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There is a popular misconception that therapy is only for people who are mentally unwell or on the verge of a breakdown, the truth is therapy is for everybody and there is no shame in seeking help or just a little perspective.<br>So how do you know you might need help? Sometimes the signs are obvious, sometimes they are not. Letu2019s look at a few signs that might help you recognize that you need therapy.<br>1. Feeling very emotional<br>2. Developing unhealthy coping mechanisms<br>3. Experiencing loss<br>4. Trauma<br>5. Apathy and social withdrawal<br>6. Intrusive thoughts and overthinking<br>7. Extreme exhaustion/ leth
Warning Signsthat helpyou recognizethat youneed therapy
Thereisapopularmisconceptionthattherapyis onlyforpeoplewhoarementallyunwelloron thevergeofabreakdown,thetruthistherapyis foreverybodyandthereisnoshameinseeking helporjustalittleperspective.
Sohowdoyouknowyoumightneed help?Sometimesthesignsare obvious,sometimestheyarenot.Let’s lookatafewsignsthatmighthelpyou recognizethatyouneedtherapy.
1. Feelingvery emotional
2.Developing unhealthycoping mechanisms
3.Experiencing loss
5.Apathyand socialwithdrawal
6.Intrusive thoughtsand overthinking
7.Extreme exhaustion/ lethargy
Ifyoufeelthesetypesof symptomsinyour behaviorthenyoushould takeonlinetherapy instantly. Talktotherapistonline