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The Advanced Vehicle Research Center Hybrid Electric Vehicle Conversions, Recharging Stations, Smartgrid Support, CNG, Hydrogen, Energy Storage Military and Off-Road Test Site. Danville AVRC. 16,000 s.f. engineering building on 14 acres in the Cyberpark
The Advanced Vehicle Research CenterHybrid Electric Vehicle Conversions, Recharging Stations, Smartgrid Support, CNG, Hydrogen, Energy StorageMilitary and Off-Road Test Site
Danville AVRC • 16,000 s.f. engineering building on 14 acres in the Cyberpark • Will incorporate grid compatible engine test cells • Other automotive and transportation companies will lease space and use services in near term • Adjacent 266 acres for military and off-road testing to mil specs.
AVRC Virginia, Danville The Danville location is served by Danville regional airport and RDU International
AVRC who we are and what we do Three pillars; - Commercial - Research - Education
COMMERCIALPlug-in Electric Conversions Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles • Upgrading the Hybrid Toyota Prius with 5KW Lithium Ion battery pack • 100+ MPG achievable • More vehicles completed to date than any other East Coast organization. • Recently expanded to include Ford Escape and others • V2L and V2G
OTHER COMMERCIAL PRODUCTSand services • Engine driven or PTO - 8 kW or 16 kW Solid State power generation - fits under hood and provides an excellent mobile- in Iraq and Afghanistan, robust power source- ideal for utility vehicles, construction, military, etc. • Battery Electric Refrigeration Units for refrigeration trucks to save fuel, eliminate idling.
OTHER COMMERCIAL PRODUCTSand services Compressed Natural Gas conversions for the Ford Focus and Fusion from Altech-Eco.
COMMERCIAL AVRC Alternative Fuel Vehicle Fleet Leasing Program • In today’s economic environment, fleet managers are looking more closely at their fleet fuel costs. Leasing a Toyota Hybrid Prius or a CNG Ford Focus is an option that could make all the difference. • AVRC can offer a 36 month lease option on either the CNG Ford Focus or a fully converted plug-in hybrid Toyota Prius
COMMERCIAL SmartGrid solutions – Recharging Stations This is the Coulomb ChargePoint recharging station, provided by the Advanced Vehicle Research Center in Danville Virginia, courtesy of Novacharge, the authorized Virginia reseller of Coloumb technologies.You can learn more about Coulomb Technologies at http://www.coulombtech.com
COMMERCIAL SmartGrid solutions – Recharging Stations It’s called an intelligent charging station, and it is ready to hook up to today’s existing power grid or to the next generation power grid, the ‘SmartGrid’. This is how electric and plug-in hybrid cars now available commercially, or in production will be able to ‘fill up’ while on the road. The AVRC has done more than a hundred Hybrid Toyota Prius conversions, more than any other organization.You can see exactly how a Coloumb charging station is operated from the following link-http://www.coulombtech.com/subscribers/usestations.php
COMMERCIAL SmartGrid solutions – Recharging Stations Access to the plug under the front cover is gained by passing a radio frequency (RFID) card in front of the unit, which opens the front door and accesses your account. You can then charge your car for a few hours at work, or for a shorter time if you’re just parked while shopping. Account holders will have unlimited charging for a single monthly fee, or if you don’t have a monthly account you can pay as you go.
COMMERCIAL SmartGrid solutions – Recharging Stations The unit is wirelessly connected to the ChargePoint network, and if charging is interrupted the unit will automatically shut down and it can be restarted remotely. It’s ground fault protected for safety.For the future SmartGrid, it is also bi-directional, which will allow you to sell power back to the electric company during periods of peak demand. Conveniently, it can also double as a parking meter, and you can charge your electric vehicle and pay for your parking at the same time.
COMMERCIAL SmartGrid solutions – Recharging Stations ChargePoint Network subscriptions are sold in units of "sessions," a transaction that covers the sequence from plug-in to plug-out. Sessions may be purchased in 3 ways: one at a time; in a block of 10 sessions/month; or in unlimited sessions/month. A session has a maximum duration of 24 hours, after which an additional session will be billed, every additional 24-hour period. It’s worth noting that Electric and plug-in hybrid owners will still probably do most of their charging at home, but it’s good to know that there will always be a charging station nearby. The future is coming to a parking garage near you!
COMMERCIAL SmartGrid solutions – Recharging Stations Hardware Features and Specifications- Safety Features - (GFCI, Overcurrent, Plug-out) protect Personnel & Vehicles, Prevent Energy Theft- Bi-Directional, Utility Grade Power Measurement Meter – enables Future Smart Grid development, 802.15.4 Radio and Zigbee protocol support, enable Roaming. Future versions will support PLC communication.- RFID Reader Avoids Credit Card Reader Failures- Vacuum Fluorescent Display – Provides Low Temperature Operation- Power Saving Mode - While Idle the Charging Station Consumes Less Than Two Watts- Remote Upgrades – Eliminates Unnecessary Truck Rolls
COMMERCIAL SmartGrid solutions – Recharging Stations Security and Liability Limiting FeaturesAbility to Lock and Release Security Cords - Avoids Cord TheftAbility to Keep Outlets De-energized Until User is Authenticated and Cord is Plugged InLevel 2 Charger w/ SAE J1772 Connector (pictured left)First company to show prototype samples of this connector and will have the first SAE J1772 Connector for Charging Stations. Once Available Coulomb will be supporting Level 2 charging up to 80 Amps –once cars can support it and as the connectors are available.
COMMERCIAL SmartGrid solutions – Recharging Stations Three Roles: Operator, Installer, and Maintainer:Operator Role: View and generate reports related to the owned host. Set various alarms and notification methods (e.g. SMS, E-mail, etc.)Installer Role: Create manager accounts and associated privileges. Provision and enable Smartlets, Gateways, Radio Groups, and Circuit Groups. Create and administer logical groupings. Set various alarms and notification methods. View and generate various reports.Manager Role: Activate groups and SmartLets. Modify and administer logical groupings. Administer smartlets, gateways, circuit groups. Set various alarms and notification methods. View and generate various reports.
COMMERCIAL SmartGrid solutions – Recharging Stations Best-of-breed: Enables EV Fleet Specific Performance & Status Information - Defines Fleets By Vehicles, Departments, Drivers, and Vehicle Templates- Allows Check-Out/Check-In of Cars With Expected Return Time:- Optional notification to fleet manager and driver if car not returned (or not plugged in) by designated time, or when car completely charged.- Exportable Usage Data on a per-charging-session basis: Start/stop time & duration, kWh, Driver, Vehicle, GHG emission savings, etc.
COMMERCIAL SmartGrid solutions – Recharging Stations Fleet Savings Page Gasoline & GHG (Live SF Data)Displays savings for each fleet (or all fleets combined) for last month, year, etc.Currently provides GHG and Fuel savings; will also provide kWh.Bars for each month; line for cumulative total.Future releases will allow the data in the graph to be exported.
F150 Ford "electric hybrid conversion" RESEARCHTransportation Energy, Technology and Development • "Zed drive" is a simple conversion for a live rear axle. It uses an additional pinion gear assembly in a custom made housing to attach the electric motor. This housing replaces the rear cover plate on the existing rear axle. Ultracapacitors and batteries are fitted below floor of the tray bed or pickup body. • The system can be recharged via the grid and regenerative breaking.
F150 Ford "electric hybrid conversion" RESEARCHTransportation Energy, Technology and Development
RESEARCHTransportation Energy, Technology and Development • Portable Hydrogen Refueling Station design and build document (completed) • Ethanol Efficiency in High Compression Engines (completed) • FREEDM consortium projects (ongoing) • New construction in Danville to include state-of-the-art engine test cells with grid connectivity for DoE CDP (started) • DANVILLE, VA - (MORTS)
RESEARCH - Mobile Hydrogen Generation and Storage Station, Design and Build Document • AVRC completed a design & build document that allows schools, researchers and others to construct a portable H2 Mobile Generation refueling Station (H2MGS) - which can be truck or trailer-mounted, built from a master bill of materials with detailed instructions. • A solution for the H2 infrastructure problem.
RESEARCH - Ethanol Efficiency in High Compression Engines • Two vehicles have been converted to run at significantly higher compression ratios to optimize use of ethanol.
COMMERCIAL & APPLIED RESEARCH Technology Business Development • University of Illinois/NPL have developed a novel all liquid fuel cell with sodium borohydride (NaBH4) as the fuel and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) or air as the oxidizer • NPL, Dr. George Miley, University of Illinois • Fusion research, • (IEC) Inertial • Electrostatic • Containment.
COLLABORATIVE RESEARCHTransportation and the Power GridFREEDM at NCSUFuture Renewable Electric Energy Development & Management Member of the multi-university FREEDM consortium. DESD and DEGD will allow for development of fault tolerant microgrids Transportation is a key element, tied to home and office storage devices
EDUCATIONALWorkforce Development Alternative Fuels Training Course • Online component from National Alternative Fuels Training Consortium (NAFTC) integrated with more current content and hands-on training by Advanced Vehicle Research Center staff. • Recruitment component for Industrial Partners. • AVRC is recipient of subcontract for grant awarded from DoE to NAFTC to develop further training for alternative fuels integration.
EDUCATIONALWorkforce Development Alternative Fuels Training Course
STRATEGICSpecial Projects Workforce Development Plan and Feasibility Studies • AVRC contracted to develop a North Carolina automotive feasibility study for Northampton, North Carolina. • AVRC contracted to produce a feasibility study for Danville, Virginia facility. • AVRC contracted with the National Aerospace Development Center (NADC) to produce a North Carolina Strategic Aerospace Workforce Development Plan, now available to the public online at AVRC • AVRC recently contracted with Wise County Industrial Development Authority (IDA) to produce a feasibility study for an Electric Vehicle test center and an alternative energy program for both automotive, aerospace and residential sectors.
The Advanced Vehicle Research CenterTHANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION