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<br>Premium instant coffee infused with 11 healthy vitamins. <br>Covers 50% of your daily vitamins in a cup.<br>Made with premium freeze-dried Instant Coffee.<br>It has no added sugar or preservatives.<br>Comes in convenient sachets sealed with freshness.
Guilt-Free, Delicious, Healthy Coffee 50% of your daily vitamin needs in one cup
100% Made in India Expertly Crafted IncredaBrew Balanced Diet Coffee Conveniently Packaged healthy instant coffee 11 Vitamin infused coffee Freeze-dried Nutritious Coffee
Our Speciality Premium Vitamin infused coffee With 11 Vitamins; 1 cup has 50% of one's daily vitamin needs. Nutritious Indian origin coffee with freeze-dried process crafted by experts and nutritionists. Comes in various flavours : Original coffee, Vanilla flavoured coffee, Hazelnut flavour coffee, Chocolate flavoured coffee and an assorted pack.
Our Story A Coffee Farmer’s Son Trying To Help His Father. It’snoteasybeingacoffeefarmer. Havingseenmy fatherstruggle, Iwantedtohelp! Togetbettervalue, wecouldselldirectlytocoffee- loversbutsellwhat? Wegrowgreatcoffee, butcould wedobetter? Conversationswithhundredsofcoffee-loversgaveus theanswer. Overayear, multipleiterations, taste testsandfeedbacklater, IncredaBrew – guilt-free, deliciousandhealthycoffee – isborn. Committed To Farmers, Always! We’veexperiencedthehardshipsofcoffee farmersandarecommittedtohelping. That’swhyaportionofourrevenuesisusedto fundirrigation, laborwelfareandother developmentprojectsatourpartnerestates.
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