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Flask Interview Questions By pythongeeks
1. What is the output of the following Flask code? The code sets up a basic Flask web application with a single route that maps to the root URL (“/”) and returns the string “Hello, World!” when accessed. When the application is run using app. run(), Flask starts a local development server, and the output will be a web page displaying the message “Hello, World!”. 2. What is the output of the following Flask code? The code sets up a Flask web application with two routes. The first route maps to the root URL (“/”) and returns the string “Hello, World!” when accessed. The second route maps to “/about” and returns the string “This is the About page.” when accessed. When the application is run using app.run(), Flask starts a local development server, and the output will be a web page displaying the message “Hello, World!” when accessed at the root URL, and “This is the About page.” when accessed at “/about”.
3. What is the output of the following Flask code? The code sets up a Flask web application with a single route that maps to the root URL (“/”) and returns the string “Hello, World!” when accessed. The debug=True argument passed to app.run() enables the Flask debugger, which provides detailed error messages and reloads the application on changes. When the application is run using app.run(debug=True), Flask starts a local development server with the debugger enabled, and the output will be a web page displaying the message “Hello, World!”. 4. What is the output of the following Flask code? The code sets up a Flask web application with two routes. The first route maps to the root URL (“/”) and returns the string “Hello, World!” when accessed. The second route maps to “/user/<username>”, where <username> is a dynamic URL parameter that can capture any string entered in the URL, and returns a personalized greeting message using the captured value. For example, if the URL is accessed with “/user/john”, the output will be “Hello, john!”.
5. What is the output of the following Flask code? The code sets up a Flask web application with three routes. The first route maps to the root URL (“/”) and returns the string “Hello, World!” when accessed. The second route maps to “/user/<username>”, where <username> is a dynamic URL parameter that can capture any string entered in the URL, and returns a personalized greeting message using the captured value. The third route uses the @app.errorhandler decorator to handle 404 errors, which occur when a user tries to access a page that doesn’t exist. The error handler returns the string “Page not found” with a 404 status code. When the application is run using app.run(), Flask starts a local development server, and the output will be a web page displaying the message “Hello, World!” when accessed at the root URL, and personalized greeting messages or “Page not found” error message when accessing other URLs based on the defined routes and error handler.
6. What is the output of the following Flask code? The code sets up a Flask web application with two routes. The first route maps to the root URL (“/”) and returns the string “Hello, World!” when accessed. The second route maps to “/greet/<name>”, where <name> is a dynamic URL parameter that can capture any string entered in the URL, and returns the result of rendering a template called “greet.html” with the name variable passed to it. The template “greet.html” should be created separately and should contain HTML code, which will be rendered and returned as the output. The specific output will depend on the content of the “greet.html” template.
7. What is the output of the following Flask code? The code sets up a Flask web application with two routes. The first route maps to the root URL (“/”) and returns the string “Hello, World!” when accessed. The second route maps to “/redirect” and uses the redirect() and url_for() functions from Flask to redirect the user to the “hello” function, which maps to the root URL (“/”). When the application is run using app.run(), Flask starts a local development server, and the output will be a web page displaying the message “Hello, World!” when accessing either the root URL or the “/redirect” URL, as both will redirect to the “hello” function.
8. What is the output of the following Flask code? The code sets up a Flask web application with a single route that maps to the root URL (“/”) and returns a personalized greeting message using the request object from Flask. The request.args.get() method is used to retrieve the value of the “name” query parameter from the URL. If the “name” parameter is not present in the URL, the default value of “World” will be used. When the application is run using app.run(), Flask starts a local development server, and the output will be a web page displaying the message “Hello, World!” when accessing the root URL (“/”). However, if a “name” parameter is included in the URL, the value of the “name” parameter will be used in the greeting message instead of the default “World”.
9. What is the output of the following Flask code? The code sets up a Flask web application with a single route that maps to the “/add” URL and accepts only POST requests. The route expects two integer values, “num1” and “num2”, to be passed as form data in the request body. The values are retrieved using the request.form dictionary from Flask, and then added to calculate a result. The result is then returned as a JSON response using the jsonify() function from Flask. When the application is run using app.run(), Flask starts a local development server. To test the code and see the output, a POST request needs to be made to the “/add” URL with valid “num1” and “num2” values in the request body, and the response will be a JSON object containing the calculated result.
10. What is the output of the following Flask code? The code sets up a Flask web application with a single route that maps to the “/multiply” URL and accepts only POST requests. The route expects two integer values, “num1” and “num2”, to be passed as form data in the request body. The values are retrieved using the request.form dictionary from Flask, and then multiplied to calculate a result. The result is then returned as a JSON response using the jsonify() function from Flask. When the application is run using app.run(), Flask starts a local development server. To test the code and see the output, a POST request needs to be made to the “/multiply” URL with valid “num1” and “num2” values in the request body, and the response will be a JSON object containing the calculated result.