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Here are 10 Job Hunting Tips. For More Visit: https://www.resumeble.com/career-advice/top-10-job-hunting-tips<br>
THE PROBLEM When you’re job hunting, focus revolves solely around three things: 1. Resume, 2. Cover letter 3. The answers you’re going to give at the interview. One mistake can be costly, and so it pays to know a few tips to increase your chances of furthering your career. Here are ten tips to keep in mind. 1. Clean Up Your Social Media Modern companies have become more protective of their reputation, and they want to make sure they hire an employee who will reflect the values and ethics they uphold. Best Career Advice
2. Build a Strong Resume Characteristics of a solid resume include chronological organization, bulleted formatting, providing personal information relevant to the industry being applied for, and brevity. 3. Highlight Your Accomplishments regardless of the industry you want to work in, you’re going to face competition from other applicants, so it’s critical to have a resume that stands out from the rest. Best Skills For Resume
4. HARNESS YOUR NETWORK Many people get hired for jobs that they learn from people they know instead of the usual avenues such as ads and postings. Use your network to get to know people, and treat every interaction as a job opportunity. Best Career Advice Websites
5. Use an App there are many job search apps for both iOS and Android devices serving different functions. A little bit of research on the best job search apps to use can get you started on the right foot. 6. Don’t Limit Yourself f you can’t seem to land that dream job, know that you’re not out of options. Send your resume out to job vacancies that allow you to learn transferable skills that will serve you regardless of the path you pursue in the future. Best Career Blogs
7 . I N V E S T I N Y O U R P E R S O N A L D E V E L O P M E N T “What do you do with your spare time?” is a question that often pops up in job interviews, and it’s good to have an answer that gives the recruiter an idea of the many contributions you can offer the company Take time to develop yourself, and one day, your newfound skillsets can come in handy for a job that you want to apply for in the future. Best Job Hunting Tips
8. DO YOUR RESEARCH W A N T T O I M P R E S S T H E H R ? B E F O R E Y O U R J O B I N T E R V I E W , F I N D O U T A S M U C H A S Y O U C A N A B O U T T H E C O M P A N Y . R E S E A R C H I N G T H E C O M P A N Y B E F O R E H A N D W I L L P R E P A R E Y O U T O A N S W E R I N T E R V I E W Q U E S T I O N S Best Skills of 2018
9. GET TO KNOW THE INDUSTRY Aside from researching the company, it also helps to study the industry and competitors of the company you plan to work for. .Having a firm grasp on their industry is a great way to impress your interviewer. Best Skills For Resume
10. KEEP YOUR HEAD HELD HIGH Rejection is a natural part of the job hunting process, so don’t take it personally. Even if they’ve already chosen their candidate, there’s still reason to hope. That applicant may turn down the job offer, or perhaps find out in time that the job is not for them.
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