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https://www.3esofttech.com/woocommerce-moodle-integration/<br><br>3E Software Solutions offers WooCommerce / WordPress Moodle Integration Solutions with a vast array of features.<br><br>For some time now, Moodle has been the world’s most popular learning management system. WordPress Moodle integration is always an advantage since it provides a much stronger blogging platform. Also, WordPress has better Search Engine Optimization ability than standalone Moodle. In addition, WooCommerce integration can enable an eCommerce Platform for monetization of courses.
3E Software Solutions offers WooCommerce / WordPress Moodle Integration Solutions with a vast array of features. WHATISMOODLE? Moodle is an open-source software LMS platform used for blended learning, distance education, flipped classroom and other eLearning projects in schools, universities, workplaces etc. A recent survey notes the increasing market share ofMoodle, to over 10% while competitors’ market share seems to be decreasing. WHATISWOOCOMMERCE? WooCommerceis an opensource plugin for WordPress that enables users to integrate eCommerce Shopping cart features with their WordPress website. WooCommerce is a very popular eCommerce solutions used by over 380,000 online retailers worldwide with a market share of 30% of all eCommerce sites. WhyisWooCommerce/WordPressMoodleIntegrationrequired? For some time now, Moodle has been the world’s most popular learning management system. WordPress Moodle integration is always an advantage since it provides a much stronger blogging platform. Also WordPress has better Search Engine Optimization ability than standalone Moodle. In addition, WooCommerce integration can enable an eCommerce Platform for monetization of courses.
WhowillbenefitfromWooCommerce/WordPressMoodleIntegration? eCommerceMarketPlaceBusinesses Enables them add Marketplace for eLearning Content Vendors, be it Individuals or Businesses eLearningContentDevelopers Enables them provide Point of Sale Platform for their Products (eLearning Content) TrainingInstitutions Creates additional revenue generation channels through online customer registrations, delivering the Courses online or through blended learning practices eLearningMarketPlaceBusinesses eCommerce business with a vertical focus on providing MarkePlace for eLearning Content Vendors, be it Individuals or Businesses
TryourWooCommerce/WordPressMoodleIntegrationDemo WooKartLMS • WooCommerce/WordpressMoodleIntegration • Single-SignOnandcourseautoenrollment • PaymentgatewaysintegrationwithPaypal,PayUMoney,CCAVENUEandPayTM • AutocoursesynchronizationinMagento • UserAnalyticsforbotheCommerceandeLearningSystems. • TryNow! • HowdowedeliverourWooCommerce/WordPressMoodleIntegrationSolutions? • Contact us to tell us what you would like to accomplish. • We’ll confirm our understanding of your request and email you a quote. • Upon your approval, we’ll build the site on our test server per your requirements. • You review the development on our test server and provide your approval. • Once approved, you make payment and we install the solution on your production server.