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The Railway Recruitment Board RRB JE 2020 examination is going to be conducted next year in April and May 2020. However, online application will be started in the last week of December 2019. The recruitment will be opened for the post of Junior Engineer, Junior Engineer (IT), Depot Material Superintendant and Chemical & Metallurgical Assistant in Indian Railways.
12/24/2019 Railway Recruitment Board | Upcoming Exams RRB JE December 24, 2019 HOME CAREER GUIDANCE ABOUT US BLOG CONTACT US (https://www.facebook.com/myeducationwire/) (https://twitter.com/myeducationwire) (https://www.instagram.com/educationwire/) (https://in.linkedin.com/in/vijender-joshi- 923224166) Updated 7:41 am TRENDING NOW Shares ww.myeducationwire.com/medical-courses-in-india/)#Engineering Degree (https://www.myeducationwire.com (https://www.myeducationwire.com/) () RAILWAY RECRUITMENT BOARD DANCE (https://www.myeducationwire.com/career-guidance/) (https://www.myeducationwire.com/free-career-counselling/) COMING EXAMS (HTTPS://WWW.MYEDUCATIONWIRE.COM/CATEGORY/COMING-EXAMS/) ENTRANCE EXAMS (HTTPS://WWW.MYEDUCATIONWIRE.COM/CATEGORY/ENTRANCE-EXAMS/) ONCOMING EXAMS (HTTPS://WWW.MYEDUCATIONWIRE.COM/CATEGORY/ONCOMING-EXAMS/) UPCOMING EXAMS (HTTPS://WWW.MYEDUCATIONWIRE.COM/CATEGORY/ENTRANCE-EXAMS/UPCOMING-EXAMS/) CATEGORIES 298 VIEWS COMING EXAMS, ENTRANCE EXAMS, ONCOMING EXAMS, UPCOMING EXAMS MEW (HTTPS://WWW.MYEDUCATIONWIRE.COM/AUTHOR/MEW/) DECEMBER 1, 2019 (https://www.myeducationwire.com/cat The Railway Recruitment Board (RRB JE 2020) (https://www.myeducationwire.com/cat C The Railway Recruitment Board RRB JE 2020 examination is going to be conducted next year in April and May 2020. However, online application will be started in the last week of December 2019. The recruitment will be opened for the post of Junior (https://www.myeducationwire.com/cat CAR (htt // d ti i / t https://www.myeducationwire.com/railway-recruitment-board/ 1/7
12/24/2019 Railway Recruitment Board | Upcoming Exams RRB JE (https://www.myeducationwire.com/cat Engineer, Junior Engineer (IT), Depot Material Superintendant and Chemical & Metallurgical Assistant in Indian Railways. CARE Let’s look at the important dates related to RRB Recruitment exam: (https://www.myeducationwire.com/cat Car Events Dates (Expected) (https://www.myeducationwire.com/cat Shares Notification December Last Week 2019 Opening date of online registration 1st week of January 2020 (https://www.myeducationwire.com/cat Closing date of online registration Last week of January 2020 Last date to pay the fee via offline mode 1st week of February 2020 C (https://www.myeducationwire.com/cat Last date to pay the fee online 1st week of February 2020 Closing of online application 2nd week of February 2020 Comm Release of Admit Card releasing for CBT-I DANCE (https://www.myeducationwire.com/career-guidance/) April 2020 (https://www.myeducationwire.com/cat CBT test- Phase-I April 2020/May 2020 (https://www.myeducationwire.com/free-career-counselling/) Result announcement Soon will be announced (https://www.myeducationwire.com/cat Release of Admit card releasing for CBT-II Soon will be announced CBT test- Phase-II Soon will be announced ECON Announcement of result Soon will be announced (https://www.myeducationwire.com/cat Verification of document Soon will be announced (https://www.myeducationwire.com/cat Eligibility criteria: A candidate must be a citizen of India, subject to Nepal/Bhutan. A refugee who has arrived India before 1st January 1962 with the intention of settlement. POI migrants include countries like: Sri Lanka, Burma, Pakistan, East African countries of Kenya, Uganda, Zambia, Malawi, Zaire, Ethiopia, Vietnam and United Republic of Tanzania. Age should fall between 18 Years and 33 Years as on 1st January 2020. (https://www.myeducationwire.com/cat Engine (https://www.myeducationwire.com/cat Educational Quali?cations: courses/engineer Junior Engineer: Candidates must possess a valid diploma/degree in the concerned stream against various posts in Annexure A of the noti?cation published on the of?cial website. Depot Material Superintendent (DMS): Diploma in engineering from any discipline is required. Chemical and Metallurgical Assistance (CMA): Applicants must have obtained a Bachelor’s degree in Science with Physics and Chemistry and have secured a minimum 55% in aggregate. Junior Engineer (IT): Candidates should have done PGDCA/B.Sc (Computer Science)/BCA/B.Tech (IT)/B.Tech (Computer Science)/DOEACCB level course of 3 years duration or equivalent from a recognized university/institute. Eng (https://www.myeducationwire.com/cat exams/engi ENT (https://www.myeducationwire.com/cat EX (https://www.myeducationwire.com/cat Medical Standards: Distance version: 6/9, 6/12 with or without glasses. Near vision: 0.6, 0.6 with or without glasses while reading or close work is required. Must have passed: The test for Color vision, Binocular vision, Night vision and Mesopic vision Instructions about form ?lling: Govt (https://www.myeducationwire.com/cat courses/govt-j https://www.myeducationwire.com/railway-recruitment-board/ 2/7
12/24/2019 Railway Recruitment Board | Upcoming Exams RRB JE (https://www.myeducationwire.com/cat Candidates may apply only via the online mode; no other mode shall be accepted. Only a single application will be accepted by the board. No timeline will be provided to correct the application forms, once they are submitted successfully. Only those candidates will be appointed who have ful?lled the medical conditions of the concerned post. An applicant should possess a valid email id and a mobile number to register for the recruitment exam. Selected candidates may have to undergo training whenever prescribed and during training period, only stipend will be paid as applicable. Security or indemnity bond will also be executed, whenever necessary at the time of joining. Applicants must keep their documents handy while ?lling the form. The scanned photograph as well as signature should be in JPEG format. The form should include details like: educational details, personal information and other relevant information. Applicants must provide correct information in the form, in case of wrong information, the candidature of such candidates will be cancelled immediately. Candidates should enter their name, father’s name, date of birth as recorded in the Matriculation/High School examination certi?cate. JO (https://www.myeducationwire.com/cat (https://www.myeducationwire.com/cat Shares (https://www.myeducationwire.com/cat (https://www.myeducationwire.com/cat Application fee amount: DANCE (https://www.myeducationwire.com/career-guidance/) UR and OBC category candidates need to pay Rs. 500/- as the application fee. Those from the SC/ST/PWD category must pay Rs. 250/- for the same. Me (https://www.myeducationwire.com/cat courses/med Mode of payment: (https://www.myeducationwire.com/free-career-counselling/) Credit card/debit card or SBI E-Challan or Post Of?ce Challan. (https://www.myeducationwire.com/cat Phases of examination: Two exams/m Total time given to complete the test: O 90 minutes will be given to ?nish the test for phase 1 120 minutes will be given to ?nish the test for phase 2. (https://www.myeducationwire.com/cat Details of Admit Card: PERSON Candidates must download the admit card by logging into the of?cial web portal of the RRB. All the information should be cross checked printed on the admit card, and inform the authority in case any discrepancy is found. Candidates should keep the printout copy of the admit card and bring it on the day of examination. The details on the hall tickets must be checked, like: centre, timing, reporting time, examination date, examination city etc. A candidate is allowed to enter the venue, only after producing the admit card along with the valid ID Proof. (https://www.myeducationwire.com/cat POLIT (https://www.myeducationwire.com/cat Post (https://www.myeducationwire.com/cat Examination Pattern: g Exam mode: Computer based test Languages: Urdu, Gujarati, Punjabi, English, Marathi, Konkani, Assamese, Bengali, Manipuri, Tamil, Telegu, Odiya, Malayalam, Kannada Type of questions: Objective Type Total Marks: 100 questions in CBT – 1 and 150 marks in CBT – 2 Marking Scheme: 1 mark for every correct answer Negative marking: 1/3rd marks will be deducted for the incorrect answer Private Se (https://www.myeducationwire.com/cat courses/private-sec SCIENCE T (https://www.myeducationwire.com/cat CBI – 1 Pattern Sp Subjects Number of questions Maximum marks (https://www.myeducationwire.com/cat Mathematics 30 30 courses/spo General Intelligence and Reasoning 25 25 SP General Awareness 15 15 (https://www.myeducationwire.com/cat https://www.myeducationwire.com/railway-recruitment-board/ 3/7
12/24/2019 Railway Recruitment Board | Upcoming Exams RRB JE General Science 30 30 Trending Tod (https://www.myeducationwire.com/cat Total 100 100 today U CBI – 2 Pattern (https://www.myeducationwire.com/cat exams/up Subjects Number of questions Maximum marks Shares General Awareness 15 15 Physics and Chemistry 15 15 Basics of Computer and Applications 10 10 Basic of Environment and Pollution Control 10 10 Technical Abilities 100 100 DANCE (https://www.myeducationwire.com/career-guidance/) Total 150 150 (https://www.myeducationwire.com/free-career-counselling/) Result and Selection: The result of RRB JE 2020 exam will be available on the of?cial website of the RRB. The shortlisted candidates will be displayed on the portal. After clearing ?rst phase of exam, he will be allowed to sit for the next phase of exam. Candidates’ selection will strictly be done on the basis of the marks secured in the exam. It’s almost 5 months to go, we suggest you to practice more, learn more. Understand the exam pattern and syllabus as much as possible by giving mock tests. Learn from your mistakes each time you attempt a mock test. Related Posts: Career Courses (https://www.myeducationwire.com/category/career-course/) | Exam Alerts (https://www.myeducationwire.com/category/exam-alerts/) | Jobs (https://www.myeducationwire.com/category/jobs-alert/) | Medical Colleges (https://www.myeducationwire.com/medical-colleges/) | Engineering Colleges (https://www.myeducationwire.com/engineering-colleges/) | MBA Colleges (https://www.myeducationwire.com/mba-colleges/) | LAW Colleges (https://www.myeducationwire.com/law-colleges/) | Medical Courses (https://www.myeducationwire.com/medical-courses/) | Engineering Courses (https://www.myeducationwire.com/engineering-courses/) | Govt Jobs Courses (https://www.myeducationwire.com/govt-jobs-courses/) | Private Sector Courses (https://www.myeducationwire.com/private-sector-courses/) | Sports Courses (https://www.myeducationwire.com/sports-courses/) | Commerce Graduation Career (https://www.myeducationwire.com/commerce-graduation-career/) | After 12th Career (https://www.myeducationwire.com/after-12th-career/) | After Graduation Career (https://www.myeducationwire.com/after-graduation-career/) | Post Graduation Career (https://www.myeducationwire.com/post-graduation-career/) | Degree Career (https://www.myeducationwire.com/degree-career/) | Diploma Career (https://www.myeducationwire.com/diploma-career/) | Medical Exams https://www.myeducationwire.com/railway-recruitment-board/ 4/7
12/24/2019 Railway Recruitment Board | Upcoming Exams RRB JE (https://www.myeducationwire.com/medical-exams/) | Engineering Exams (https://www.myeducationwire.com/engineering-exams/) | Govt Jobs Exams (https://www.myeducationwire.com/govt-jobs-exams/) | Private Sector Exams (https://www.myeducationwire.com/private-sector-exams/) | Upcoming Exams (https://www.myeducationwire.com/upcoming-exams/) |Science & Technology (https://www.myeducationwire.com/category/science-technology/) For (https://twitter.com/myeducationwire?lang=en) (https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php? story_fbid=204855130456314&id=194147228193771) (https://www.linkedin.com/in/vijender-joshi-923224166/detail/recent-activity/) more relevant information please follow Twitter Facebook | Shares | Linked IN Govt Exams (https://www.myeducationwire.com/tag/govt-exams/) important dates related to RRB Recruitment exam (https://www.myeducationwire.com/tag/important-dates- related-to-rrb-recruitment-exam/) DANCE (https://www.myeducationwire.com/career-guidance/) Railway Exams (https://www.myeducationwire.com/tag/railway-exams/) Railway Recruitment Board (https://www.myeducationwire.com/tag/railway-recruitment-board/) (https://www.myeducationwire.com/free-career-counselling/) RRB JE 2020 (https://www.myeducationwire.com/tag/rrb-je-2020/) The Railway Recruitment Board (https://www.myeducationwire.com/tag/the-railway-recruitment-board/) Previous Posts Next Posts Courses after 12th for Science Students (https://www.myeducationwire.com/courses- after-12th-for-science-students/) News Highlights Fortnight November (https://www.myeducationwire.com/news- highlights-mid-november/) Leave your Comments Name Email Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Write your comment... POST COMMENT https://www.myeducationwire.com/railway-recruitment-board/ 5/7
12/24/2019 Railway Recruitment Board | Upcoming Exams RRB JE ENTRANCE EXAMS IN INDIA Shares Upcoming Exams (https://www.myeducationwire.com/upcoming-exams/) Govt Jobs Exams (https://www.myeducationwire.com/govt-jobs-exams/) Medical Exams (https://www.myeducationwire.com/medical-exams/) Engineering Exams (https://www.myeducationwire.com/engineering-exams/) DANCE (https://www.myeducationwire.com/career-guidance/) Private Sector Exams (https://www.myeducationwire.com/private-sector-exams/) (https://www.myeducationwire.com/free-career-counselling/) COLLEGES Medical Colleges in India (https://www.myeducationwire.com/medical-colleges/) Engineering Colleges in India (https://www.myeducationwire.com/engineering-colleges/) MBA Colleges (https://www.myeducationwire.com/mba-colleges/) LAW Colleges in India (https://www.myeducationwire.com/law-colleges/) CAREER COURSES Medical Courses in India (https://www.myeducationwire.com/medical-courses/) Engineering Courses in India (https://www.myeducationwire.com/engineering-courses/) Govt Jobs Courses in India (https://www.myeducationwire.com/govt-jobs-courses/) Private Sector Courses in India (https://www.myeducationwire.com/sports-courses/) Sports Courses in India (https://www.myeducationwire.com/sports-courses/) IMPORTANT INFORMATION https://www.myeducationwire.com/railway-recruitment-board/ 6/7
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