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When Your Partner Criticizes You — How Should You Reply

We all have self-respect because we know that if we do not respect ourselves, no one else will respect us. But what if our life partner starts criticizing us? And what are the main points keeping in mind which can help us answer the criticism made towards ourselves? When our partner criticizes us, then our morale constantly goes down, and we start thinking that whatever work we do is not right, due to which we can go into depression and lose confidence. Thatu2019s why if criticism has become an issue in your relationship, itu2019s important to root it out before the problem gets worse.<br>

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When Your Partner Criticizes You — How Should You Reply

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  1. When Your Partner Criticizes You — How Should You Reply?

  2. Arguments with a life partners are common but criticism is a serious issue. Taking it for granted is not good for our confidence.

  3. In these 6 ways, you can respond to the criticism made towards you - 1. Do not reply immediately 4. Ask questions 2. Talk slowly 5. Avoid Miscommunication 3.Try to know the reason behind the criticism 6. Talk to the Professionals

  4. 1. D O N O T R EP LY IM M ED I A TELY If your partner is making any negative comments against you, then do not answer him immediately, listen to him, and then answer with patience. 2 . T ALK SLO W LY If you are arguing with your partner on a topic, talk slowly while arguing and tell them how you feel when you are criticized. 3. TRY TO K N O W TH E R EA SO N B EH IN D TH E CR ITI CISM Know the reason behind the criticism, and find out whether you are right in your place or there is something that needs to be changed.

  5. 4 . A SK Q U ESTIO N S When you are being criticized, and you are trying to answer, then start with questions, do not go into attack mode. 5 . A VO ID M ISCO M M U N ICA TIO N Communicate over the phone or in-person to avoid miscommunication. Because miscommunication can create distance in your relationship, and misunderstandings can arise towards each other. 6 . T ALK TO TH E P R O FESSI O N A LS It happens many times, in arguments, things go so far that we don’t know what to do next.

  6. Also, you should take the help of a professional relationship expert or psychologist, Because only a good psychologist can tell us how to handle such a situation without harming your relationship. You may also prefer taking online relationship counseling sessions which is another convenient way of connecting with a counselor.

  7. Thanks for Reading!

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