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Beautiful Butterflies!

Beautiful Butterflies! Life Cycle Caterpillar Facts Click on a picture to learn more about the person. Click on the home button to return back to this page. Use the arrows to move forward and backward in the presentation. Body Parts Kinds of Butterflies The Egg The Larva Life Cycle

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Beautiful Butterflies!

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Presentation Transcript

  1. BeautifulButterflies! Life Cycle CaterpillarFacts Click on a picture to learn more about the person. Click on the home button to return back to this page. Use the arrows to move forward and backward in the presentation. Body Parts Kinds of Butterflies

  2. The Egg The Larva Life Cycle The Adult The Pupa

  3. The Egg The egg is white. The egg is small and it is soft. Eggs are laid on a plant it likes to eat.- Isaiah

  4. The Larva The larva’s head is small. The larva eats the yolk inside the egg. The caterpillars have true legs and use mandibles to eat. They have sucker feet.-Jahiem

  5. The Pupa The pupa is surrounded by the chrysalis. A pupa grows into a butterfly. A pupa goes through a change called metamorphosis.-Chris

  6. The Adult The butterfly pushes through the chrysalis. At first its wings are wet and weak. The butterfly pumps liquid into the wings. The butterfly wings grow bigger and stronger. -Janyla

  7. ButterflyBody Parts Legs & Feet Eyes Body & Wings

  8. Eyes Compound eyes see color and patterns on flowers. Compound eyes are made up of many lenses.-Zolynn

  9. Legs and Feet Butterflies have six legs. Butterflies have legs to walk. Their feet are sticky.-Merrisses

  10. Body and Wings The thorax supports the butterfly’s wings. The antennae are for balancing and smelling. The abdomen holds organs that help a butterfly digest its food.-Cal

  11. CaterpillarFacts

  12. Caterpillar Facts When a caterpillar comes out of its shell it eats a leaf right away. Caterpillars are good for birds to eat. A caterpillar’s old skin comes off about six times. Then it turns into a cocoon.-Winnie

  13. Caterpillar Facts A caterpillar eats a lot of leaves to grow big. A caterpillar can confuse their predators like a bird or other animal. The caterpillar molts its skin.-Taylor

  14. Caterpillar Facts The old skin comes off the caterpillar and it grows new skin. A caterpillar can shed six times before it’s a cocoon. It will be a butterfly when it is an adult. -Cinnamon

  15. Caterpillar Facts A caterpillar hatches in a week or so. Caterpillars are good food for a bird. Caterpillars spin silk from their mouth.-Jordan

  16. Kinds of Butterflies Morphos Buckeye Black-Veined White Schmetterling

  17. Morphos Butterfly The morphos live in the rainforest. The word for butterfly in Poland is motyl.-Keegan

  18. Buckeye The spots on the buckeye look like deer eyes. -Amelia

  19. Black-Veined White The black-veined whites are called cho-cho in Japan. This cho-cho’s wings look like someone made an outline with a black pen and then colored it in with white paint. -Daniel

  20. Schmetterlings You can tell the schmetterlings apart because their color is different. Each motyl has a unique wing design. -Matthew & Zach

  21. Created by:Mrs. Pfaff’s 2nd Grade classwith Mrs. DostalLincoln School2010

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