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Dog eyes, while similar to human eyes in structure, possess unique adaptations for their lifestyle. With superior low-light vision and motion detection, dogs excel in dim environments. Their pupils dilate widely to capture more light, and specialized reflective cells, tapetum lucidum, enhance night vision. Dogs rely heavily on keen visual cues for hunting, play, and communication.<br><br><br><br><br><br><br>

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  1. TOP 5 COMMON EYE DISEASE Canine cataracts Conjunctivitis Conjunctivitis, commonly referred to as “pink eye,” can be brought on by bacterial or viral infections, but it is also occasionally brought on by environmental allergens such as mold, dust, pollen, or certain foods. The cataract can impair one or both of the eye’s lenses, causing them to become clouded. Although some cataracts can result in blindness, most cataracts are hereditary. Cherry eye Glaucoma: Dogs have three eyelids, and the cherry eye is the result of a prolapsed or displaced tear gland on the third eyelid. Although it can occur with any dog breed, it is typically more frequent in particular breeds, such as English bulldogs, pugs, bullmastiffs, and Newfoundlands, etc. The fluid in a healthy eye moves in and out to maintain eye pressure; however, with glaucoma, too much fluid enters the eye or there is a drainage issue, which builds up a lot of pressure in the eye. Corneal ulcers The cornea is the transparent, dome-shaped front section of the eye that focuses light into its multilayered structure. A corneal ulcer is a disorder in which the superficial layer is removed owing to an infection or scrape, resulting in a lesion behind the eye. dogwithsickness.com

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