Class-III: Worksheet- Maths I. Fill in the blanks: a.Write half in figures _________ b.A square has _____ sides and ____corners. c.One kilogram=_____grams. d. A triangle has ________ sides. e. One litre = __________ ml. f.The smallest 2- digit number is____ g. The largest two-digit number is ___________ h.The place value of 5 in 254 is ___________. i.The place value of 3 in 378 is ______ j.The place value of 6 in 236 is ______ k.The short hand in a clock is the _________________ hand and the long hand in clock is_______ l. 7× 100 = _______ m.Which year it is now _______ n.One litre= _______ml o.One metre = _______ centimetre. p.There are ______ sixes in 36. q.What is half of dozen: _____ r.One hour= _________minutes. s.The distance between two cities is measured in _____ t.List the months with 30 days and 31 days. u.Draw the arms of the clock to show the time_ A 3:45. B 2:45 C. 1:30 D.5:30 E. 12:00 F. 4:00 G. 7:10 H. 8: 25 v. The basket of apples weighs 8 _____ w. Five 200 ml glasses will fill a _______jug. X. Number after 6000 is _____ Y. Number after 2099 is ______ Z. Length of a bird is 15_____ * Practice the questions given below from textbook: Math : Practice problems from pg: 152-bit: 6 pg. 191- Ex-11A: bit:2- a, d, i, bit:3- a, g, i, bit: 4- a, g, i, bit: 5- a, e, i & bit-6(a, b, c). Pg. 193: bit:3- a,b,c,f pg. 201: 1, 2, 3,4