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Founders’ Library and Educational Resource Center Monthly New Materials Bulletin N° 161 November 2009. HOT PICKS. f or November. Mr. O’Neill Mrs. Furlan
Founders’ Library and Educational Resource Center Monthly New Materials Bulletin N° 161 November 2009
HOT PICKS for November Mr. O’Neill Mrs. Furlan EC Animals Should Definitely Not Un barrilete para el Día Wear Clothing de los muertos Elementary Ballplayers and Bonesetters Middle School Well Witched High School The Shack El machismo invisible regresa
ANIMALS SHOULD DEFINITELY NOT WEAR CLOTHING BY JUDI BARRETT Presents a series of humorous images that reinforce the idea that animals are not meant to wear people clothes. BALLPLAYERS AND BONESETTERS: 100 ANCIENT AZTEC AND MAYAN JOBS YOUMIGHT HAVE ADORED OR ABHORED BY LAURIE COULTER Imagine growing up in Mesoamerica before the Spanish Conquest (1350-1521). What does your future hold? The ancient Aztecs, Maya and other Mesoamericans believed that the gods created a world where everyone had a role to play. Some people were born to rule, others to serve. If you were lucky, you might have been a high priest or a queen. On the other hand, you could have ended up as a latrine boatman or a slave destined to become a sacrificial victim.
WELL WITCHED BY FRANCES HARDINGE Ryan, Chelle and Josh, who find themselves stranded in the seedy town of Megwhite, England, and decide to steal coins from an old wishing well to pay for their bus fare home. Once the trio arrives home, they discover that the ancient spirit who resides in the well has given them strange powers. As payment for their crime, the tweens -- harnessing their supernatural abilities -- must grant the wishes of the hopeful individuals linked to the stolen coins. THE SHACK BY WILLIAM PAUL YOUNG Mackenzie Allen Phillips's youngest daughter, Missy, has been abducted during a family vacation, and evidence that she may have been brutally murdered is found in an abandoned shack deep in the Oregon wilderness. Four years later, in this midst of his great sadness, Mack receives a suspicious note, apparently from God, inviting him back to that shack for a weekend. Against his better judgment he arrives at the shack on wintry afternoon and walks back into his darkest nightmare. What he finds there will change his life forever.
UN BARRILETE PARA EL DIA DE LOS MUERTOS POR ELISA AMADO Juan and his brothers carry on the tradition of kite flying on the Day of the Dead in Santiago Sacatepéquez, Guatemala. BRITANNICA DISCOVERY LIBRARY 1--Me -- 2. Me and you -- 3. People and places -- 4. The world around us -- 5. Animals -- 6. Colors -- 7. Shapes -- 8. Sounds -- 9. Words -- 10. Numbers -- 11. Time-- 12. Just for fun. Presents a twelve-volume Britannica Discovery Library for children ages three to six designed to reinforce comprehension, thinking, and vocabulary skills, and introduces children to topics such as animals, colors, shapes, sounds, words, numbers, time, and the world around them.
BALLPLAYERS AND BONESETTERS: 100 ANCIENT AZTEC AND MAYAN JOBS YOUMIGHT HAVE ADORED OR ABHORED BY LAURIE COULTER Imagine growing up in Mesoamerica before the Spanish Conquest (1350-1521). What does your future hold? The ancient Aztecs, Maya and other Mesoamericans believed that the gods created a world where everyone had a role to play. Some people were born to rule, others to serve. If you were lucky, you might have been a high priest or a queen. On the other hand, you could have ended up as a latrine boatman or a slave destined to become a sacrificial victim. EL MACHISMO INVISIBLE REGRESA POR MARINA CASTANEDA Examina las modalidades más sutiles del machismo que asume en las costumbres, los gestos y las palabras del diario acontecer, en la comunicación, en el amor. La familia y la amistad. El machismo actual opera tras lo aparente, en detalles que tal vez parezcan anodinos pero que revelan un juego de poder importante, detalles pequeños que conllevan consecuencias grandes.
REFERENCE R 495.7 LEE Lee, Jeyseon. Korean dictionary & phrasebook. New York : Hippocrene Books, c2005.R 530 KNI Knight, Judson. Science of everyday things. Detroit : Gale Group/Thomson Learning, c2002.R 612 MAC Macaulay, David. The way we work : getting to know the amazing human body. Boston : Houghton Mifflin, 2008.R 770 THR Through the lens : National geographic greatest photographs. Washington D.C : National Geographic Society, c2003.R 803 REA The Reader's companion to world literature. 2nd ed., rev. and updated. New York : Signet Classic, 2002.R 811 FAG Fagan, Deirdre J. Critical companion to Robert Frost : a literary reference to his life and work. New York : Facts On File, c2007.R 811 POE Poetry speaks expanded : hear poets from Tennyson to Plath read their work. Naperville, Ill : Sourcebooks, c2007.R 909 ONE 1000 events that shaped the world. 1st trade ed. Washington, D.C : National Geographic, 2008.R 973 ENC Enciclopedia del español en los Estados Unidos : anuario del Instituto Cervantes 2008. Madrid : Instituto Cervantes, c2009. NON-FICTION Computers, Information & General Works 006.3 HEN Henderson, Harry. Artificial intelligence : mirrors for the mind. New York : Chelsea House, c2007. Philosophy & Psychology 155.5 FOX c.2 Fox, Annie, 1950-. Too stressed to think? : a teen guide to staying sane when life makes you crazy. Minneapolis, MN : Free Spirit, c2005.158 VIT Vitale, Joe, 1953-. El poder de la atracción : cinco pasos sencillos para crear paz interior y opulencia exterior. Barcelona, España : Ediciones Obelisco, c2007.158.1 MAU vol.2 Maumul yorojunun 101 kaji yiyagi. [Korea] : Ire Pub. Co, c1996. 158.1 MAU vol. 3 Maumul yorojunun 101 kaji yiyagi. [Korea] : Ire Pub. Co, c1997.
Social Sciences 304.6 EAR Early, John D. La estructura y evolución demográfica de un sistema campesino : la población de Guatemala. USA : Plumsock Mesoamerican Studies /CIRMA, 2000, c1982.305.3 CAS Castañeda, Marina. El machismo invisible regresa. Nueva ed., ampliada y actualizada. México, D.F : Taurus, c2007.306.85 COX Cox, Meg. The book of new family traditions : how to create great rituals for holidays and everyday. Philadelphia, Pa : Running Press, c2003.363.7 STA State of the world 2009 : into a warming world : a Worldwatch Institute report on progress toward a sustainable society. 1st ed. New York : Norton, c2009.363.738 JOH Johansen, Bruce E, 1950- (Bruce Elliott). Global warming in the 21st century. 3 vols. Westport, CT : Praeger Publishers, 2006.370.1 CUR Cury, Augusto. Padres brillantes, maestros fascinantes : no hay jóvenes difíciles, sino una educación inadecuada. 1. ed. Rayo. New York : Rayo/Planeta, 2008.372.47 GAL Gallardo Díaz, Francisco. Comprender y comentar un texto : lengua española. 1a. ed. Barcelona, España : Spes Editorial, 2005.398.24 VER Verità, Roberta. Cuentos para ayudar a tus hijos : 10 fábulas para divertir y educar. 1a. ed. Barcelona : Ediciones Obelisco, 2008. Language 418 CHO Choi, Jeong-Hwa, 1961-. Ishbilsegi choego-eui jeonmunjig tong-yeok-beon-yeoksaeh dojeonhara. [Korea] : Nexus Books, 2001.425 ARE Arenas Martín-Abril, Paula. Dudas e incorrecciones habituales. Madrid, España : Edimat, 2006.428.2 BUR Burchers, Sam. Vocabulary cartoons : SAT word power : learn hundred of SAT words fast with easy memory techniques. 4th rev. & updated ed. Punta Gorda, FL : New Monic Books, c2007.463 PUJ Pujol Vila, Mercè. 300 dificultades más frecuentes del idioma : lengua española. 1a. ed. Barcelona, España : Spes, 2005. 495.7 KOR Korean phrase book. Princeton, [NJ] : Berlitz Pub. Co, c1998. Pure Sciences 515 GEM Gemignani, Michael C. Calculus and statistics. Dover ed. Mineola, N.Y : Dover Publications, 2006.
Technology (Applied Sciences) 612 MAC Macaulay, David. The way we work : getting to know the amazing human body. Boston : Houghton Mifflin, 2008.641.595 LEE Lee, Cecilia Hae-Jin. Eating Korean : from barbecue to kimchi, recipes from my home. Hoboken, N.J : John Wiley & Sons, c2005.650.1 LER Lerner, Helene, 1946-. Las mujeres inteligentes corren riesgos : seis pasos para superar tus temores y alcanzar el éxito. 1a. ed. México, D.F : Aguilar, 2007. Arts & Recreation 741.5 APP Appignanesi, Richard. Julius Caesar. New York : Amulet Books, 2008.741.5 APP Appignanesi, Richard. Macbeth. New York : Amulet Books, 2008.741.5 MAD Mad about the seventies : the best of the decade. 1st ed. Boston : Little, Brown, c1996.775 HOW Howard, Jack, 1972-. Practical HDRI : high dynamic range imaging for photographers. 1st ed. Santa Barbara, CA : Rocky Nook, c2008.791.43 FIS Fisher, Jude. The Lord of the Rings complete visual companion. Boston : Houghton Mifflin, 2004.791.43 VAZ Vaz, Mark Cotta. Twilight : the complete illustrated movie companion. New York : Little, Brown and Co, c2008.796.334 EIS Eissmann, Hans - Jörg. Futbol Base : Programas de entrenamiento 12-13 años. 3a. ed. España : Paidotribo, Hans - Jörg, 2006. Literature 808.1 OBE Oberti, Liliana. Géneros literarios, composición, estilo y contextos. 1a. ed. Buenos Aires : Longseller, 2002.809 BLA Blasetti, Alberto Claudio. Breve historia de la literatura contemporánea. 1a. ed. Buenos Aires : Claridad, 1999.811 MOD Modern American poetry. Philadelphia : Chelsea House, c2005.812 ONE O'Neill, Eugene, 1888-1953. Three plays : Desire under the elms ; Strange interlude ; Mourning becomes Electra. 1st Vintage International ed. New York : Vintage International/Vintage Books, 1995. 812 TEN Tennessee Williams's The glass menagerie. New York : Chelsea House, c2007.813 HER Herman Melville : comprehensive research and study guide. Philadelphia : Chelsea House, 2003. 842 ANG Angola Rossi, Carmen. Análisis de El avaro, El médico a palos y Tartufo. 1a. ed. en Panamericana Editorial Ltda. Bogotá, D.C., Colombia : Panamericana Editorial, 2003.
843 VOL Voltaire. Zadig y otros cuentos. Madrid, España : Alianza Editorial, 2004.862 RIV Rivas, Angel de Saavedra, 1791-1865 duque de. Don Alvaro : o, La fuerza del sino. Madrid : Espasa-Calpe, 2003.863 MEN Mendoza, Jesús Luis. Análisis de Cien años de soledad, Gabriel García Márquez. 1a. ed. en Panamericana Editorial Ltda., bajo el sello editorial de Terranova Editores. Bogatá, D.C : Panamericana Editorial, 2003.882 ARI Aristophanes. Las avispas ; La paz ; Las aves ; Lisístrata. 7a. ed. Madrid : Ediciones Cátedra, 2006. History & Geography 972.01 KAK c.2 Kakaw/ cacao: El chocolate en la Cultura de Guatemala/ The chocolate of The Guatemalan Culture Guatemala : Museo Popol Vuh, Universidad Francisco Marroquín, 2005.972.81 FOR Ford, Anabel. Crecimiento de población y complejidad social : Asentamiento y medio ambiente en lastierras bajas mayas. U.S.A : Arizona State University / CIRMA, 2003.972.81 MOR Morales, Mario Roberto. Guatemala intercultural : Estudios sociales. Guatemala : Consucultura, 2006.973 YI Yi, Won-bok, 1946-. Monnara iunnara : migug : migug-yeoksa. [Korea] : Gimm Young, c2004.980 REY Reyes, Alfonso, 1889-1959. Ensayos sobre la inteligencia americana : antología de textosfilosóficos. Madrid : Tecnos, c2002. Biography 92 BEN Stephen Vincent Benét : essays on his life and work. Jefferson, N.C : McFarland, c2003.92 BRA Brañas, César. Diarios de apéndices (1039-1976). 1a. ed. Guatemala : Magna Terra, 2009.92 CUM Reef, Catherine. E. E. Cummings. New York : Clarion Books, c2006.92 POU Moody, Anthony David. Ezra Pound : poet : a portrait of the man and his work. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2007.92 SHI Shivack, Nadia. Inside out : portrait of an eating disorder. 1st ed. New York : Atheneum Books for Young Readers, c2007.92 THO Lycett, Andrew. Dylan Thomas : a new life. 1st ed. Woodstock, NY : Overlook Press, 2004. FICTION F AST Asturias, Miguel Angel, 1899-1974. The president. Prospect Heights, Ill : Waveland Press, c1997.
F AUS Austen, Jane, 1775-1817. Emma. Seoul, Korea : [Hanbooks], c2006.F BUR Burroughs, Edgar Rice, 1875-1950. The land that time forgot. Commemorative ed. Lincoln : University of Nebraska Press, [1999].F CAB Cabot, Meg. How to be popular. 1st ed. New York : HarperTempest, c2006.F CHA Chapman, Karen B. The Marino mission : one girl, one mission, one thousand words : 1,000 need-to-know SAT vocabulary words. Hoboken, N.J : Wiley, c2005.F CHA Chapman, Karen B. Mayan mission : another mission ; another country ; another action-packed adventure. Hoboken, N.J : Wiley Pub, c2006.F CRI Crichton, Michael, 1942-2008. Estado de miedo. 1a. ed. para EE.UU. México, D.F. : Debolsillo, 2006.F DIA Díaz, Junot, 1968-. The brief wondrous life of Oscar Wao. 1st Riverhead trade pbk. ed. New York : Riverhead Books, 2008.F FUE Fuentes, Carlos. La muerte de Artemio Cruz. New York : Penguin Books, 1996.F FUE Fuentes, Carlos. La región más transparente. 2a. ed. México : Alfaguara, 2000.F GRA Grabenstein, Chris. The crossroads. 1st ed. New York : Random House, c2008.F JEN Jenkins, A. M (Amanda McRaney). Night road. 1st ed. New York : HarperTeen, c2008.F JIN Jinks, Catherine. Evil genius. 1st Harcourt pbk. ed. Orlando : Harcourt, 2008.F KIN King, Stephen, 1947-. Just after sunset : stories. 1st Scribner hardcover ed. New York : Scribner, 2008.F LOW Lowry, Lois. The giver. [Korea] : BIR, c2007.F LUB Lubar, David. Sleeping freshmen never lie. New York : Speak, 2007.F PRE Preble, Laura. Queen Geeks in love. Berkley Jam trade pbk. ed. New York : Berkley Jam, 2007.F PRE Preston, Douglas J. Mount dragon : a novel. 1st mass market ed. New York : Tor, 1997, c1996.F RUI Ruiz Zafón, Carlos, 1964-. La sombra del viento. 1a. ed. México, D. F : Planeta, 2008.F SCO Scott, Elizabeth, 1972-. Living dead girl. New York : Simon Pulse, c2008.F SHR Shreve, Anita. The pilot's wife : a novel. 1st ed. Boston : Little, Brown, 1999, c1998.F UNG Unger, David. Life in the damn tropics : a novel. Madison : University of Wisconsin Press, c2004.F WIS Wishart, David, 1952. Nero. London : Spectre, 1996.F WRO Wroblewski, David. The story of Edgar Sawtelle : a novel. New York : Ecco, c2008.F YI Yi, Hae-gyong. Kkotgeuneul arae. [South Korea] : Changbi, c2002.F YOU Young, William P. The shack : a novel. Newbury Park, Calif : Windblown Media, c2007. Story Collection SC GUT Gutiérrez Nájera, Manuel, 1859-1895. Cuentos. 1a. ed. Madrid : Cátedra, 2006.
PROFESSIONAL P 320.4 TOB Tobón Tamayo, Raúl. Proyecto de vida 7. Bogotá : Educar Editores, 2008.P 371.33 FON Fontichiaro, Kristin. Podcasting at school. Westport, Conn : Libraries Unlimited, 2008.P 371.5 HIN Hinduja, Sameer, 1978-. Bullying beyond the schoolyard : preventing and responding to cyberbullying. Thousand Oaks, Calif : Corwin Press, c2009.P 371.9 RIE Rief, Sandra F. How to reach and teach all children in the inclusive classroom : practical strategies, lessons, and activities. 2nd ed. San Francisco, CA : Jossey-Bass, c2006.P 371.94 RIE c.2 Rief, Sandra F. How to reach and teach children with ADD/ADHD : practical techniques, strategies, and interventions. 2nd ed. San Francisco, CA : Jossey-Bass, c2005.P 372.45 OPI Opitz, Michael F. Don't speed. Read! : 12 steps to smart and sensible fluency instruction. New York : Scholastic, c2007.P 372.6 CUL Culham, Ruth. 6 + 1 traits of writing : the complete guide for the primary grades. New York : Teaching Resources, c2005.P 372.6 CUL Culham, Ruth. 6 + 1 traits of writing : the complete guide, grades 3 and up. New York : Scholastic Professional Books, c2003. AUDIO-VISUAL MATERIAL DVD 500 NTV NTV top 11 countdown. Elk Grove Village, Ill : Disney Educational Productions, [2005].DVD 516.15 PAT Patterns. Classroom edition. Elk Grove Village, IL : Disney Educational Productions, [2004].DVD 523.1 OUT Outer space. Classroom edition. Elk Grove Village, IL : Disney Educational Productions, [2003].DVD 523.3 MOO The moon. Classroom edition. Elk Grove Village, IL : Disney Educational Productions, [2003]. DVD 523.5 COM Comets & meteors. Classroom edition. Elk Grove Village, IL : Disney Educational Productions, [2003].DVD 523.7 SUN The sun. Classroom edition. Elk Grove Village, IL : Disney Educational Productions, [2004]. DVD 531.1 PRE Pressure. Classroom edition. Elk Grove Village, IL : Disney Educational Productions, [2003].DVD 531.11 MOT Motion. Classroon edition. Elk Grove Village, IL : Distributed by Disney Educational Productions, [2005].DVD 531.113 FRI Friction. Classroom edition. Elk Grove Village, Ill : Disney Educational Productions, [2004].
DVD 531.34 SPI Spinning things. Classroom edition. Elk Grove Village, IL : Disney Educational Productions, [2004].DVD 532 FLU Fluids. Classroom edition. Elk Grove Village, IL : Disney Educational Productions, [2004].DVD 535 LIG Light optics. Classroom edition. Elk Grove Village, IL : Disney Educational Productions, [2005].DVD 551.302 ERO Erosion. Classroom edition. Elk Grove Village, IL : Disney Educational Productions, [2004].DVD 551.46 OCE Ocean exploration. Classroom edition. Elk Grove Village, IL : Disney Educational Productions, [2005].DVD 551.482 LAK Lakes and ponds. Classroom edition. Elk Grove Village, IL : Disney Educational Productions, [2005].DVD 551.483 RIV Rivers & streams. Classroom edition. Elk Grove Village, Ill : Disney Educational Productions, [2005].DVD 551.5 ATM Atmosphere. Classroom edition. Elk Grove Village, IL : Disney Educational Productions, [2003]. DVD 551.55 STO Storms. Classroom edition. Elk Grove Village, IL : Disney Educational Productions, [2005].DVD 551.6 CLI Climates. Classroom edition. Elk Grove Village, IL : Disney Educational Productions, [2003].DVD 560 FOS Fossils. Classroom edition. Elk Grove Village, IL : Disney Educational Productions, [2005].DVD 577.3 FOR Forests. Classroom edition. Elk Grove Village, IL : Disney Educational Productions, [2004].DVD 591.57 ANI Animal locomotion. Classroom edition. Elk Grove Village, IL : Disney Educational Productions, [2004].DVD 595.4 SPI Spiders. Classroom edition. Elk Grove Village, IL : Disney Educational Productions, [2004].DVD 595.7 INS Insects. Classroom edition. Elk Grove Village, IL : Disney Educational Productions, [2003].DVD 597 FIS Fish. Classroom edition. Elk Grove Village, IL : Disney Educational Productions, [2004].DVD 597.8 AMP Amphibians. Classroom edition. Elk Grove Village, IL : Disney Educational Productions, [2004].DVD 597.9 REP Reptiles. Classroom edition. Elk Grove Village, IL : Disney Educational Productions, [2003].DVD 598 BIR Birds. Classroom edition. Elk Grove Village, IL : Disney Educational Productions, [2003].DVD 599.5 MAR Marine mammals. Classroom edition. Elk Grove Village, IL : Disney Educational Productions, [2004]. DVD 612.17 HEA Heart. Classroom edition. Elk Grove Village, IL : Disney Educational Productions, [2003].DVD 612.2 RES Respiration. Classroom edition. Elk Grove Village, IL : Disney Educational Productions, [2003]. DVD 612.7 BON Bones & muscles. Classroom edition. Elk Grove Village, IL : Disney Educational Productions, [2003].
DVD 612.82 BRA Brain. Classroom edition. Elk Grove Village, IL : Disney Educational Productions, [2005].DVD 621.8 SIM Simple machines. Classroom edition. Elk Grove Village, IL : Disney Educational Productions, [2005].DVD 628.44 GAR Garbage. Classroom edition. Elk Grove Village, IL : Disney Educational Productions, [2004].DVD 629.13 FLI Flight. Classroom edition. Elk Grove Village, IL : Disney Educational Productions, [2003].DVD F MON Monteforte Toledo, Mario, 1911-2003. Donde acaban los caminos. Guatemala : Fundación Mario Monteforte Toledo, 2004. DVD F SIL El silencio de Neto (The silence of Neto). Guatemala : Maya Media, 1994. REFERENCE JUVENILE R J 031.02 MOR Morse, Jenifer Corr. Book of world records, 2009. New York : Scholastic, c2008.R J 910 ADA Adams, Simon, 1955-. The most fantastic atlas of the whole wide world by the Brainwaves. London : DK, 2008. NON-FICTION Religion J 293 DAU D'Aulaire, Ingri, 1904-. D'Aulaires' book of Norse myths. New York : New York Review of Books, [2005]. Social Sciences J 302.3 PIT Pitt, Steve, 1954-. Teasing : before the joke's on you. Toronto : Distributed in the U.S. by Orca Book Publishers, c2006.J 305.897 LOU Lourie, Peter. Arctic thaw : the people of the whale in a changing climate. 1st ed. Honesdale, Pa : Boyds Mills Press, 2007. J 331.7 COU Coulter, Laurie. Ballplayers and bonesetters : one hundred ancient Aztec and Maya jobs you might have adored or abhorred. Toronto, ON : Annick Press, c2008.J 333.95 NAG Nagle, Jeanne M. Endangered wildlife : habitats in peril. 1st ed. New York : Rosen Pub, 2009. J 398.2 KAT Katz, Welwyn Wilton. Beowulf. New ed. Toronto, Ont : Groundwood Books/House of Anansi Press, 2007, c1999.
J 398.2 LIB El libro de oro de las fábulas. 1a. ed. Caracas, Venezuela : Ediciones Ekaré, 2004.J 398.2 TAY Taylor, C. J, 1952- (Carrie J.). Peace walker : the legend of Hiawatha and Tekanawita. Toronto, Ont : Tundra Books, c2004. Language J 428 ELL Elliott, Rebecca, 1948-. Painless grammar. 2nd ed. Hauppauge, N.Y : Barron's, c2006. Pure Sciences J 508.314 WAL Waldron, Melanie. Coasts. Chicago : Heinemann, c2008.J 510 HOF Hoffman, Mary Ann. The history of the Maya : using computational skills in problem solving. New York : Rosen, 2005.J 520 BIN Bingham, Caroline, 1962-. First space encyclopedia. 1st American ed. London : DK, 2008.J 523.4 AGU Aguilar, David A. 11 planets : a new view of the solar system. Washington, D.C : National Geographic, c2008.J 546 BRE Brent, Lynnette, 1974-. Acids and bases. St. Catharines, ON : Crabtree Pub, c2009.J 551.22 FRA Fradin, Judith Bloom. Earthquakes. Washington, D.C : National Geographic, c2008.J 591.5 BAI Baillie, Marilyn. Amazing things animals do. Toronto, Ont : Maple Tree Press, 2007, c2003. Technology (Applied Sciences) J 612 GAR Gardner, Robert, 1929-. Easy genius science projects with the human body : great experiments and ideas. Berkeley Heights, NJ : Enslow Publishers, c2009.J 613.2 BUR Burstein, John. The shape of good nutrition : the food pyramid. St. Catharines, Ont : Crabtree Pub, c2008.J 641.3 GRO Grow it, cook it. London : DK, 2008.J 641.5 BEE Beery, Barbara, 1954-. Fairies cookbook. 1st ed. Salt Lake City : Gibbs Smith Publishers, c2007.J 641.5 DAH Dahl, Roald. Roald Dahl's revolting recipes. New York : Puffin Books, 1997, c1994. Arts & Recreation J 726 MAC Macaulay, David. Mosque. Boston : Houghton Mifflin, c2003.J 741.5 DEM DeMatteis, J. M. The dream thief. 1st ed. New York : Hyperion Books for Children, c2006. J 741.5 STU Sturm, James, 1965-. Satchel Paige : striking out Jim Crow. 1st ed. New York : Jump at the Sun, c2007.
J 741.5 TRO Trondheim, Lewis. Kaput & Zösky. 1st American ed. New York : First Second, 2008.J 780.98 KAL Kallen, Stuart A, 1955-. The history of Latin music. Detroit, MI : Lucent Books, c2007.J 796.334 DRE c.2 Drewett, Jim. How to improve at soccer. St. Catherines, Ont. ; : Crabtree, c2008.J 796.48 OSB Osborne, Mary Pope. Kodae Greece Olympics. [Seoul?] : BIR, c2004. Literature J 808 GAI Gaines, Ann Graham. Don't steal copyrighted stuff! : avoiding plagiarism and illegal Internet downloading. Berkeley Heights, NJ : Enslow Publishers, c2008. History & Geography J 972 GAN Ganeri, Anita, 1961-. Ancient Maya. 1st American ed. Minneapolis, MN : Compass Point Books, 2006, c2005.J 972.81 SHI Shields, Charles J, 1951-. Guatemala. Philadelphia, PA : Mason Crest Publishers, c2009. Biography J 92 BLO Adams, Colleen. Orlando Bloom. New York : Power Kids Press, 2007.J 92 HOU Fleischman, Sid, 1920-. Escape! : the story of the great Houdini. 1st Collins ed. New York : Greenwillow Books, 2008.J 92 LON Fitzmaurice, Meghan. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow : American poet, linguist, and educator. 1st ed. New York : Rosen Central, 2006.J 92 SCI c.2 Scieszka, Jon. Knucklehead : tall tales & mostly true stories of growing up Scieszka. New York : Viking, c2008.J 92 WHE Roza, Greg. "Guide my pen" : the poems of Phillis Wheatley. 1st ed. New York : Rosen Central Primary Source, 2004. J 920 NOB Nobleman, Marc Tyler. Boys of steel : the creators of Superman. 1st ed. New York : Knopf, c2008.J 920 ROB Robb, Jackie. Everything you need to know about the stars of High School Musical 3. New York : Scholastic, c2008. FICTION J BAK Baker, Deirdre F, 1955- (Deirdre Frances). Becca at sea. Toronto, Ont : Groundwood Books/House of Anansi Press, 2007.
J BAU Bauer, Marion Dane. The red ghost. 1st ed. New York : Random House, c2008.J CAM Cameron, Ann, 1943-. More stories Huey tells. 1st Yearling ed. New York : Dell Yearling, 2001.J CRE Creech, Sharon. Granny Torrelli makes soup. 1st Harper Trophy ed. New York : HarperTrophy, 2005, c2003.J DAD Dadey, Debbie. Lizards in the lunch line. New York : Scholastic, c2004.J DIT DiTerlizzi, Tony. A giant problem. 1st ed. New York : Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers, c2008.J FUN Funke, Cornelia Caroline. Sangre de tinta. México : Fondo de Cultura Económica, Ediciones Siruela, 2009.J HAR Hardinge, Frances. Well witched. 1st American ed. New York : HarperCollins, c2007.J JUS c.2 Juster, Norton, 1929-. La recta y el punto : un romance matemático. México : Fondo de Cultura Económica, 2005.J KEE Keene, Carolyn. The Greek symbol mystery. New York : Grosset & Dunlap, 2005, c1981.J KEE Keene, Carolyn. The mystery at Lilac Inn. New York : Grosset & Dunlap, c1989, c1930.J LEE Lee, Jung-Hae. Majimak bakjwi gongju migaya. Seoul, Korea : Moonji Pub. Co, 2000.J LEE Lee, Lee-Hun. Kkumeulkkuneu n bulssi hana. [Korea : Tsai-Fong Books], 2001.J LEQ Le Quesne, Pippa. Lilly's seaside adventure. London : Frederick Warne, c2008.J LEQ Le Quesne, Pippa. Zinnia's magical adventure. London : Frederick Warne, c2006.J LEW Lewis, C. S, 1898-1963 (Clive Staples). The chronicles of Narnia. New York : HarperCollins, c2007.J MAN Mantell, Paul. Soccer duel. 1st ed. New York : Little, Brown & Co, c2000.J MAT Matott, Justin. The world according to Gabe (More stories from the upper bunk). 3 copies. Littleton, CO : Skoob Books, 2008.J NIX Nix, Garth. Drowned Wednesday. New York : Scholastic Press, [2006].J ODE O'Dell, Scott, 1898-1989. The 290. Naperville, Ill : Sourcebooks Jabberwocky, c2008.J OSB Osborne, Mary Pope. Summer of the sea serpent. 1st ed. New York : Random House, c2004.J PAR c.2 Park, Barbara. Junie B. Jones and the yucky blucky fruitcake. New York : Scholastic, Random House, c1995.J PAR Park, Barbara. Skinnybones. New York : Random House, c1997.J PAT c.2 Paterson, Katherine. The great Gilly Hopkins. New York : Scholastic, 1995.J SAC Sachar, Louis, 1954-. Marvin Redpost. New York : Random House, c1999. J SAC Sachar, Louis, 1954-. Stanley Yelnats' survival guide to Camp Green Lake. New York : Dell Yearling, c2003. J STI Stilton, Geronimo. Merry Christmas, Geronimo! New York : Scholastic, c2004. J STI Stilton, Geronimo. The mysterious cheese thief. New York : Scholastic, c2007. J STI Stilton, Geronimo. Paws off, Cheddarface! New York : Scholastic, Inc, c2004. J TAR Tarshis, Lauren. Emma-Jean Lazarus fell out of a tree. New York : Puffin Books, 2008.
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E REC Recorvits, Helen. Me llamo Yoon. 2. ed. Barcelona : Editorial Juventud, 2006.E RIC Ricci, Christine. El libro de modales de Dora. Colombia : Norma, 2008.E RON Rondón, Javier. El sapo distraído. Caracas : Ekare-Banco del Libro, 1988.E ROZ Roza, Greg. El día de San Valentín. New York : Rosen, 2007.E SHE Shea, Therese. Un alboroto en el autobús. New York : Rosen, 2007.E STO c.2 Stone, Bernard. Operación ratón. Mexíco, D.F : Fondo de Cultura Económica, 1995, c1993.E THO Thomas, Valerie. La bruja Winnie. Barcelona, España : Océano, 2006.. E THO Thomas, Valerie. La computadora nueva de Winnie. Barcelona : Océano, 2006. E THO Thomas, Valerie. Feliz cumpleaños, Winnie! Barcelona, España : Océano, c2008.E THO Thomas, Valerie. La varita mágica de Winnie. Barcelona, España : Océano, c2007.E ZIE Ziefert, Harriet. 33 cosas que solo hacen los padres. 1a. ed. Madrid : Ediciones SM, 2008.E ZUL Zullo, Germano. Marta y la bicicleta. 1a. ed. norteamericana en español. La Jolla, CA : Kane/Miller Book Publishers, 2007. AUDIO-VISUAL MATERIAL CD E 740 BLE Blends and Digraphs (Let's Start Smart). Honolulu, Hawaii : TLC Music, 2007.CD E 782.42 ALP Alphabet and letter sounds. Honolulu, Hawaii : TLC Music, 2007.CD E 782.42 CHI v.1 Children's favorite songs : Volume 1. Burbank, CA : Walt Disney Records, c1977. CD E 782.42 GAB v.2 Gabilondo Soler, Francisco, 1907-1990. Las 100 clásicas de Cri-Cri : Volumen 2. México : MBG Entertainment, 2001.CD E 782.42 HOT v.3 Hot peas 'n butter : Volume 3, Mo Hotta, Mo Butta. n.p : Hot Peas 'n Butter, 2005.CD E 782.42 PLA Platinum all-time favorites. New York, NY : Koch Records, 2008.CD E 782.42 RAF Raffi. The singable songs collection. Cambridge, MA : Rounder Records, 1996.CD E 782.42 THE They Might Be Giants (Musical group). Here come the 123s. Burbank, CA : Disney Sound, 2007.CD E 811 NAS Nash, Ogden, 1902-1971. Adventures of Isabel. Naperville, Ill : Sourcebooks Jabberwocky, c2008. November (5), 2009