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Trump is just a Pawn in this game. This 'Game' that is played around you, exploits you and takes you for granted...<br>
7 MOST POTENT ‘Anti-Nazi’ Ways To Live Like GOD In TRUMP’s Regime
He grabbed them by their pussy. Scored at least a century on the number of Sexual Assaults he conducted. And would have even dated and banged his own daughter Ivanka if he was not her father. You know how that went on… Well, he promised to build wall on the southern border of United States and make Mexico pay for it because he thinks they're all druggies, rapists and criminals. And said on everyone's face that you can never be too greedy. Also, he thinks this world should have more global warming just because his balls are freezing in his comfy Trump Tower in New York.
What's more ? Well, he thinks his fingers are long and beautiful as it has been well documented and also his various other parts of his body. I think you got what he meant by that. And he’s the president of Miss World Enterprise, an organization whose agenda is to make teenage girls wear bikinis and high heels, show their skin as much as possible and make them jump on stage. That explains why he wants to date his daughter.
I don't know if this guy is even human emotionally when he said to an opposing lawyer in a court case that she’s disgusting just because she wanted to take a medical break to pump breast milk to feed her 3 year old daughter. (I'm kind of getting a feeling that he was accidentally fed Vodka as breast milk when he was a kid). Let's not forget this one - he thinks his IQ is the highest and we should know this. Also we shouldn't feel stupid or insecure because it's not our fault.
Want to know where he got his “Spoiled Rich Brat” genes from? Well, my best guess is that he got this from his father Fred Trump. Being an American-German he was one of New York's biggest property developer. And was sued by US Justice Department because he refused to rent flats to African-American people, and was even arrested at a KKK rally. That explains his racist genes and frequent attacks on Obama. Like father, like son.
Now let's come back to reality. He did all those things on everyone's face and still got elected as President without many popular votes... Congratulated his haters on New Year who lost so badly in presidential elections... Signed an executive order just as he entered the White House and banned immigration from 6 Muslim countries where his company doesn't have any kind of business. Climate Change is already out of his priority list. And his Health Care bill bombed just like his previous marriage.
His haters seem to grow and his streak of inappropriate actions also continues to grow in size. He seems to feel like a Dictator with no rules to hold his mind right in a democratic world. What You Should Know By Now? No matter how much he grabbed everyone's “P*ssies”, one thing is for sure that he’s considered one of the successful businessman on planet. Considering his Negotiation skills and techniques he knows how to hook and trigger people’s emotion and use it for his own benefit and to create anger in people's mind.
And you know what happens when you become angry, all the rational, logic and clear thinking falls aside because it's such a powerful emotion that overpowers all the other emotions you’ve. His $4B personal net-worth is a result of this strategy. And yes Tony Schwartz, who's the ghostwriter of Trump's “The Art Of Deal” book is known to be the Dr. Frankenstein of Trump. He kind of created the Trump you see and hear everyday. This book, which was highly successful and acclaimed set Trump as one of highly successful businessman in New York and abroad. Schwartz was paid around $500,000 in advance and half of the book's royalties. But the past is past and he regrets it badly when Trump denounced Mexicans as 'rapists’.
How To Make Sure Trump Doesn't Grab You By Your Balls? Well, simple. I have listed below 7 strategies or habits to make sure that you don't fall prey to the brainwashing that he and the media is doing to you. Remember, this guy feeds on your Emotions. You feed him anger, he will make you angrier. You feed him hate, he will make you hate him more. After all he’s a Negotiator. The only way to break out of this loop is to understand that he's just a mirror of what your mindset is. He’s not the real deal.
He can't hook your brains if you don't even give him a single chance to. Well without any further blah blah, let's get down to the real deal . . .
Killer Strategy #1: The Wise Man's Habit - BOOK READING.
As simple and boring as that sounds, every successful person in this world knows that 'SPECIFIC KNOWLEDGE’ and it's 'EXECUTION’ is the key to get anything you want from life. Be it money, health, Emotional health or taking your game to another level, there's always some stuff or strategies out there to get you anything you want in life. Want to get promotion? Want to start a successful online business? Want to learn a new skill? Want to learn cooking? Or simply want to learn persuasion strategies that Trump himself uses on you?
Whatever it may be, you can find the 3 bestseller books on Amazon on any skill you want to learn. Simply read them. Take notes and apply it. Guess what? You don't have to simply dream and hope of what you want. You can always get what you want by simply learning it from masters who’ve spent decades mastering the one thing they do and are extremely good at. They’ve spent their whole life finding the solution to the problem that you have. They went through all the failures, with lots of fake high hopes, and got even burned down during the process. And still they got to a perfect solution that you want. They know all the ins and outs of their field. They know every single detail out there that you don't know.
So learning from them makes sense. 30+ years of experience, compiled in a 200 page book, and only costs hardly $20-$30 approx. Which btw you can finish reading in just one week. Now compare that to the time, money, and all the intense emotional suffering you’ve to go through to find the solution to the same problem. Or compare that to learning in a college and school, or any degree. This is The Best education you can that gets you real results in this real life. Why the hell reinvent the wheel, when someone else has already done this for you?
These guys are masters for a reason. They have suffered the same thing that you’ve. And if you think that your problem is unique or out of world, guess what? It's not. As long as you're a human and not a scary ass alien from Mars, you're going through the same thing that someone else has already went through. So make books your new friends. Coz they will never betray you. And yes, you can trust them to change your life.
Killer Strategy #2: The Highly Potent MEDITATION
Trump is just a pawn in this whole game. This game that is played around you, that makes you follow rules and believe things without even questioning them. Right from White Coats who’re the new Lords and Knights of this new world, to advertisers, Hollywood, news and media companies that control every aspect of your life. You’re made to follow rules without knowing the whole game while the Lords, Knights and Kings sit on top and make agendas behind the curtains and closed doors.
Including the society, you’re made a consumer since the day you're born. They make you think this hierarchy is how the world is. And then they teach you to be a part of that System. But not at the very top. Instead at the very bottom. Now the people who’re on top they know how the game is being played. They were once trapped in it. Then they realized if they trap you in this game, then they themselves can be free. Free as a bird at the top. The number of players in this game are always the same. Except their level or position in that game is what they change giving them highest possible benefits and leverage in this world.
Money, Women, Power, Honor, Pride, Freedom - and all the things they can get their hands on and show and brag about it to their friends. But then there are some who escaped the game fully and can take “Bird’s-Eye” view to see how it's being played at the root level. They can see all the traps, they can see all the challenges, they can see what other players hold secretly in their pockets, they can see how the walls of this game are constructed and a what they're made of, and they can see all the smokes and mirrors out there that people usually fall for. They knows this game itself is the core root of suffering. And is not the whole Truth.
The truth was right in front of you. But the eyes could only see things that reflect light and block, and not the things that light passes through. Some call these people with special abilities as Mystics, Monks and Meditators. Or sometimes ‘Superhumans’. Now, Meditation is not something that can be described as to what it feels like when you meditate. The only thing you can do is experience it. The peace you feel when you meditate just for 15 minutes is way beyond words. And the technique is simple too. Close your eyes and simply concentrate on your breath. Simply watch how the breath comes in and how the breath goes out.
If your mind wanders bring it back to your breath Doing this daily for 15 minutes will go a long way. Start with only 2 minutes if 15 is too long. ( Don't have 2 minutes?? Seriously look around. If you don't even have 2 minutes, then chances are you've been dead since a long time. You just don't know it yet. See if you can go through walls. ) Within a month you will realize how unstable your mind is. Till now you thought you were in control of everything that happened to you. But slowly you'll uncover the mystery of this universe and your life purpose. And how your whole life was big lie till now. Better late than sorry right?
There's also an another way or potent strategy that takes 5 minutes max to apply but works as potent as how Cocaine works for drug addicts, and it's totally legal, if that's what you're searching for then go here: https://goo.gl/vloUJS https://goo.gl/vloUJS By the way it works like gangbusters. You will see for yourself.
Killer Strategy #3: “Reverse” The BRAINWASH.
News Sites, Ad Agencies, Marketing and all the other Media Companies are way too ahead of you in this game. These guys know what hooks you in your heart. They know exactly what your heart and brain craves. Ever watched the 7pm news? You know exactly what they show…. Someone got murdered . . Someone got shot . . . Someone got raped . . .
Some old white-coat guy got caught red handed in a scam . . . Some woman felt betrayed in a relationship and killed herself . . Some guy got falsely accused in sexual harassment case . . . How nations are progressing secretly in Military and War and preparing nukes on a deserted island . . . How some people are starving in Africa. . . How some rich Sheikh in Dubai bought his 100th Lamborghini . . . and how people think that he should instead donate that money to the poor . . . (even though the middle-class people whose pockets are full after every paycheck decide to blow it away on parties, junk food and lavish things and never donate themselves)
How the world is heading to a doom . . . You got the point, right? These companies only frame the bad things that happen in this world. Same twisted things every now and then. If you analyze this pattern closely, you’ll slowly realize that you were never really control of your life. These Media Companies were the ones that told you that you’re ugly if you’re fat. They tell if you don’t last longer in bed you suck. That women are “sluts” if they hang out with lots of men friends. All men are “dogs”. And how you’re cool af if you party regularly and drink.
They tell you directly how to live the life that never made any sense. What they never really tell you is that how minding your own business and stopping the brainwash that they do is really the best way to live life on your terms and to be the God of your own life. They never tell you how one farmer planted a million trees and grew a forest on his own…. How people in the past have helped to lower down the number of poor and starving people in this world…. How many new schools have been built to help poor kids educate….
How they wiped an old disease that has been crippling the world for years…. How some people are moving to green energy sources and saving thousands on electricity bill…. How some people are growing their own organic food, free of pesticides, in their own backyard and freeing themselves from long- term pesticide poisoning…. How some people have completely quit junk-food and got rid of cancer causing chemicals that are added to it…. But most people are so focused on expectations of others and what other people think that they forget in the end we’re all going to the grave.
They think they always need directions from someone else and they need to be told by someone else what to do next in life, when the truth is they themselves were extremely capable of turning their life around with some willpower and nothing else. Truth is, these companies know how to trigger your negative emotions. They really master that art behind the curtains. Because when someone is angry, insecure, scared or felt ashamed, all the other rational things and emotions fall aside and we do anything in that moment to attain emotional justice to our belief structures. Belief structures that were simply nothing but smokes and mirrors since your birth and have been fed to your mind by the society.
So here's a strategy that I call as “Reverse Brainwash”. It's simple af. All you have to do start following the pages on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram that are related to goals you want to achieve. Want to get fit, start following at least 10 pages and blogs that are related to fitness and health. Want to start blogging? Start following the blogs, pages and accounts that are related to this topic. Want to Travel more? Start following the travel related blogs and pages. Want to learn Guitar? Start following the music training blogs that are catered to Guitar.
Anything you want to learn but think is not possible is already out there. All you have to do is “Like” and “Follow”. The thing here is to feed your brain the stuff that is catered to your goals. So instead of wasting 3-4 hrs daily following shit pages on Social Media that give you nothing but crickets, you now use the same Social Media as leverage to bring you closer to your goals. Do this for each social network you use. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr, YouTube, Snapchat, you name it. As time will pass, all these Social Networks will slowly brainwash you in a positive way. And slowly you’ll start thinking in term of goals.
Your life in the meanwhile will take a drastic turn in a way that you wanted it to be. And the way you self-improve will be significant too. And the resources that you need to get there are right on your feed. Although there's one thing you need to make sure that the ratio of Goal related pages you follow and shit pages you follow should be at least 1:5. Yup. Five good pages for one shit page. Every once in a while even we need to chill and relax, so this one shit page is an exception. Hey if you want to be brainwashed, then why not do it in a more positive way? Makes sense right?
Killer Strategy #4: Blogging To FREEDOM$
Here's something that you should know. We kind of right now live in a “Golden- Age” of Internet. Yeah seriously. People are becoming dot-com Millionaires every day doing nothing but by simply writing a blog on a topic that they love. Now of course there's a strategy behind taking your blog from crickets to a million dollar level. You need to know how to bring Viral Traffic, turn this traffic into Leads, and selling products using email marketing to these Leads, and also creating a minimalist product that you can sell — either Tangible (Clothes, Gadgets, anything I that you see around) or Digital (Ebooks, Video Course, Paid Newsletter, Membership site, you name it.)
Now this may go over your head and you may think and even resist this idea in your head. But if you look carefully at this strategy there’s one thing in common and that's Writing. I mean people are writing shit posts on Facebook and Instagram about all the things that are happening in their life and no one even bats an eye. (Celeb accounts are exception). Instead here you get to do that plus you get to write about what you love. The beautiful thing about blogging and writing is that it's way psychologically easy compared to speaking on a stage in front of hundreds of people. And you can edit it as much as you can before hitting the send button which you can't do when speaking in front of public.
But most importantly it helps you put yours feeling and words across the paper that you badly wanted to share with the world. And most of all it's therapeutic to write. It calms you down and gives you amazing rush when you're done writing. A feeling of serious accomplishment. Now you can write about the thing you love or you hate. Actually you can do both. And the thing is you can write about anything you want. If you're Gym Freak you can write about Fitness… If you love Cleaning your House, you can even write about that…. If you love TV Shows, Music, Video Games, Book Reading . . .
If you love Industry Gossip. . . Or Fashion and Style … Or skills you’ve right now like painting, sketching, programming or like getting good grades in college and schools . . . Or even have skills to date any woman . . Remember, wherever there's a demand or problem in public and ability in people to pay for supply or solution, there's a market. So anything that you're good at or anything you're bad at can be turned into a blog…. Even if you're depressed about life right now. . .
You can use strategies from internet and books to get rid of it and improve yourself and you can share your experience with people all over the world that are going through the same thing right now. Your sufferings and problems right now can pave way to a blog that is read by millions of people every day. Well the truth is your blog can help you be financially free and make you quit your job and live like a king. Even the skills that you've and are required for your day job can be turned into a successful blog. But like I said successful blogs require successful marketing strategies and a little understanding of human behavior. And if you master the strategy itself, you're on your way to build not one but an army of million-dollar blogs.
Also if you're into Travelling and want to live no-strings- attached or No F*cks Given Traveler's life with complete freedom while travelling to exotic and out-of-the-world places, then this Travel Blogging strategy will be a boon for you. ( And no, these things are not taught in schools and colleges.) Coz most travel blogs fail to generate enough revenue to keep going and bomb badly within the first 2 months. But this strategy was modelled from a company that makes around $40 Billion annually using nothing but stories.
So it's highly potent and not to be messed around in a bad way, but when used correctly, your Travel Blog will be on its way to make your bank accounts go full and making you live the Travel Life you always dreamed of with zero string attached. And there's deep science behind this. So get this potent Travel Blogging strategy here: https://goo.gl/VM82Km https://goo.gl/VM82Km And don't simply read it. Apply it!
Killer Strategy #5: Finding The Highest Possible LEVERAGE.
Most people settle for things that they seem fit for them and accept that this is how things should be. Yes, accepting the way things are right now is good. And sending gratitude to the Universe for everything you have right is an excellent technique to improve your inner peace. But there should be a balance to it. Simply accepting the things the way they are will never get you out of your comfort zone. You’ll never know who you really and the great power sleeping in you that is waiting to be unleashed. Truth to be told, Gratitude is like a Foundation to your self-development. The foundation of a Skyscraper you can say.
Finding Leverage or the “80/20 Rule” in everything you do is like the whole building itself. The Skyscraper cannot exist without a foundation. Also the Foundation without a building itself is incomplete as it will never reach its height it was meant for. So ‘Gratitude’ and 'Leverage’ go hand-in-hand. So whatever skills you've right now, believe me there’s always a way to do it as simple as possible while getting extreme results from the same. Right from Cooking, Gym and Fitness, Graphic Design, Coding, Video Editing, Entrepreneurship, Travelling, Photography or anything you do everyday, there's always a set of 'secret strategies’ that pros in every industry or field possess.
They may not tell you publicly, but look around you. There are guys sitting on top of the Throne and then there are guys sitting below them. This hierarchy can be seen in every field you work. Ever wondered how an average looking guy with qualifications less than you and with extremely low work experience in his resume is sitting in his cozy personal Office with a personal secretary for his assistance at his finger and is kind of running the whole company? Ever wondered how your Boss became the 'Boss’? Ever wondered how a Marketing Director became what he is? Ever wondered how J.K. Rowling became J.K Rowling?
Ever wondered how Michael Jordan became Michael Jordan? Ever wondered how Steve Jobs became Steve Jobs? Ever wondered how Arnold Schwarzenegger became Arnold Schwarzenegger? Feeling envious to them or saying they got “lucky” is what we feel. But what we see to forget is that they know something about their field that you don't know. The reason they’re sitting on top is that they know 'Strategies’ that's giving them the highest possible leverage at what they do or they wouldn't have been sitting there.
So finding the 80/20 rule or even 90/10 is what you should focus on. Get actively involved in what you love to do. Take notes actively so that subtle things that have highest leverage don't slip out of your hands. Use YouTube, Books, Blogs, anything you can find to improve yourself. Research the strategies itself to see if anyone has ever applied it. Read forums, private Facebook groups, participate in it and get feedback from the people who previously applied the strategies. Having people around you who love passionately the things they do and who always focus on improving the skills they are good at is kind of a best thing for you. Because then you’re surrounded by people who crave for success at what they do. And believe me it always works in your favor.
Killer Strategy #6: The Army Man's Workout: HIGH INTENSITY INTERVAL TRAINING
Ever wanted a simple workout that made you sweat like hell and doesn't take too much time to do? Of course you want to bulk up and act big, I mean that's what motivates most men out there, but I have seen bulked up men breathing like dragon when they try hiking on a hill or a long trek. They simply couldn't breath. They have all the muscle they want on their body, but their cardio sucks like crazy.
Muscular strength is good, but what's the point if your Heart’s strength itself sucks. After all, your heart is the one that pumps blood and keeps breathing. Take that away and you don't exist anymore. And this is where HIIT comes into play. HIIT workouts are short-timed and very high in intensity. They take your heart rate to such a level that you’ll start sweating in less than a minute. Imagine pouring a bucket of water on your head in the morning. That's how you actually sweat. Plus you’ll realize how your health really sucks. Most people know that their fitness sucks. But rarely someone takes action to turn things around. So have a little pity on your body.
People lie to each other everyday. But please don't lie to yourself. That's the worst thing you can do. People who lie to themselves are the worst breed of humans. Even if they pretend in front of others that they're a great person, the core truth is they suck! And they never reach their goals in life. Instead they depend on others and get f*cked later. So take some things in your control, because they're worth taking control. It's your own body, it's your own mind. Be selfish at least in this thing. And the payoffs are way too huge. So turn your insecurities into your greatest strength. If you feel insecure start taking action on things that will make you OWN that insecurities.