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Annie’s Project FSA Presentation

Annie’s Project FSA Presentation. Page County Farm Service Agency Jolene Fechter, County Executive Director. March 23, 2006. October . CRP Annual Payments issued. Advance 35% DCP Counter-cyclical (CC) Payment for those who take advance. Final 50/60% Direct Payment for DCP Program.

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Annie’s Project FSA Presentation

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Annie’s Project FSA Presentation Page County Farm Service Agency Jolene Fechter, County Executive Director March 23, 2006

  2. October CRP Annual Payments issued Advance 35% DCP Counter-cyclical (CC) Payment for those who take advance Final 50/60% Direct Payment for DCP Program Final DCP Counter-cyclical Payment (CC) for previous crop year corn and soybeans May begin signup for DCP Commodity Loan and LDP’s available with the start of harvest

  3. November Commodity Loans and LDP’s available when harvest is started and continues through 3/31 for oats & wheat, 5/31/ for corn and soybeans – sign CCC-633 Page 2 to request LDP Must have signed Page 1 of CCC633EZ making yourself eligible for LDP’s. LDP rate will be date of loss of beneficial interest or request date, whichever comes first.

  4. December 50/40% Advance DCP Direct Payments may be issued for those who request it. Sign-up could actually start in October, however no payments can be issued until December. 2007 – 22% Commodity loan and LDP activity continues. Loans may be disbursed before end of year or right after first of year.

  5. January January 31 - 1099’s issued to all producers who received government payments Commodity loan activity & LDP’s to put income in new year.

  6. February 2nd 35% Advance DCP Counter-cyclical (CC) Payments issued for those requesting them.

  7. March March 31 – Deadline to request oats & wheat loans and LDP’s March 15 – Deadline to obtain or cancel crop insurance policy for spring seeded crops

  8. April Mostly quiet in FSA offices as producers go to the field!!!!! CRP Sign-up March 27 – April 14, 2006 for new land or contracts expiring September 30, 2006

  9. May May 31 – Deadline to request corn & soybean loan and LDP’s Certification begins when crops are planted.

  10. June June 1 – Deadline to sign DCP contract to avoid $100 late fee per farm June 30 – Final date to report planted crop acres to FSA as well as crop insurance in Iowa

  11. July Final DCP Counter-cyclical (CC) Payments for oats & wheat

  12. August Sign CCC-633 Page 1 to be eligible for LDP’s if not already signed. Must be signed each crop year. August 1 – Final date to request a reconstitution of farms for current crop year. REMINDER: Notify FSA of changes in owner, operator, shares, etc to avoid possible contract violations! A copy of the recorded deed is necessary for ownership changes.

  13. September September 30 – Deadline to sign DCP contract with $100 late fee.

  14. DCP Payments

  15. DCP Payment Rates

  16. DCP Contracts Contracts must be signed each year of the program. All producers who share in risk of production of the crop must sign the contract for their share. Cash rent landowners must sign the contract acknowledging “0” share or a current farm cash lease must be provided.

  17. Websites Important Web Sites for the customer/producer Level 2 eAuthentication Authority http://www.eauth.egov.usda.gov eLDP & Daily LDP Rates for any County/State http://www.fsa.usda.gov/dafp/psd/default.htm eDCP http://www.fsa.usda.gov/egov/edcp_default.htm Customer Statement http://customerstatement.usda.gov Forms & Other Local Information – Page County Home Page www.fsa.usda.gov/ia/page

  18. ??????Questions?????

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