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Studio 72 is one of the most privileged music school in Singapore who are offered professional musical training with professional music mentors who are highly skilled in their profession.
Studio72 Studio72Pte +65 +6593227272 93227272 PteLtd Ltd JoinStudio72MusicSchoolToLearn RealMusicProfessionally GetinTouch:+6593227272 Claim ClaimYour YourFREE And AndLet FREE1-On-1 1-On-1Drum LetYour YourInner DrumDiscovery DiscoverySession InnerRockstar RockstarShine Session(U.P. ShineThrough! Through! (U.P.$55) $55) SearchingbestmusicschoolinSingaporecouldbeatoughtask forpeoplewhoareseekingtolearntherealrockmusicin singapore.However,Studio72isoneofthemostprivileged musicschoolinsingaporewhoareofferedprofessionalmusical trainingwithprofessionalmusicmentorswhoarehighlyskilled intheirprofession.
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Studio72 Studio72Pte +65 +6593227272 93227272 PteLtd Ltd Course CourseObjectives Objectives ● To ● Focus Focuson ● To Tobuild ● Learn Learnto tosing ● To Todevelop developa awide style. style. Toprovide providea afundamental onbreathing breathingexercises, buildself-confidence self-confidencesinging singsongs songsand widerepertoire fundamentalgrasp exercises,posture singingin inand andsustain sustaina aclear repertoireaccording graspof ofvocal postureand vocaltechnique. technique. andaural auralawareness. andoutside outsideof ofclass. clearharmony harmonyline. accordingto tothe theindividual’s awareness. class. line. individual’sdesired desiredsinging singing ● Inadditionalwedohavespecialclassesforkidsinwhichthey canlearnmusicaspertheirinterestandcanbecomeoneofthe popularmusician.Ourenthusiasticmentorswilltakeyouatthe nextlevelofentertainmentwitheducationalactivitieswhich willmakethingsinterestingandstudentswilllearneasily.
Studio72 Studio72Pte +65 +6593227272 93227272 PteLtd Ltd Studio72PteLtd 45ACircularRoad,Singapore049400 Phone:+6593227272 Email:connect@studio72.com.sg Visit:www.studio72.com.sg