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Oxford University Language Centre 12 Woodstock Road 01865 283360 http://www.lang.ox.ac.uk email admin@lang.ox.ac.uk The Language Centre provides resources and services for members of the University who need foreign languages for their study, research or personal interest.
Oxford University Language Centre 12 Woodstock Road01865 283360 http://www.lang.ox.ac.uk email admin@lang.ox.ac.uk
The Language Centre provides resources and services for members of the University who need foreign languages for their study, research or personal interest. • Two programmes of foreign language courses: Languages for Study and Research (LASR) and the Oxford Programme in Languages (OPAL).
The LASR programme is open to all members of Oxford University • Registration fee of £25 per course per term • provides courses in ten languages: French, Georgian, German, Chinese (Mandarin), Modern Greek, Italian, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish and Welsh. • emphasis on general communication or reading • most courses last for the entire academic year • those with proven academic need for classes are given priority (priority forms from LC)
OPAL courses in Arabic, Chinese, French, German, Italian, Japanese and Spanish. • Intended for those who are highly motivated, willing to commit to a fast-paced course and wish to obtain a certificate of achievement. • Two hours per week (18.00-20.00, Mon-Thurs, 17.00-19.00 Friday) + independent study • Fee of £195 is payable in advance for OPAL courses • Further fee of £55 is payable for the examination and supported project work in Trinity Term. • Most colleges have arrangements for partial reimbursement of the fees on successful completion.
English for Academic Studies • Courses intended for those who had to meet an English language requirement • Registration fee of £15 per course per term • Academic Writing (2 hours per week) • Advanced Communication Skills (2 hours per week) • Registration in 0th Week (on-line or in person). Classes begin in Week 1
Special Courses • German and Italian for Classics, Ancient History and Archaeology • Various languages (eg French, German, Spanish, Italian) for History according to demand • Italian for History of Art • French and German for Oriental Studies • Academic English Skills for Medical Sciences
Library and Independent Study Area • For those who wish to study a language at their own pace, the LanguageCentre has a large library and self-study area. • Language-learning materials in well over 140 languages to help you with your research reading, lab exchanges abroad, overseas site visits and holiday trips. • Inductions daily at 10.00 and 14.00
Print, audio-visual, CD and CALL materials. Dictionaries, courses, readers. • News (recorded each day) in Arabic, English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Russian and Spanish • TV reception in 14 languages
The LAMBDA Project • What is the Lambda Project? The Oxford Language Maintenance and Development Project: How learners can best maintain and develop their language skills independently. Our question is "What makes a good language keeper?" • We help staff and students who cannot or do not wish to attend formal classes maintain their French or German language skills. • Who may join? Any member of the University or Colleges who has at least GCSE French or German (or equivalent) may apply to join.
Registration 2010 • English Courses – Mon - Wed Week 0 (Oct 4-6) • LASR Courses - Mon 0th Week - Wed Week 1 (Oct 4-13). Courses start in Week 2 • Deadline for LASR priority & lottery places is Wednesday, Week 1, at 5pm • OPAL Courses – Any time up to Wed, Week 1, at 5pm • LASR & OPAL courses start in Week 2 • Online registration for LASR and English courses on the Language Centre web site www.lang.ox.ac.uk from 4th October, when standard registration begins. • Until then, if you need to make a LASR priority application, please contact James Matejtschuk at admin@lang.ox.ac.uk • On-line placement tests in English, French, German, Italian, Spanish
www.lang.ox.ac.uke-mail admin@lang.ox.ac.uk • Opening Hours • TERM WEEKS 0 and 9 • Monday - Friday 8.45 -18.30 • TERM WEEKS 1-8 • Monday - Thursday 8.45 - 20.00Friday 8.45 - 18.30Saturday 10.00 - 13.00 • CHRISTMAS AND EASTER VACATION • Monday - Friday 8.45 - 13.00 and 14.00 - 17.30 • SUMMER VACATION • Monday - Friday 8.45 - 16.30