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Where To Buy Authentic Indian Sweets & Snacks in The U.S_

https://snackative.com/<br>And, Indian cuisine is the mother of Indian culture. In the past most Indians who migrated to the U.S carried heavy luggage jam-packed with home-made pickles, instant mixes, and much more that could last for months. Adding to it, family, friends and acquaintances traveling from India also transported home-made Indian ingredients from back home as a gesture of goodwill.

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Where To Buy Authentic Indian Sweets & Snacks in The U.S_

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  1. “Anation’sculture lives in the heartandsoul ofitspeople.” And, Indian cuisine is the mother of Indian culture. In the past most Indianswho migrated to the U.S carried heavy luggage jam-packed with home-made pickles, instant mixes, and much more that could last for months. Adding to it, family, friends and acquaintances traveling from India also transported home- made Indian ingredientsfrombackhome asa gestureofgoodwill. Today, Indian groceries, regional ingredients and even, vegetables arewidely available in the Indian grocery stores across almost every state in the U.S. Likewise, Indian sweets and snacks are also easily available acrossIndianstoresnearyourhome. However,are theyauthenticandappetizing? Whether celebrating festival celebrations or family events, you have 4 options from where you can buy Indiansweetsand snacks in theU.S. IndianGroceryStores in the U.S PhotoBy DanGoldberginhttps://www.bonappetit.com/ Indian groceries like grains, and dals, spices and pickles have a longer shelflife compared to Indian sweetsand snacks. Asa result,leadingprocessedfoodbrandsusepreservativesandadditivesto increase the shelflifeofperishable foodsespecially,Indian sweetsand snacks.

  2. PhotoBy DanGoldberginhttps://www.bonappetit.com/ It’sexactlywhymostpackagedIndiansweetsandsnacksontheshelvesofIndiangrocerystoresinthe U.S might not taste authentically Indian. Often, they are made appetizing with artificial flavoring and preservatives. The product labels can only guide you to make safer, healthier shopping decisions but they cannotguarantee the flavorisauthenticorintact, can they? Indian Sweets&SnacksStoresin the U.S Freshly made Indian sweets and snacks are healthier and tastier anyday. Indian sweets stores are a much better option compared to the highly processed, packaged sweets and snacks from the Indian grocery stores. Made in Indian kitchens in the U.S by Indian chefs, the sweets and snackscouldtastecloser to whatyou’vetastedbackhomeinIndia. Oak TreeRd,Iselin,NJ

  3. Still,here’sthecatch! You know how difficultit is to source the rightingredients like Indian cumin in the U.S to make an authentic dal, a simple Indian dish let alone making Indian sweets and snacks. For example, what you get at the The Whole Foods doesn't taste Indian enough. You’ve to know the right places togettheright products. So, Indian stores thatare manufacturingand retailingIndian sweets and snacks in the U.S might notbeauthenticallyIndian, aswell. Itlargelydepends onhowtheysourcetheir ingredients,recipesandchefs. The secret to Indian cuisine is not only in its home-grown ingredients but also in combining the right temperature, order ofprocedures and skillful experience. And, the sweets and snacks are no different. IndianCloudKitchensinthe U.S CloudKitchensarealltherageamongfoodiesworldwide.IndiancloudkitchensintheU.Soffer a wide variety of exquisite Indian dishes and unique diningexperiences. Often, they serve menus based on specific themes like Bollywood Grill or regional Indian cuisines like Bombay Takeout. Though they’re eclectic and exclusive in serving delicious Indian cuisine in the U.S,cloud kitchens cater to a very targeted group of customers with limited menu options. They might not serve adiverserange ofIndiansweetsandsnackstosuityourpreferences. At times they also tweak the traditional Indian recipes to cater to customers from different cultures. Also, their authenticity depends on from where they source their Indian ingredients, recipesandchefssimilartothatofIndiansweetstoresintheU.S.Thoughit’sinterestingto

  4. explore Indian cloud kitchens in your neighborhood, they might not be your best choice for shoppingIndiansweetsand snacks. OnlineIndian Sweets&SnacksStores in theU.S Again, festivals, family events and any celebration isn’t complete without serving authentic Indain sweets and snacks. If you’ve a sweet tooth like most Indians do then, it’s tough to satiate your appetite for sweets withAmerican cuisine oranyothercuisine, ingeneral. So,doyoubuyIndian sweetsandsnacks fromIndiangrocerystoresorIndiansweetshopsintheU.S? There isabetterway!Whynotorder sweetsand snacksdirectlyfromIndiainstead? Online Indian stores like Snackativeair-ship Indian sweets and snacks from famous Indian shops to your doorstep in the U.S. within 5-7 days. Authentically made in India and made-to-order to ensure 100% quality. Snackative sources sweets, snacks, pickles and podis from a variety of trustworthy vendors across India; most of them are homegrown brands with a long lasting legacy that go beyond several decades. For example, Iruttu Kadai HalwaandLakshmi Vilas Halwaarepopularhalwa shops in Tamilnadu since several generations in the past. Buying halwa directly from these shops are sure to rekindle memories of youryesteryearswhilealsogivingnewmemoriestoyourchildrenwhohaven’thadachancetotaste themyet.And,SnackativemakesitpossibleforyoutobuyauthenticIruttuKadaiHalwaandLakshmi Vilas Halwafromthe comfort ofyour home. Every occasion calls for a special gesture. Share the regional flavors of India with your family, friends and acquaintances. Forget canned, frozen or packaged Indian sweets and snacks from stores near you. Make the right shopping decision after analyzing the pros and cons of buying Indian sweets and snacks from stores in the U.Sversusonline stores.

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