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Introduction to Classification. So What’s a Class, Anyway?. A class is a type and as such is a partial or full implementation of an Abstract Data Type A class is a general description of objects from a specific problem domain that share identical semantics and attributes
So What’s a Class, Anyway? • A class is a type and as such is a partial or full implementation of an Abstract Data Type • A class is a general description of objects from a specific problem domain that share identical semantics and attributes • A class is a collection of related subroutines packaged together, along with a definition of the data that the subroutines manipulate or use (Cockburn paraphrased) • A class is a software construct describing an abstraction drawn from a problem domain and optionally, its implementation.
Classes Concepts • In OO, a Class is the central unit of modularization • Every class defines a new type. A class may or may not define an implementation of its semantics (provide a full implementation of its methods). A class which does not provide a full implementation is called an Abstract Class. • In OO, classification is the process of creating a new language drawn from a particular problem domain. • A class is an ADT that defines behavior in terms of methods and state in terms of attributes
Classes Concepts • A Class conceptualizes the data and function necessary to implement a subset of user requirements • A Class is “the descriptor for a set of objects that share the same attributes, operations, relationships, and behavior.”—Rumbaugh • A Class is a set of objects that share a common structure and a common behavior (protocol).—Booch • A well-designed Class provides a crisp abstraction of some thing drawn from the vocabulary of the problem domain or the solution domain.—Booch
… from a specific Problem Domain • Insurance: Claim, Policy, Bill, Provider, Coverage, Obligation • Accounting: Invoice, Payment, Interest, Check, AutomatedPayment • Banking: Customer, Account, CheckingAccount, SavingsAccount • Air Traffic Control System: Plane, Airport, Alarm • University Registration System: Student, Instructor, Course, Section
Classes Encapsulate State and Behavior • Behavior is encapsulated in the code necessary to the conduct the fulfillment of some set of requirements defined for a class of things • State is the data that are necessary for the individualization of the class instance in fulfilling its requirements • A class satisfies the requirements of a given abstraction defined in a given problem domain
Behavior Fundamentals • Behavior is implemented by defining operations on a class of things • Behavior defines the implementation for the requirements of a class • Instances of a Class can be treated in the same way: • All Policies can be renewed and cancelled • All Accounts can be opened and closed • All Checks can be issued and deposited • All Payments can be processed and credited • All Planes can descend and land • All Trades can be executed and validated
State Fundamentals • State is implemented by defining Attributes on a class of things (and also relationships—but later) • State is the place in a Class definition where the individualization of a particular instance of a class is stored • An Account’s balance and number • A Trade’s execution price and date • A Plane’s altitude and speed • A Policy’s premium and beneficiary • A Course’s number of students enrolled
What is defined for a Class? • State (encapsulated as Attributes in UML) • Behavior (encapsulated as Operations in UML) Class Name State Behavior
Java Student public class Student//CLASSNAME { //STATE: String student_name; int student_ID; //BEHAVIOR: public boolean registerForClass() { … } public boolean dropClass() { … } public boolean save() { … } public boolean modify() { … } public boolean load() { … } }
Methods • There may be various ways in which an operation may be implemented. • These various ways are the methods by which a given requirement may be implemented • These methods may be encapsulated as implementations of a common operation defined in the Class’s interface There may be various methods by which the encrypt operation may be implemented (DES, RSA, Blowfish, etc)
Synonyms I • The Class’s Operations are sometimes called: • Protocol • Behavior • Interface (Java) • API • Services • Methods (Java) • Member functions
Synonyms II • The Class’s Attributes are sometimes called: • State • Member variables (Java) • Instance variables (Java) • Class variables (Static variables, Java)
Mommy, Where Do Objects Come From? • If Classes, as Kant says, come from your brain, where do Objects come from? • Classes as blueprints or molds (C++ motivation) • Creepy Crawlers ThingMaker by Mattel • Constructors • Destructors (in non-garbage-collected languages) • Classes as factories (Smalltalk motivation) • In Java, we create new classes using the new keyword
Constructors • A constructor is a method on a class that has no return type and is usually public • A constructor is called during the process of object construction/instantiation • A default constructor (a constructor with 0 parameters) will be automatically created for your class if you do not define one yourself • Example: java ReflectionTest BasicClass • The default constructor sets all instance variables to the following defaults: • numerics to 0 • booleans to false • object references to null
Rules for Constructors • A constructor has the same name as the class • A class can have more than one constructor • A constructor can take any number of parameters, including 0 • A constructor cannot have a return type (the implied return type is an instance of the class itself) • A constructor is always called by the new operator (because all Java objects are created on the heap)
Object Construction • When new is called, the compiler will look through the list of constructors, and try to find a constructor that matches the parameters passed in the new command: MyObject mo = new MyObject(1,”hi”, true); • would match: public MyObject(int x, String s, boolean b) {…} • One constructor can call another (for code reuse) by using the following syntax: • this(1,”hi”,true); //calls the above constructor in blue • Example: ObjectConstruction1.java, ObjectConstruction2.java, ObjectConstruction3.java, ObjectConstruction4.java (construction blocks)
Factories • Factories are objects that create other objects on request • Factories can hide the class of an object from the requester, delivering a generic type back which the client can then use polymorphically and ignorantly of the actual class (eg: A “Window” object with varying look and feel) • Sometimes you don’t want the client choosing the type of object to create—you want to hide new • By encapsulating object creation in a factory, when a new type is added, only the factory needs to be modified • We can also define Factories in Java, but more of that later when we discuss patterns
Class Attributes (Static Fields) • Attributes that belong to a class of things are called Class Attributes • Often called “static” as in static variable and static method • A Class Attribute is shared among all runtime instances of a given class • Examples: • Count of items on a Stack • Totals
Class Methods (Static Methods) • A Class Method (or static function) is a method defined for a class that belongs to the class and not to an individual instance • This means that no object needs to be present in order for the method to be called—the method is called on the class • There is no inherent this pointer associated with a class method (therefore class methods can only access class variables) • Class methods cannot be called polymorphically • Class methods are used primarily as encapsulated methods for Class attributes • Example: ClassMethod.java, BrokenClass.java
Member Visibility (applies to both variables and methods) • Classes may have certain protection mechanisms that determine the degree of visibility any given attribute or operation may have: • public (visible to ANY OTHER OBJECT) • private (visible ONLY to instances of THIS class) • protected (visible ONLY to instances of THIS class AND its derivatives) • package (visible ONLY to instances of THIS class AND instances of other classes IN THE SAME PACKAGE)
Member Visibility • In generally, you encapsulate data in Java by declaring member variables private • You then provide public accessor methods for instances of other classes to access that private data • Accessor methods “return” private data as copies, they do NOT return references or pointers to the actual private data member • If you need to offer a way for others to changeprivate data, use a publicmutator method • Example: MemberVisibility.java0
Encapsulation Revisited • Modular motivation: Hiding the implementation from the client • Less dependence on particular implementations • fewer assumptions by the client • clients can only manipulate encapsulated entities, not the internals • since clients can only interact through defined interfaces (methods), the implementation can change without affecting the clients • Encapsulation provides limited and controlled access to an object’s state, through public, protected, and private methods.
So What’s an Object? • A run-time named instance of a Class with a unique identity • An object is not a Class. Do not confuse the mold with the product, the blueprint with the house • An object has individual state, behavior, and identity. (Booch) • An object is an instance of a Class, similar to the way a variable is an instance of a data type in a programming language • An object exists only in computer memory, a Class exists in your mind and in your design
Classes and Instances • An object is an instance of a class when it has a name and an address (reference). • Examples: • Class: Flight Instance (object): TWA 2345 on 08/15/2000 • Class: Employee Instance (object): Bob Smith, SSN 123-45-6789 • Class: Date Instance (object): 08/15/2000 • Class: Account Instance (object): Wilma Meyers, balance $123.80
Object-Object Communication • Objects communicate by sending messages to other objects • These messages are part of the defined interface of the other class • An object must have an implementation of every operation defined in its interface
Abstract Classes • Abstract Classes are types that cannot be instantiated, but represent an abstraction from other classes and serve to encapsulate common class interfaces or behavior or both • Apples, Oranges, Pears, and Avocados are types of Fruit: • But what does “a fruit” taste like? • How many calories are in “a fruit”? • How much does “a fruit” cost? • Waiter: What you like for dinner, Sir? • Customer: I’d like an appetizer, an entrée, and a dessert.
Abstract Classes • Shape s; meaningless—a “shapeless” shape • An Abstract Class is: • a class that does not know how to instantiate itself • a class that therefore cannot be instantiated • a class that may include a partial implementation of its semantics (methods)
Interface and Implementation • Operations defined for a Class represent that Class’s interface (sc. to user’s of the Class) • It’s the language other classes use to communicate with the Class • For any given operation, code may be defined as the method by which a requirement is accomplished • In some languages (like Java), an operation is called a method • Always remember that a method’s {implementation} is one method by which a requirement is accomplished, among other methods • “What method do you use to …?”
What is an Java interface? • Like a class but contains only abstract methods and final variables example: interface FooInterface{ void foo1(); int foo2(double x); } abstract interface FooInterface{ public abstract void foo1(); public abstract int foo2(double x); } Both are correct! the abstract and public keywords are implied, so the shorthand is recommended.
Interfaces, cont. • Unlike a class, an interface cannot be instantiated (whatever would foo1() do when called???)! • Rather, an interface is implemented by some other class: class FooImplementation implements FooInterface{ .... } • This means one thing only: FooClass must contain versions of both the methods foo1 and foo2 that actually do something. We say that FooImplementation must provide implementations for all of the methods in FooInterface.
ANDREW: • We did not get any further than this.
Interfaces, cont. • When a class implements an interface, think of the class as entering a contract to provide meat for all methods in the interface—think of it as a deal between the programmer and the compiler • The compiler will check that this contract is adhered to • Otherwise, the class implementing the interface can contain anything else that a regular class contains • Again: do not try to instantiate an interface—this is meaningless!
Extending interfaces • An interface may also extend other interfaces • Example:interface FooInterface{ int foo1(); } interface FooInterface2 extends FooInterface{ int foo2(); } • FooInerface2 inherits method foo1 and declares foo2 • Anything that contracts to implement FooInterface2 must implement both foo1 and foo2 • Example: FooInterfaceTest.java
How interfaces are used • This is difficult because there is no single, simple answer to the question. • Like any semantic feature in a programming language, there are no hard and fast rules about in what situations it should best be exploited. • However, there are many guidelines and general strategies (or else the feature would have never bee included). • We’ll cover a few ways in which interfaces are typically used.
Some interface uses • To simply clarify the the functionality associated with a particular abstraction • To abstract functionality in a method to make it more general, such as pointers to functions are used in C. sort is a good example. • To implement callbacks, such as in GUI programming • To write more general, implementation depending code that is easy to extend and maintain. • To simulate global constants.
Composition: Another Form of Reuse • Composition is another form of reuse • Instead of reusing capabilities by inheriting operations from a base class (which implies a taxonomic relationship), you embed a reference to another class within your class, and delegate out to (reuse) operations defined by the other class
Differences between Inheritance and Composition • The composing class publishes the composed class’s interface, and simply delegates out to the composed class for implementations • Composition per se does not imply a taxonomic relationship between classes (an AeleronController is not a type of AltitudeController)
Dynamic Determination • Composition is more flexible than inheritance because method implementations can be dynamically selectable (determined) at runtime
Characteristics of Composition • Composition models a has-a relationship, as opposed to Inheritance which models an is-a relationship • Composition is a strengthened form of aggregation implying simultaneous lifetimes • Square and its four sides • DerivedClass and its radius • hand and its fingers (robotics) • Strong Composition implies: • a part cannot belong to more than one whole (that’s my reference, dear) • concurrent instantiation and destruction with whole
Composition and Attribution • Attributes of a class can either be simple (domain valued) or relational (delegatory) • An Employee may have a classification code: either hourly or salaried • Which is “correct”?
Heuristics • Might classification codes themselves participate in a hierarchy? For instance, is an person earning commission a type of salaried employee? (=relational) • Is the set of domain values predefined and not subject to change? Ie., regulatory mandated (=simple) • Might you need to add a new classification code? (=relational) • Would you ever need to individually manipulate (totalize, count, etc.) all salaried employees? (=relational) • Do classification codes themselves have attributes (rates, etc.)? (=relational)
Design Heuristics • Prefer composition over inheritance except when: • a clear hierarchy of types exists within the Problem Domain itself, and this hierarchy is never expected to change • Defined roles exist that are never expected to change within a given Problem Domain
Java Packaging • Java packages allow you to group together related classes and specify particular namespaces in order to prevent class name collisions (e.g., java.util.Date and java.sql.Date) • Java.lang package is imported by default—no need to specify • Class Importation • import java.util.Date; • import java.util.Vector; • Static Imports (Java 1.5) • import static java.lang.System.*; //… • Out.println(“Hello World”) //instead of: • System.out.println(“Hello World”); • Example: MyClass.java
Using classes from a package • Two ways to access classes from a package: • use full package name: • java.util.ArrayList x = new java.util.ArrayList(); • use a class-specific import statement: • import java.util.ArrayList • then can use just class name everywhere after import • What if names conflict? • compiler warning • must use full name to distinguish or import exact class name or a class-specific import statement • Can also use wildcard for all classes in package • import java.util.*;
Creating packages • To create a package, place the package identifier at the top of your source code. e.g. package myjava.classes; • This places the current class/classes in a package called myjava.classes (notice the lowercase convention for package names). • Important: this class must be placed in a corresponding directory structure under [$ROOT]/myjava/classes. • Your CLASSPATH must contain [$ROOT]
Class visibility • Classes themselves can be public or default (We’ll talk about inner classes later) public class Foo{ ...} //public access class Foo{ ... } //default—package access • Classes that are public are visible outside of their package—that’s what we mean by public • Classes that are default are visible only within their package • Every source code file can have at most one public class (which it’s named after) but any number of package-scope classes.