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While there are many articles online that speak about the ill-effects of social media usage, I would like to add on to that bit and elaborate a little on how to avoid trouble by dealing with these negative factors effectively, and coping with the stress it tends to bring along. For more please read the PDF.<br>
How toDealwith SOCIALMEDIA Addiction
SocialMedia Addiction Socialmediaaddictionmeansthat weget usedtobeingonsocialmediaallthetime, evenwhileeatingfood,wedonot get away fromsocialmedia.It hasmany sideeffects andthereasonbehinditsoccurrenceisalso a lot like low self-esteem,personal dissatisfaction,depressionand hyperactivity,andevenlackof affection.
Effect -1 BODYIMAGEISSUES One of the mostcommonnegative outcomesof social media usageisthedevelopmentofbodyimageissuesamongpeople.
Dealingwith BODYIMAGE ISSUES Acceptancetowardsoneselfiskey.Thereisa reasonwhy peoplequestionothersacceptingyou whenyouareunabletoaccept yourselffirst. Remember,yourbody will undergoconstant changes (sometimesmild,sometimesdrastic) duringthecourseofyourlife.
Effect -2 DISTRACTIONANDPROCRASTINATION This isyet another commonly found repercussionof the overuse of social media.Almost all of ushave, at somepoint, delayedourtasksanderrandsbecausewe werepreoccupied with Facebook,Snapchat,Instagram,andsoon.
Dealingwith DISTRACTIONAND PROCRASTINATION Neithersocialmedianorourerrandsareour entire lives, which iswhy it isimportant that we compartmentalisethesedifferentaspectsof it topromoteself-growthandself- development.
Effect -3 REELV/S REALWORLD We often seepeople usethis phrasein orderto bring out the differencesbetweenwhat mayseemidealisticandserene, andwhat groundreality really is.Speakingofsocialmedia, what you gettoseethereiswhat peoplechoosetoshowyou, andviceversa.
Dealingwith REELV/S REALWORLD Thegrassmay oftenseemgreeneronthe otherside;however,every individual has theirownfairshareofchallengestoface, which iswhy Iwouldsuggestthatyouavoid buying what youseeonlineatfacevalue.
Effect -4 SALAD OFINFORMATION Social MediaplatformssuchasFacebook andTwitterare seenbrimmingwith poststhat arelikely totriggerstressand anger.We’re all different individuals with corebeliefs and value systemsofourown,sowhat mayagreewith some, may seemdiscomfortingtoafew others.
Dealingwith SALAD OF INFORMATION Experiencing stressoranger over information foundonsocialmediawebsitescanbe emotionallytaxingformany,which iswhy one must first looktoauthenticatecontent priorto investingtheirtimeinthesame.
Effect -5 UNF AVOURABLEINCIDENTS Whenwesay ‘unfavourableincidents’,it isbasically a codewordfor‘meetingthewrongkindofpeople.
Dealingwith UNFAVOURABLE INCIDENTS First thing’sfirst –bealert evenwhileyou’re havingfunoversocialmediaplatforms.Someof youmay sharewithout acare–thisshouldnot bethecaseinordertoensureyoursafety and wellbeing.
Effect -6 CYBERBULLYING Cyberbullying isanoffensiveact that may involve sendingof nasty orthreateningtexts,settingupsocial networking profilesofanotherpersontopokefun or defamethem,harassingsomebodyonasocial networking platformthroughrepeatedmessaging, sendingofsexually explicit content,oreven ‘happy slapping’i.e.,posting/sharingvideosofpeople undergoingphysical attack orabuse.
Dealingwith CYBERBULLYING Despite taking all safety measures,if onestill happenstobeavictimofcyberbullying,then they couldreportsucheventstotheirrespective ISPi.e.,Internet ServiceProvider.Anotherway couldbeseekingguidancefromsomebody you trust – be it a parent, sibling, friend, or teacher, oreventurningtoAnti-bullyingAmbassadors forfurtherhelpandsupport.
Ifyou are suffering from social media or any other type of addiction and do not understand how to get rid of addiction. So in this situation, you should take the help of a professional. Because to overcome any type of mental illness, a psychologist is needed. Psychological estimation is available online so you must contact an online psychologist.
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