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In his "Essay on Criticism," Alexander Pope famously wrote, “To err is human," which would be great if most organizations didn't expect us to rise above our humanity in our work. In fact, we are very human and we make faux pas, blunders and gaffes every single day of our lives. Most are small and inconsequential, while others are large and impactful. The upside--regardless of the mistake's size--is an opportunity to learn. There are nuggets of knowledge within our missteps and failures that can help us grow, do and be better and gain immeasurable wisdom.
25 Benefits 25 Benefits from Making Mistakes from Making Mistakes Shannon Mouton Gray Marketing and Communications Strategist
Missteps Missteps By any other name By any other name Gaffes Gaffes Oopsies Oopsies Blunders Blunders Lapses Lapses Mistakes… Mistakes… (c) Shannon Mouton Gray 2018
1. 1. Point us to something we did not Point us to something we did not know know (c) Shannon Mouton Gray 2018
2. 2. Reveal a nuance we missed Reveal a nuance we missed (c) Shannon Mouton Gray 2018
3. 3. Deepen our knowledge Deepen our knowledge (c) Shannon Mouton Gray 2018
4. 4. Teach us Teach us something about something about our skills our skills (c) Shannon Mouton Gray 2018
5. 5. Allow us to see changing Allow us to see changing circumstances circumstances (c) Shannon Mouton Gray 2018
6. 6. Keep us connected to what works Keep us connected to what works (c) Shannon Mouton Gray 2018
7. 7. Show us more Show us more about ourselves and others about ourselves and others (c) Shannon Mouton Gray 2018
8. 8. Remind us of our humanity Remind us of our humanity (c) Shannon Mouton Gray 2018
9. 9. Promote compassion for others Promote compassion for others (c) Shannon Mouton Gray 2018
10. 10.Teach us to value forgiveness Teach us to value forgiveness (c) Shannon Mouton Gray 2018
11. 11. Get us to pace ourselves Get us to pace ourselves (c) Shannon Mouton Gray 2018
12. 12. Help us make Help us make smarter choices smarter choices (c) Shannon Mouton Gray 2018
13. 13. Give us permission to experiment Give us permission to experiment (c) Shannon Mouton Gray 2018
14. 14. Unveil new insights Unveil new insights (c) Shannon Mouton Gray 2018
15. 15. Suggest additional ways of Suggest additional ways of thinking thinking (c) Shannon Mouton Gray 2018
16. 16.Prompt us to learn more Prompt us to learn more (c) Shannon Mouton Gray 2018
17. 17. Point us in new and creative Point us in new and creative directions directions (c) Shannon Mouton Gray 2018
18. 18. Illuminate different options Illuminate different options (c) Shannon Mouton Gray 2018
19. 19. Keep us humble Keep us humble (c) Shannon Mouton Gray 2018
20. 20.Show us when we aren’t listening Show us when we aren’t listening (c) Shannon Mouton Gray 2018
21. 21. Slow us down Slow us down (c) Shannon Mouton Gray 2018
22. 22.Hasten change Hasten change (c) Shannon Mouton Gray 2018
23. 23. Reveal our biases Reveal our biases and blind spots and blind spots (c) Shannon Mouton Gray 2018
24. 24.Serve as a warning Serve as a warning (c) Shannon Mouton Gray 2018
25. 25.Push us toward excellence Push us toward excellence (c) Shannon Mouton Gray 2018
Shannon Mouton Gray Shannon Mouton Gray ShannoMoutonGray.me @ShannonRenee Linkedin.com/in/shannonmoutongray Facebook.com/shannonrmouton (c) Shannon Mouton Gray 2018