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State-wise TD Loss 2003-04

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State-wise TD Loss 2003-04

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    1. 1 State-wise T&D Loss (%) 2003-04

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    3. 3 ANOMALIES IN T&D LOSS COMPUTATION In absence of feeder metering in the past, substantial portion of T&D loss, including theft of electricity gets attributed to agricultural consumption. While, agricultural consumption is around 20-25%, utilities were showing it as 35-40% and correspondingly T&D losses shown as 20-25%. Also, T&D loss was being computed taking into account electricity bills issued to consumers as accrued income & not on actual collection. Therefore, T&D loss figures did not capture the major gap between the billing and the collection, apart from large amount of theft. To get over this problem, concept of Aggregate Technical & Commercial (AT&C) loss was introduced.

    4. 4 AT&C LOSS It is the difference between units input into the system and the units for which the payment is collected. T&D Loss do not capture losses on account of non-realisation of payments. AT&C Loss is the clearest measure of overall efficiency of the distribution business as it measures technical as well as commercial losses. AT&C Loss(%) = (Energy Input � Energy Realised)X100 Energy Input Energy Realised = Energy Billed X Collection Efficiency Collection Efficiency (%) = Amount Realised X100 Amount Billed




    8. 8 AT&C LOSS BELOW 25%

    9. 9 Utilities With AT&C Loss between 25-50%

    10. 10 Utilities With More Than 50% AT&C Loss


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    14. 14 REASONS FOR AT&C LOSSES Technical Losses: Overloading of existing lines and substation equipments Absence of up gradation of old lines and equipments Low HT: LT ratio Poor repair and Maintenance of equipments Non-installation of sufficient capacitors

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    16. 16 1. CHIEF MINISTERS� CONFERENCE: Held in March 2001. Main resolutions: (A) Energy audit at all 11kV feeders: 97% feeder metering achieved. (B) Full metering of all consumers: 87% consumer metering achieved. Majority of un-metered connections belong to flat rate category INITIATIVES TAKEN BY MINISTRY FOR REDUCTION OF AT&C LOSS

    17. 17 INITIATIVES TAKEN �.. C) SERC: 23 states constituted and 4 states notified. 18 SERCs have issued tariff orders D) Commercial Viability to be achieved through Profit Centre: 13 SEBs/EDs unbundled & corporatised. 9 are expected shortly. Franchisees: Adopted With different models in Assam, Karnataka, Orissa & Nagaland and under active consideration of Andhra, Gujarat, Bihar, W. Bengal. Privatisation : Delhi & Orissa. Uttar Pradesh has invited EOIs.


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    20. 20 2. MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING States were to sign MOU for assistance from Govt of India and mandate taking up reforms in the power sector. Key parameters are : Obligation of the State Government Setting up of SERC & Rationalisation of Tariffs Reorganisation of State Electricity Boards Metering of 11 kV feeders & of all consumers Energy Audit at all level 100% Electrification of villages and hamlets Support from Government of India Supply of additional power wherever feasible: 4000 MW allocated to various states Assistance for distribution system: APDRP Funding for 100% rural electrification: Rajiv Gandhi Grameen Vidyutikaran Yojana Strengthening & improvement of transmission network by POWERGRID: 2990 Ckt. Km added during 2004-05 Concessional financing by PFC: Interest rate for distribution work @ 8.25%

    21. 21 INITIATIVES TAKEN�.. 3. Accelerated Power Development & Reforms Programme The programme aims at : Reduction of AT&C losses Bring about Commercial viability Reduce outages & interruptions Increase consumer satisfaction The programme has two components: INVESTMENT COMPONENT covers strengthening and upgradation of sub-transmission & distribution INCENTIVE COMPONENT is a grant for states / Utilities towards reduction of cash losses with 2000-01 as the base year

    22. 22 INITIATIVES TAKEN�.. Investment Component

    23. 23 Investment Growth in Power Sector As per the report of Economic Intelligence Service-Dec. 2004, the growth in power sector during the previous year was 27.3% (as of Oct �04) which includes growth in generation 23% and in distribution 53%. The overall investment in Power Sector was Rs. 5,37,885 Cr. compared to Rs. 4,22,246 Cr. last year. Whereas, the investment in distribution sector was Rs. 21,072 Cr. as compared to Rs. 13,764 Cr. last year.

    24. 24 INITIATIVES TAKEN �.. Incentive Component

    25. 25 4. MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT (MOA) UNDER APDRP The Main features are: Constitution of Distribution Reform Committee for monitoring of reforms, APDRP implementation etc. 100% feeder & consumer metering Energy accounting and auditing Setting up of performance benchmark parameters Policy for franchisee & outsourcing Turnkey execution of APDRP schemes Operation of circle & feeder as profit centre

    26. 26 5. ANTI-THEFT PROVISIONS IN ELECTRICITY ACT- 2003 (Sec:135-137, 153) Provides legal frame work for making theft of electricity a Cognizable offence. States to set up special courts & special police stations To provide special powers to utility personnel for checking the installations.

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    28. 28 Consumer Indexing for Energy audit 11 kv Feeder Management required for Energy Audit IT Initiatives to improve efficiency in metering, billing & collection Installation of Capacitors to improve power factor High Voltage Distribution System (HVDS) for preventing theft and pilferage, better power management Consumer Care for improved consumer satisfaction � to attend consumer grievances regarding metering, billing, no power supply

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    31. 31 12. WORKSHOP ON BEST PRACTICES 3 days National level workshop in Dec. 2004 on Best Practices adopted by State utilities in distribution sector was organised covering consumer indexing, metering, billing, revenue management, maintenance, project execution, quality management, IT enabling, outsourcing, loss reduction, MIS, customer satisfaction, HR initiatives etc. 13. CAPACITY BUILDING: Training of utility personnel undertaken to upgrade knowledge in the areas of project formulation, project management, operation & maintenance etc. PMI (NTPC) & NPTI have trained more than 1800 personnel from various utilities. Training of 25,000 utility personnel has been taken up under DRUM Project in association with USAID. More than 350 personnel have been already trained

    32. 32 State-wise participation In PMI Training Programmes

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    34. 34 15. RANKING OF UTILITIES: To evaluate performance of utilities and to assess their improvements. CRISIL & ICRA engaged Parameters External: State Govt. related : 19 points SERC related : 13 points Internal: Business Risk Analysis : 27 points Financial Risk Analysis : 20 points Attaining commercial viability : 16 points IT adoption etc : 05 points Total : 100 Points Three Reports released JAN 2003, JAN 2004 AND MARCH 2005

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    37. 37 16. RELIABILITY INDEX (RI): The Reliability Index of the power supply is being monitored for select towns at 11kV feeder level. RI at Distribution transformer level and consumer level to be established subsequently. 17. MONITORING BY MINISTRY OF POWER: APDRP Steering committee: 8 meetings held Frequent Reviews of Utilities at Regional/State level by Minister, Secretary (Power) & JS (D); Review by state level Distribution Reform Committees; NTPC, POWERGRID & CEA for monitoring at the field level Dedicated APDRP Cell in the Ministry

    38. 38 AT&C LOSS: BEST 15 TOWNS (%)

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