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BRITISH GYMNASTICS (TRAMPOLINE) CLUB JUDGE COURSE. FIRST DAY 9:30 Registration & Agenda Overview 30 min. 10am Safety, Hygiene & Comfort 15 min. 10:15 Introduction to Judging 45 min. 11:00 Break 15 min. 11:15 Competition Structure & Procedures 30 min. 11:45
FIRST DAY 9:30 Registration & Agenda Overview 30 min. 10am Safety, Hygiene & Comfort 15 min. 10:15 Introduction to Judging 45 min. 11:00 Break 15 min. 11:15 Competition Structure & Procedures 30 min. 11:45 Recording at Competitions 30 min. 12:15 Form Judging: - Theory 45 min. 1pm Lunch 60 min. 2pm Questions & Answers 15 min. 2:15 Relevant Competition Rules 45 min. 3pm Break 15 min. 3:15 Form Judging: - Practical 60 min. 4:15 Wrap Up & Kaisen 15 min. 4:30
SECOND DAY 9:30 Questions & Answers 45 min. 10:15 Examination Overview 30 min. 10:45 Break 15 min. 11:00 Theory Revision 60 min. 12noon Practical Form Judging Revision 60 min. 1pm Lunch 60 min. 2pm Questions & Answers 15 min. 2:15 Theory Examination 45 min. 3pm Break 15 min. 3:15 Form Judging Examination 60 min. 4:15 Wrap Up & Kaisen 15 min. 4:30
British Championships, Sheffield, 8th July ‘00 http://www.MinistryOfAir.com
Judging Scheme British Gymnastics Ford Hall, Lilleshall National Sports Centre, Newport, Shropshire TF10 9NB
CLUB JUDGE • Overview • The Club Judge Award is the entry level into the BG (Trampoline) Judging scheme and is open to any member of BG who is interested in judging and competitions. • Regulations • Minimum Age 15 • BG Membership is required • Course duration (minimum): 12 hours.
CLUB JUDGE • Syllabus • Competition Structure & Procedures • Recording of Individual & Team competitions • Form Judging • Relevant Competition Rules. • Examination • Theory Paper: 10 Questions covering the syllabus. Duration 30 minutes. Pass mark 60%. • Practical Examination Form Judge 5 routines below 3.0 difficulty. Pass mark 60%. • Course Tutor • Terry Williams: National Judge
JUDGING • JUDGE'S CODE OF PRACTICE • Expectations • Judges are expected to: • Arrive prepared and in good time. • Advise the competition organiser if they are unable to fulfil any of their commitments. • Behave courteously at all times. • Refrain from alcohol abuse both before and during the competition. • Be in place at the specified time(s). • Judge impartially. • Concentrate on the task they have been assigned. • Complete the Judge attendance form. • Be supportive of British Gymnastics.
JUDGING • JUDGE'S CODE OF PRACTICE • Uniform • Navy Blue Blazer • White Blouse / Shirt & BG tie • Grey Skirt / Trousers • Black Shoes • Judges are representatives of British Gymnastics and are therefore expected to maintain high standards.
DUTIES OF THE JUDGES FOR EXECUTION Evaluate the execution in the range 0.0 to 1.0 points and write down their deductions on the deduction sheets. Subtract their deductions from the maximum mark indicated by the Chair of Judges panel.
DUTIES OF THE JUDGES FOR EXECUTION • DEDUCTIONS • Deductions for execution (lack of form, consistency of height and control in each skill) are in the range 0.0 to 0.5 points. • Deductions for lack of stability on or after the last skill: • EITHER landing on both feet but lacking stability and not standing still for 3 seconds, in the range 0.1 to 0.2 points • OR in the range of 0.3 to 1.0 points on the instruction of the Chair of Judges panel • Additional deductions for infringement of other rules (also on the instruction of the Chair of Judges panel) in the range 0.1 to 1.0 points.
FIRST DAY 9:30 Registration & Agenda Overview 30 min. 10am Safety, Hygiene & Comfort 15 min. 10:15 Introduction to Judging 45 min. 11:00 Break 15 min. 11:15 Competition Structure & Procedures 30 min. 11:45 Recording at Competitions 30 min. 12:15 Form Judging: - Theory 45 min. 1pm Lunch 60 min. 2pm Questions & Answers 15 min. 2:15 Relevant Competition Rules 45 min. 3pm Break 15 min. 3:15 Form Judging: - Practical 60 min. 4:15 Wrap Up & Kaisen 15 min. 4:30
2001 British Championships. The National Indoor Arena, Birmingham http://www.MinistryOfAir.com
Grade 1 Littledown 20th May ‘00 http://www.MinistryOfAir.com
COMPETITON STRUCTURE Grade 7 Novice Level Competition Grade 6,5 Zonal Schools National Schools Championships Divisional Schools Grade 4,3 Grade 2 National Grade 2 Championships Grade 1 National Synchronised Championships National Grade 1 Championships
COMPETITION JURY • Chair of Judges panel • Execution Judges • Difficulty Judges • Synchronisation Judges • Assistant Judges • If a Judge fails to carry out his duties in a satisfactory manner he must be replaced. This decision is made by the Arbitration Jury upon the recommendation of the Chair of Judges panel.
ARBITRATION JURY • 2 Members of the Organising Committee; • The Chair of Judges panel of the event involved; • 2 Judges of the event involved. • The composition of the Arbitration Jury must be declared prior to the start of the competition by the Competition Director. • The Chair of Judges panel is President of the Arbitration Jury and has a casting vote in the event of ties. • The Arbitration Jury will decide about the replacement of a Judge.
Gillingham http://www.MinistryOfAir.com
RECORDING AT COMPETITIONS If any of the Judges for Execution or Synchronisation fail to show their marks when signalled by the Chair of Judges panel, the average of the other marks will be taken for the missing mark(s). All scores will be rounded to 2 decimal places. 4 Mark Total = 32.5; 32.5 / 4 = 8.125 Missing Mark = 8.13 E.g. 7.9 n/a 8.2 8.1 8.3 8.13
RECORDING AT COMPETITIONS In the Individual competition the highest and lowest marks of the five Execution Judges are deleted. The three remaining marks are added together to give the score for execution. E.g. 7.8 8.3 7.9 8.2 7.7 Total Mark = 23.9
RECORDING AT COMPETITIONS In Individual Competition Voluntary routines the difficulty score is added to the execution score. E.g. Form 7.2 7.4 7.6 7.1 7.5 =22.1 Tariff (or Difficulty) 3.4 Total Mark =25.5
RECORDING AT COMPETITIONS Synchronised Competitions Jason Holland Mid-Season Synchro Champions Graham Williams Cardiff, Wales 2001 http://www.MinistryOfAir.com
RECORDING AT COMPETITIONS In the Synchronised Competitions the highest and lowest marks of the four Execution Judges are deleted. The two remaining middle marks are added together to give the score for execution. E.g. (Trampoline No. 1) 8.6 8.4 (Trampoline No. 2)7.2 7.2 Total Execution Mark = 8.4 + 7.2 = 15.6
RECORDING AT COMPETITIONS The highest and lowest marks of the Synchronisation Judges are deleted. The remaining mark is doubled to give the score for synchronisation. E.g. 9.2 9.1 8.9 Total Mark = 18.2
RECORDING AT COMPETITIONS In Synchronised Competition Voluntary routines the synchronised score is added to the execution and the difficulty score. E.g. Execution (1) 8.6 8.4 =8.4 Execution (2)7.2 7.2 =7.2 Synchronisation 9.2 9.1 8.9 =18.2 Difficulty 3.4 Total Mark =37.2
RECORDING AT COMPETITIONS Teams of four competitors: the score of the team member with the lowest number will be deleted from the team score from each round, Compulsory and first Voluntary (three scores counting). E.g. Member A 23.9 Member B 21.3 Member C 24.4 Member D 26.9 Total Score 75.2
Grade 2 Harlow 14th May ‘00 http://www.MinistryOfAir.com
RECORDING AT COMPETITIONS PRACTICAL EXAMPLES OF RECORDING SCORES INDIVIDUAL COMPETITION Tony Blair Compulsory Round: 7.9 8.1 7.7 8.2 8.0 1st Voluntary Round: 6.9 7.3 7.5 7.2 7.1 3.4 William Haig Compulsory Round: 7.8 8.1 7.7 8.0 1st Voluntary Round: 7.3 7.7 7.2 4.0 2nd Voluntary Round: 3.4 3.1 3.4 3.3 3.5 2.0
RECORDING AT COMPETITIONS PRACTICAL EXAMPLES OF RECORDING SCORES INDIVIDUAL COMPETITION Tony Blair Compulsory Round: 7.9 8.1 7.7 8.2 8.0 24.0 1st Voluntary Round: 6.9 7.3 7.5 7.2 7.1 3.4 49.0 William Haig Compulsory Round: 7.8 8.1 7.7 7.9 8.0 23.7 1st Voluntary Round: 7.4 7.3 7.7 7.4 7.2 4.0 49.8 2nd Voluntary Round: 3.4 3.1 3.4 3.3 3.5 2.0 61.9
RECORDING AT COMPETITIONS PRACTICAL EXAMPLES OF RECORDING SCORES SYNCHRONISED COMPETITION Compulsory: 1st Voluntary: 2nd Voluntary: #1 8.2 7.9 7.6 7.4 7.7 7.6 #2 8.5 8.7 7.7 7.4 8.0 8.2 9.2 9.5 9.1 8.4 8.2 8.5 9.2 8.8 9.0 Tariff 5.1 5.3 Routine 1 16.7 + 18.4 = 35.1 Routine 2 15.0 + 16.8 + 5.1 = 36.9, Total = 72.0 Routine 3 15.7 + 18.0 + 5.3 = 39.0, Total = 111.0
RECORDING AT COMPETITIONS PRACTICAL EXAMPLES OF RECORDING SCORES TEAM COMPETITION Set Vol. Alas (A) 25.9 29.8 Scary (B) 23.8 27.8 Smith (A) 23.5 Baby (B) 23.5 Jones (A) 27.1 33.6 Sporty (B) 24.8 30.2 Posh (B) 24.5 28.6 Organise Results into Teams!!! Withdrew
RECORDING AT COMPETITIONS PRACTICAL EXAMPLES OF RECORDING SCORES TEAM COMPETITION Team A: Set Vol. Team B: Set Vol. Alas 25.9 29.8 Scary 23.8 27.8 Smith 23.5 Baby 23.5 Jones 27.1 33.6 Sporty 24.8 30.2 Posh 24.5 28.6 Withdrew
RECORDING AT COMPETITIONS PRACTICAL EXAMPLES OF RECORDING SCORES SYNCHRONISED COMPETITION Team A: Set Vol.. Team B: Set Vol.. Alas 25.9 29.8 Scary 23.8 27.8 Smith 23.5 Baby 23.5 Jones 27.1 33.6 Sporty 24.8 30.2 Posh 24.5 28.6 76.5 63.4 73.1 86.6 139.9 159.7 Withdrew
WHAT ARE WE NOT LOOKING FOR? • Leotard • ‘Doesn’t fit well’ • ‘Who’s Club is that?’ • ‘GB Leotard,… so, worth 8.4 before the routine starts’ • Physique • ‘Too big {small / heavy / light} to do a good routine’ • ‘Nice chest’ (substitute your own preference) • Trampoline • ‘Seems to be out of position’ • ‘Hey!, look who’s on the next bed’
WHAT ARE WE LOOKING FOR? British Championships, Sheffield 8th July ‘00 http://www.MinistryOfAir.com
WHAT ARE WE LOOKING FOR? • Travel • Inside the box • Lengthways & Across • Consistent Height • Check the waist • Allow for body landings • Phasing • Take off,Middle (Shape) Phase, Landing Preparation • Shape • Straight Legs • Angle of Legs • Pointed Toes • Straight Arms • Arms Near Body • Position of Head
REQUIRED POSITIONS DURING A ROUTINE In all positions except straddle jumps, the feet and legs should be kept together and the feet and toes pointed. During the straddle jump, the feet must be at least shoulder width apart. Depending on the requirements of the movement, the body should be tucked, piked or straight.
WHAT ARE WE LOOKING FOR? Graham Williams Grade 1 Championship London Division 2001 http://www.MinistryOfAir.com
WHAT ARE WE LOOKING FOR? Graham Williams 14th Flower Cup Aalsmeer, NL 2001 http://www.MinistryOfAir.com
REQUIRED POSITIONS DURING A ROUTINE In the tucked and piked positions the thighs should be close to the upper body except in the twisting phase of multiple somersaults. In the tucked position the hands should touch the legs below the knees except in the twisting phase of multiple somersaults. The arms should be straight and/or held close to the body whenever possible. (County Judge)
REQUIRED POSITIONS DURING A ROUTINE The following defines the minimum requirements for a particular body shape. Straight Position: The angle between the upper body and thighs must be greater than 135°. Pike Position: The angle between the upper body and thighs must be equal to or less than 135° and the angle between the thighs and the lower legs must be greater than 135°. Tuck Position: The angle between the upper body and thighs must be less than 135° and the angle between the thigh and the lower leg must be less than 135°. (County Judge)
WHAT ARE WE LOOKING FOR? Ellie Dixon-Jackson, British Championships, Sheffield 8th July ‘00 http://www.MinistryOfAir.com
POSITION OF THE LIMBS General Principles TUCK POSITION Jumps & Somersaults without twist TUCK POSITION Knees TUCK POSITION Position of hands, arms PIKED POSITION Vertical Jumps, angle upper body to legs PIKED POSITION Position of legs with respect to horizontal