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Corporate Videos – Top 5 Examples to Help you Create the Best Video for your Company

No matter what kind of business are you running, corporate videos will help you achieve more audience, more leads, and more business in the end! All of the big players are heavily employing video marketing, and itu2019s high time you jump on the bandwagon too.

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Corporate Videos – Top 5 Examples to Help you Create the Best Video for your Company

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  1. CorporateVideos–Top5Examplesto HelpyouCreatetheBestVideoforyour Company No matter what kind of business are you running, corporate videos will help you achieve more audience,moreleads,andmorebusinessintheend! All of the big players areheavily employingvideomarketing,andit’shightimeyoujump onthebandwagontoo. Hereatstudio52,weknowthepowerofcorporatevideosandareemployingthebestavailable technology tocreatethem.Today webring you thetop 5examplesof how corporate videosshouldlooklikeandwhatshouldtheyconvey. What ToLookFor inCorporateVideos? Corporate videos have the unique power to catch attention and tell the whole story about your brandintheshortestpossibletime. You’dwant to: Grabattention Haveahigh-qualityproduction Layoutall necessaryinformationinaneasy-to-digestway Withoutany further ado,let’scheckout fivegreatexamples fromour libraryof corporate videos. KAUSTRedSeaMonitoring King Abdullah Universityfor Science andTechnologywantedtorepresentitsactivitieswiththe Red SeaMonitoring andconvey the importanceofmonitoringandanalyzingthesea’shealth.

  2. The video tells a beautiful story of the Red sea and the importance of researching the health of the sea. Kaust represented their technology and how they’re advancing in this field, and how they help Saudi Arabiaprotecttheirnatural resources. If you’re solving a global problem and want to raise awareness, this type of video is what you need togetattention. The video lasts for only a minute and tells the viewer everything they need to know about the projectanditsmission. EtihadRail Etihad Rail was established in June 2009 to manage the operation of the UAE cargo and passenger transportnetwork. In this brilliant video, we tell the story of Etihad rail, but you also see some important data that makes this operator a trusty partner. It was built and operates as a safe and environmentally sustainablerailnetwork.Theywanted toestablishthemselves as the employer of choice forthe Emirates. Their advantages are built around reliability, safety, sustainability, and cost-effectiveness. ETIHAD rail services ensurethepickupanddisposalofwasteinanenvironmentallysafe way. If you’re operating a transportation business, these are the things you’d want to convey to your viewers. Sustainability iseverything andyou’dwanttorepresentyour brandas such. Wethinkthey’redoing anawesomejob,don’tyou? GORICAIndustries GORICA Frigo isan innovativecompany that’screatingwavesof change inrefrigeration transportation! Their GRP boxes for transportation are produced on spot and it ensures the safe transportation of refrigeration elements and machines. These boxes are highly customizable for the type of vehicle andthecargoitself,making yourtransportationcost-effectiveandsafe. If your mission is safety, you’d want to show the process that ensures this, and we think we did a greatjobwithGORICA Industries. Everything aninterested clientneeds toknow is toldonlyina matter of seconds! MHPS MitsubishiHitachiPower Systems is a globalleader in thepower andenergy industry.Theyprovide total solutions on a global scale in a way that improves communities and is sustainable for the planet. If you believe your brand can inspire, motivate and lead the masses, here’s an example of how to do itandat thesametimetell yourbusiness story.

  3. Thisisahighly inspirational videothatcangetanyonehookedwithinseconds. BGIndia BGIndiaistheinvestmentfundforIndia’senergysector. They’re full of responsibilities and opportunities it creates. In this beautiful video, we incorporated branding, the national identity of India, and its streets, life, as well as industry scenes in a way that connectsall ofthem withBG’smission. Being a trustfundandlaying outhow youexactly helpthe community can be adauntingtask,but nothing is impossible here at Studio52! We combined the idea of how investments can bring whole communities together,tohavebetter,happier,andhealthierlives. Thisisavideoworthy ofa share!Don’tyouthink? Conclusion Corporatevideosareoneofthe bestmarketing toolsyou canemploytoreacha wideraudience andsharethestoryofyourbrand. Theywillincreaseyourbrandawarenessandhelpyoushape a positiveimage. Not every videois effective as the ones we listed above, soyou want to hire professionals to do the job for you. Here at Studio52, we know how to create scripts and videos that will captivate, tellyourstory,andmakeitrelatabletoawideraudience! Read full article here - https://studio52.tv/blog/corporate-videos-top-5-examples-to-help-you- create-the-best-video-for-your-company/

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