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Try the Best Solutions When your Microsoft Outlook Not Receiving Emails properly. Find out how to Troubleshoot Outlook email Protocols with Simple instructions.<br>
How to Fix Outlook NotReceiving Emails ? • Thisarticle explains how to troubleshoot Microsoft Outlook when your Outlook Not Receiving Emails. First try to discover whether you are able to connect your system to the Internet. If you are not able to connect to the Internet, this might be the reason for not receiving the email. Contact your ISP in case if you want. Try to send an email and check whether the problem is solved, after restoring the Internet connection. If your are still not receiving an email after restoring your Internet connection, go to method1. • Method 1: Create A New E-MailProfile • Step 1: Open The Mail Setup DialogBox • Open the Start menu and select Run option. In a Run window, type ‘Control’in • the Open box and clickOK. • This article outlines troubleshooting steps and try to perform one of the followingbasedontheversionofWindowsrunningonyourcomputer. • In Windows XP, select User Accounts in the Category View. In that Window, click Mail.Or elsedouble-clickMailwhenyouarenotintheCategoryView. • InWindows Vista, click User Accounts in the start menu. When the Window opens, click Mail toopen the mail settings. • In Window 8 or 10, go to the Start screen and click the Mail tile to open the Mail program. On the keyboard, press Windows key + I to open the settings to resolve Outlook not receiving emailserror. • Depending upon your computer operating system, the Mail Setup dialog box opens after completing the stepsabove.
Step 2: Start The New ProfileWizard • Close the Outlook window, if it is running. In the Control Panel, open the mail item and select Toolsmenu. • Select Show Profiles from the mail setup dialog box. Select the Add symbol to get start with theNew Profile wizard. • Step 3: Create AProfile • Type Test in the Profile Name box, and click OK to add the new email profile. Now select Manually configure server settings check box and clickNext.
In the Internet Email Settings dialog box, fill the boxes and ensure the Account Type is set to POP3.ClickNext and complete by tappingFinish. Step 4: Set The DefaultProfile • In the Mail dialog box, select the new profile that you created in previous step under When Starting Microsoft Outlook, Use This Profilebox. • Select OK after choosing your profile. This will be your default profile when you start an Outlook to resolve Outlook NotReceiving Emails Issue. • Now try to send an email using Outlook after setting the default profile. Check whether your Outlook receives anymail.
If the Outlook successfully receives an email, the troubleshooting ends and you have completed resolving theissue. • If the Outlook do not receive the email, after creating a new profile, you have not completed resolving the issue. So try method2. • If you utilize Dial-Up Networking for connecting to the Internet, this article will not be able to guide youfurther. • Method 2: Set TCP/IP As The DefaultProtocol • Step 1: Open The Network Connection Properties DialogBox • If you are running Windows XP, Windows 2000, or Windows Vista, click Start menu and select Run to open the run window to fix the issue thatOutlook Not ReceivingEmails. • If you are running Windows 8, move your mouse pointer to any corner topop • out the Charms Bar. Type ‘Run’ in the box and select Run from theresults. • If you are running Windows 10 in your computer, click the Search orCortana • icon in the task bar and type ‘Run’to openRun window. • Type ncpa.cpl in the box of the Run window and click Enter to open the Network Connectionswindow. • Right-click on your Internet connection and select Properties. Check the status of your connection that you use saysConnected. • Step 2: Verify That The Connection UsesTCP/IP
Set TCP/IP as your default protocol to connect to the Internet, on theGeneral tab. Make sure toclick the Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) check box. • If it is not selected, you may face Internet connection issues. Again selectthe Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) checkbox. • Click OK to complete. If your system prompts torestart your computer click Yes and wait for awhile. • Try to send an email using Outlook and check whether it receives any mailin order toverify the connection using TCP/IP. • You have successfully completed troubleshooting the Outlook Not Receiving Emails problem and now you might receive an email fromOutlook.