers begin to assist with table washing and floor sweeping. Homeroom teachers return to the cafeteria to escort students back to class. • Assemblies : Appropriate student behavior for assemblies is communicated during our administrative grade level assemblies held at the beginning of the school year. These expectations are repeated as programs and assemblies occur throughout the year.
School Procedures • Restroom Breaks : Restroom breaks typically occur according to teacher schedules. Students are not allowed to take unsupervised restroom breaks . • Emergency Drills: Teachers frequently model appropriate behavior for all emergency procedures according to our faculty handbooks. Morning meetings may provide opportunity for discussing appropriate behavior. Feedback is given after each emergency procedure. • Departures of walkers, car riders, and daycare buses: Ross utilizes a very systematic dismissal procedure which allows for students to exit in a safe, orderly manner each day. Students are dismissed in timely increments according to their mode of transportation home. Staff personnel and safety patrol students are strategically placed throughout the building and portable areas to assist with monitoring students. Bus riders are escorted by the homeroom teachers.
Classroom Procedures • Teachers post classroom and school-wide expectations and procedures in a designated area near each classroom door. • Emergency evacuation plans are labeled and posted in each classroom. • Student dismissal plans are labeled and posted. • Specific procedures for items such as turning in homework, sharpening pencils, completing make-up work, etc. are conveyed by the teacher. • Beginning your day (Morning Meeting, Bell work, Calendar Math routines, and Morning Message) • Announcements • Transitioning from one activity to another • Cooperative groups/Teaming • Wednesday Folders • Dismissal
School -Wide Incentives • Ross Elementary celebrates successes on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis. Recognition is given to students, teachers, and other stakeholders. • Classroom Newsletters, Monthly Grade Level Newsletters, Wednesday Folders, “Ross Uses Data to Drive Instruction” - Bulletin Board, Honors Assemblies, and Monday Memos • Students will be allowed to participate in the following activities contingent upon their acceptable behavior: Majorette Squad, Cheerleaders, Boys Basketball Team, G.E.M.S (Girls Empowering Minds and Society), Girl Power • Dances and No-Uniform Days are incentives used to encourage positive social behavior.
Teacher Incentives • Recognition in Monday memo • Recognition at grade level and faculty meetings • “Kudos” via morning and afternoon announcements
Resources for Incentives • Our adopters, Ross Road Church of Christ, GE, and Blyth, Inc., help sponsor several activities at the school • Community Stakeholders are actively involved in providing the necessary resources needed for incentives • PTA fundraisers provide resources • “First Friday” monies are used as well
Character Education Our School supports character education in various ways: • We hold monthly “Ross Gives” campaigns for charitable organizations such as St. Jude and the Susan G, Komen Breast Cancer Walk. • Organizations such as GEMS (Girls Empowering Minds and Society) are designed to teach our young ladies values such as leadership, cooperation, team building, and self-confidence. Our GEMS learn the value of charity through service –learning projects. • Extracurricular activities such as our National Honor Society, emphasizes scholarship and leadership while promoting worthy causes in our community. • Our basketball, cheerleading , and majorette teams emphasize the importance of teamwork , attitude, positive peer relations, and maintaining a healthy body, mind, and spirit.
Character Education • Classroom guidance sessions promote positive discussions on topics such as race relations, peer pressure, and bullying. • Values such as tolerance and diversity are taught through programs that promote multicultural awareness such as our Hispanic Awareness Month. • Daily motivational messages are communicated to encourage our students to make positive choices based on character traits such as honesty and respect. • Character Education will be strongly emphasized and implemented through the P.E./Health Curriculum and Guidance Department.
ATOD • Ross Elementary participates in National Red Ribbon Week, during the last week of October. Daily Drug and Alcohol Prevention tips are given during the morning announcements. Teachers are encouraged to do activities within their classrooms. • Community stakeholders are invited in to talk to students during assemblies about consequences for drug and alcohol use.
Sexual Harassment Prevention • Annual sexual harassment training is provided during teacher in-service week in August. All staff, teachers and administrators are required to watch a related video tape that is provided by the school district. • Our guidance counselor is available to provide classroom and/or grade level sexual harassment training.
Bullying Prevention • Training with faculty: - guidance counselor attends grade level meetings and provides information on defining bullying/intimidation, recognizing early stages, and providing strategies for addressing bullying - guidance counselor is on hand at faculty meetings to provide professional development on bullying if necessary • Training with students: - counselor provides peer mediation training based on teacher recommendations and disciplinary referrals - counselor is available during morning meetings to provide training on bullying
Violence Prevention Programs • Ross Elementary uses several programs to address violence prevention: - Classroom Guidance - Peer Mediation - Responsive Classroom - Extra-curricular activities - Anger Management Groups • Implementation: - Guidance Counselor - Classroom Teacher - Activities sponsor - School assigned District Personnel
School Safety Plan Ross Elementary’s school safety plan is a comprehensive plan that incorporates procedures for fires, tornados, and other disasters. Procedures • Fire Drills are mandatory and will be held according to our schedule. Teachers and students will hear the siren in the event of a fire drill. Teachers will need their red Employee Multi-Hazard Emergency Management Procedures and Protocols manual along with their classroom roster. Support staff will also need to carry their emergency book and classroom roster along with them when they have classes. Classes quietly proceed out of the building in orderly lines to their designated emergency areas. Teachers will call their roll to make sure each student is accounted for. After their roll is called, teachers are to hold up the Emergency Management Procedures and Protocols manual to the green “All Clear” side. Teachers will be notified when students are to re-enter the building.
School Safety Plan • Tornado Drills are mandatory and will be held as scheduled. Teachers will be notified by ten bells in the event of a tornado drill. During an actual tornado, the sirens will serve as an indicator to teachers. Teachers and students will proceed into the hallways. Teachers will need their Employee Multi-Hazard Emergency Management Procedures and Protocols manual along with their classroom roster in order to make sure all students are accounted for. Students will duck and cover their heads. Teachers will make sure that all students are away from windows and doors. A siren will notify teachers on when to return to their classrooms.
School Safety Plan • Lockdown – A “lockdown” procedure will be needed when an intruder, angry parent, or weapon search is conducted in the school building. In case of a lockdown, the office will give teachers/staff a signal of “Dean Whipple has entered the building”. Teachers are to lock their doors and move students to the rear of the class , away from doors and windows, and out of view. The office will inform teachers when the “lockdown” is over. • All emergency procedures and evacuation maps are posted near the door of each classroom. • There will be eleven fire drills, two earthquake drills, two severe weather drills, and two other drills periodically throughout the school year.
Emergency Drill Dates • Two fire drills during the first month of school and one per month throughout the school year. • Scheduled fire drill dates : 8/13/08, 8/28/08, 9/26/08, 10/10/08, 11/13/08, 12/11/08, 01/16/09, 02/27/09, 03/27/09, 04/28/09, 05/14/09 • Two earthquake drills per year • Scheduled earthquake drill dates: 10/17/08, 2/20/09
Emergency Drill Dates • Two severe weather drills • Scheduled severe weather drills: 11/17/08, 3/6/09 • Two lockdown/ intruder drills • Scheduled Lockdown/Intruder Drills: 9/11/08, 3/12/09
Intervention Plan • Classroom Interventions - Morning Meeting - Choice Board - Student of the Week - Actively Involved Student Learning - Praise and Rewards are in place in all classrooms - Conducive Atmosphere • School-wide Interventions - Quality work is displayed throughout building - Ongoing reminders of school-wide expectations - Positive relationships are created with all students -Ongoing communication with parents
In-School Suspension Plan • MISSION STATEMENT It is the mission of the In-School Suspension Program at Ross Elementary to improve the implementation of a behavior modification plan to improve student conduct. • The goals of the program are to: - provide alternatives to home suspensions as a means for inappropriate behavior - to be able to provide instruction to our students without interruptions within a safe environment - be able to redirect students to their classroom setting with a moderate behavior outlook
Secondary Intervention Evaluation • Chancery SMS School Data will be used to evaluate attendance increase • District data will be used to monitor and evaluate decreases in disciplinary referrals and suspension rates • AIMS web, Think Link,, STAR and Stanford Math will be used to monitor student academic progress
Tertiary Interventions • The S-Team process is used for students experiencing academic and behavior problems. Action Plans are implemented and monitored by the school counselor, classroom teachers, and parents. • Guidance sessions focus on Character Education for grades K-5th • Responsive classroom is implemented throughout the school to encourage students to set positive academic and behavior goals throughout the school day. • Community speakers talk to students to enforce positive behaviors and goal setting. • Group Counseling and Anger Management sessions for students referred by the teachers.
Green zone 0 – 1, yellow zone 2 – 5, red zone 6+ office referrals CONTINUUM OF SCHOOL-WIDE INSTRUCTIONAL & POSITIVE BEHAVIOR SUPPORT Tertiary Prevention: Specialized Individualized Systems for Students with High-Risk Behavior 0% Secondary Prevention: Specialized Group Systems for Students with At-Risk Behavior 0% Primary Prevention: School-/Classroom- Wide Systems for All Students, Staff, & Settings 0.97% of Students
Parent / Community Involvement Parents and community partners are an integral part of the success of Ross Elementary School. To ensure parent and community input and cooperation, the following measures have been implemented: • Open House – parents were informed about the policies and expectations for the upcoming school year. • Monthly PTA Meetings – PTA board discuss ways to improve learning and the school environment. Community partners offer valuable information on improving student achievement and school climate. • Monthly PTA Newsletters • Parents As Partners Workshop presented by Trevor Thompson • Muffins For Moms, Donuts for Dads, and Pizza for Pops are conducted at the school to inform and update parents on current events.
RESULTS • At the end of the first twenty-day attendance period, we had two referrals, one fight and two suspensions. • At the end of the second twenty-day attendance period, we had twenty-nine referrals, four fights, and nine suspensions. • At the end of the third twenty-day attendance period, we had thirty-four referrals, six fights and four suspensions. • The Discipline Committee is aware of the increase in the number of incidents and is diligently working to make the necessary changes. • Our incentives for attendance and positive behavior are guiding the positive learning environment at this point. Attendance is currently at 96.8% which is very close to where we ended the 2007-2008 school year. • We will continue to monitor and update results as the year progress.
Fights Expulsions Referrals Suspensions
Plan for Support and Monitoring • School, classroom, and individual discipline date are analyzed and monitored each month by the Student Behavior Committee. Adjustments are made to the school-wide behavior plan, coaching is provided for teachers, and the S-Team process is used to develop intervention plans for students with at-risk behaviors.
Conclusion Our School-wide Discipline Plan at Ross Elementary School is a comprehensive plan that involves a collaborative effort among students, faculty, staff, and community stakeholders to provide the safest, nurturing, non-threatening environment possible. Our plan is designed to foster a positive, healthy, learning environment that supports the well-being and academic success of every child.
District PBIS Coaches • Northeast Region, Academic Supt. Kevin McCarthy • Charlotte Baucom, baucomc@mcsk12.net • Northeast Region, Academic Supt. Catherine Battle • Brady Henderson, hendersonb@mcsk12.net • Southeast Region, Academic Supt. Dr. Terrence Brown • Ashley Faulk, faulka@mcsk12.net • Southwest Region, Academic Supt. William Rhodes • Ann Sharp, sharpa@mcsk12.net • Striving Schools, Academic Supt. Dr. Roderick Richmond • Carolyn Matthews, matthewscarolynt@mcsk12.net Center for Safe & Drug Free Schools 416-4240, fax:416-4221
Additional CSDFS Staff • Kenneth Pinkney, Director, Student Intervention & Behavior • Linda Delaney, Emergency Management • Janice Johnson, Student Leadership, Peer Mediation • Leticia Sanders, ISS Assistants & Behavior Specialists • Adrian Stitt, Special Project Assistant for ISS • Robert Williams, Technology Project Administrator • Ruth Watson, Program Project Specialist • Brenda Harper, Brenda Harper, Program Project Specialist • Shanddeikka Beecham, Clerical • Dorinita Clark, Clerical • District Behavior Specialists: Morrice Apprey, Willa Broom, Ptorey Crutchfield, Dana Gaston, Angeletta Giles Center for Safe & Drug Free Schools, Loc. SS146, Rt. 2 220 N. Montgomery, Memphis, TN 38104