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Are you suffering from Diabetes? If yes, you might at risk of Diabetic Retinopathy. Go through this presentation to know how could you prevent your vision from Diabetic Retinopathy. Disha Eye Hospital in Kolkata, offers excellent treatment for Diabetic Retinopathy.<br><br>For more details click on: http://www.dishaeye.org/vitreo-retinal<br><br>For booking an appointment call at: 9433311111, (033) 2545 1233/35/36/37 <br>
Steps To Prevent Your Eyes From Diabetic Retinopathy
Introduction Are you suffering from Diabetes? If yes, then you are at risk of developing Diabetic Retinopathy. It's a very serious eye disease, that causes permanent vision loss, if not treated soon. Nothing to Worry. With good control of blood sugar levels, blood lipids, and blood pressure, you can lower the risk of Diabetic Retinopathy. Go through the next slides and learn how can you reduce the risk of Diabetic Retinopathy.
What is Diabetic Retinopathy? Diabetic Retinopathy happens when high blood sugar levels damage the blood vessels in the retina. Due to the damage, the blood vessels swell and leak. It can cause vision loss if not treated and eventually lead to complete blindness.
Stages of Diabetic Retinopathy There are two Stages of Diabetic Retinopathy NDPR (Non-proliferative Diabetic Retinopathy PDR (Proliferative Diabetic Retinopathy)
NDPR (Non-proliferative Diabetic Retinopathy): In this stage of Diabetic Retinopathy,it involves leaking and swelling of the blood vessels in the retina. If it is not treated well, it can lead vision loss.
PDR (Proliferative Diabetic Retinopathy) PDR is basically the advanced stage of Diabetic Retinopathy. In this stage, new blood vessels grow, which can bleed into the vitreous and either cause you to see floaters or dim/block your peripheral and central vision.
Identifying Factors of Diabetic Retinopathy Blurred vision Dim vision Vision loss Impaired colour vision Dark spots/floaters in your vision Fluctuating vision
Keep your blood sugar levels in control:- Have an A1c blood test conducted several times a year to keep track of your blood sugar levels. Quit smoking:-Smoking can worsen your blood sugar. It’s a must to quit smoking if you have Diabetes. Check your cholesterol levels:- High LDL is linked to blood vessel damage. Make sure to get your blood tested for finding how much LDL and HDL cholesterol you have. Check your blood pressure:- Make sure check your blood pressure every time you visit your doctor as part of your Diabetes management plan.
For a proper Diabetic Retinopathy Treatment consult the best eye specialist at Disha Eye Care Hospital.
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