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World’s Impactful Leaders Making a Footprint in Healthcare, 2023

Mary E. Maloney, Principal and Brand Strategist for Revealing Genius, LLC, is delighted to grace the cover of the renowned Worldu2019s Leaders Magazine as one of the World's Impactful Leaders Making a Footprint in Healthcare, 2023

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World’s Impactful Leaders Making a Footprint in Healthcare, 2023

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  1. Vol. 09 | Issue 13 | September 2023 www.worldsleaders.com World's Leaders Healthcare, 2023 Impactful Making a Footprint in “Now more than ever, your personal brand messaging matters.” Mary E. Maloney Principal | Brand Strategist | Revealing Genius, LLC

  2. World's Impactful Leaders Making a Footprint in Healthcare, 2023 Leaders who Save Lives Effective leadership is essential for providing high-quality patient care, running healthcare systems, and overcoming obstacles in the complicated and continuously changing world of healthcare. To motivate their staff, encourage cooperation, and promote positive change, healthcare executives need to have a certain set of abilities and traits. In the healthcare sector, ethical leadership is crucial. Leaders that show a steadfast dedication to moral ideals and ethical standards set the tone for their businesses. They put patients' safety, security, and privacy first. Ethical leaders foster trust in the community at large by upholding openness, honesty, and accountability. The cover has Mary E. Maloney, Principal and Brand Strategist for Revealing Genius LLC., a woman-owned online education & training firm specializing in strategic brand messaging exclusively for healthcare executives. Mary has listened to stories from CEOs who learned their top talent left the company to go with a competitor because the competitor's team was perceived to be more passionate about a worthy cause. Healthcare leadership is a complex work that calls for a blend of different approaches and traits. To motivate their employees, encourage innovation, and enhance patient outcomes, effective healthcare executives combine transformational, servant, ethical, collaborative, adaptable, and strategic methods. Healthcare leaders may manage the complexity of the field and promote change for the good of patients, healthcare workers, and the general public by developing excellent communication, emotional intelligence, and a dedication to ethical standards. These highly emotional misses have fuelled Mary to parlay the hard-won wisdom she leveraged to reposition, message and brand healthcare organizations as a CEO and CMO to now help C-Suite executives purposefully articulate their brand value including their extraordinary why. The results of her trademarked E.T.A. approach – Excavate-Tell- Affirm™ have been rewarding. World's Leaders latest edition “World’s Impactful Leaders Making a Footprint in Healthcare, 2023” has listed healthcare leaders who are cultivating effective communication, emotional intelligence, and a strong commitment to ethical practices while propelling positive change for the benefit of patients, healthcare professionals, and the broader community. Also, while you flip through the pages, don't forget to read the articles created by our in-house editorial staff and industry experts. Have a lovely read!

  3. CREDIT PAGE Editor-in-Chief Steve Sanchez Managing Editor Jagdish Chincholikar Executive Editor Nicole Williams Assistant Editor Gayatri Bhujbal Art & Design Director Jack Anderson Business Development Manager Mia Oliver Business Development Executive Natalie, Jerrey Associate Designer Kevin Rust Digital Marketing Manager Victor Clarke Sales Manager Casey Simpson, Irfan Shekh Marketing Manager Tom Swann Technical Specialist Barry Jones Circulation Manager Danny Parker SEPTEMBER 2023 3296 Westerville Rd #250, Columbus, OH 43224, USA Copyright 2023 WORLD’S LEADERS Media Tech LLC, All rights reserved. The content and images used in this magazine should not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior permission from WORLD’S LEADERS Reprint rights remain solely with WORLD’S LEADERS. Follow us on :

  4. 08 Cov Sry Mary E. Maloney

  5. 18 David Contorno Dawn Maroney 22 26 Dr. Robi Ludwig Dr. Rupert Ecker 32 36 George Patriki Haden A. Land 40 46 Kristen Poe 50 Oriol Segarra 54 Raman Singh

  6. Mary E. MALONEY Principal | Brand Strategist, Revealing Genius, LLC “When you have clarity in your messaging, you have condence. When you have condence, you have conviction. When you have conviction, you have impact. When you have impact, your brand comes alive.” Mary E. Maloney 08 | SEPTEMBER 2023

  7. Cover St?y worldsleaders.com | 09

  8. Imagine this scenario….. George, a highly accomplished President of the healthcare division for an iconic Fortune 500 company, submitted his bonafides for a coveted, compensated board position. product lines that are now household brand names, garnering the respect of his team, CEO and peers. He created a marketing and sales legacy and an organizational culture model that other divisions were asked to emulate. Clearly, he was qualified to serve as a director on the board. She communicated why she exists to serve very well.” His friend recommended that he work on his personal brand messaging. “Stories like this are tragic,” says Mary E. Maloney, Principal and Brand Strategist for Revealing Genius LLC., a woman-owned online education & training firm specializing in strategic brand messaging exclusively for healthcare executives. “In my experience, this is a persistent problem, more so the norm vs. the exception.” He was thrilled to be shortlisted to one of two candidates who fit their ideal profile. But he did not get selected. Originally from Mexico, George had risen through the ranks, earning promotions into new roles that resulted in moving his family all over the world. He speaks seven different languages and was the recipient of prestigious awards. He managed teams on health and wellbeing When he asked for feedback from the Chairman, a mentor and friend, he heard this… (paraphrased) “George, when I asked both candidates the same question – what do you stand for - the other candidate's answer was more convincing. Mary says most leaders are highly trained clinically and/or have become masters in their Did you know Did you know According to Business Insider, it only takes seven seconds to form a solid impression of who you are. Execunet says it takes only 6.5 seconds to form an opinion when scanning a resume or curriculum vitae. Forbes suggests a tenth of a second is all it takes to start determining core traits like trustworthiness. LinkedIn research shows that some visitors may form an impression of your personal brand in as little as 50 milliseconds! 10 | SEPTEMBER 2023

  9. These highly emotional misses have fueled Mary to parlay the hard-won wisdom she leveraged to reposition, message and brand healthcare organizations as a CEO and CMO to now help C- Suite executives purposefully articulate their brand value including their extraordinary why. The results of her trademarked E.T.A. approach – Excavate-Tell-Affirm™ have been rewarding. subject matter domain but have never been formally exposed to how to be on- brand nor to be deliberate about it. Many say they are uncomfortable talking about themselves or they suffer from imposter syndrome and therefore gloss over their achievements and core competencies. Some real-life examples are: Ÿ A CEO emeritus of one of the largest payers in the nation repositioned himself to become a mentor and investor to innovative healthcare technology rms in the behavioral health space, an area he is passionate about. Ÿ A neurosurgeon who dedicated his life's work to documenting rare brain surgery procedures is training the next generation of brain surgeons, even in third world countries. Ÿ The President of one of the largest health systems in the nation, at the apogee of his career, strategically remessaged to attract a 7- gure role where he could impact millions of lives with one of the largest healthcare companies in the world Ÿ A physician executive prepared carefully for the rst 90 days in a CEO leadership role for a telemedicine company and is making her mark specializing in #hyperlocalhealthcare and the revitalization of rural communities. Ÿ A nurse, who moved up the ranks to the C-Suite, serving at the same prestigious health system for 41 years, pivoted into a private consulting practice and now has a waiting list of top tier clients in need of her unique leadership development approach for large multi-location healthcare organizations Ÿ A scientist from one of the largest pharmaceutical companies in the world rekindled her passion for medicine and secured funding for a moonshot project she masterminded to help underserved communities in her native South Africa Ÿ Founders of a health and wellness app in Australia amplied their “why” in their pitch deck to investors which enabled them to stand out in a crowded market to raise millions to expand to the UK and the USA Ÿ A tech genius started a radiology scheduling company after his father experienced issues and delays during his radiology visit - a narrative that has earned his team the trust of the largest practices in the nation As a result, advanced innovations or points of view that could change the world, particularly in healthcare, get overlooked or worse, cause confusion, because the messaging is too technical or verbose. Many clients come to Revealing Genius with stories about being passed over for dream jobs and board seats, seeing less qualified candidates cross the finish line amongst a highly competitive set; they lead healthcare tech companies that struggle to secure funding because their pitch deck narrative is too complex to understand; or their mission-critical speech misses the mark. Mary has listened to stories from CEOs who learned their top talent left the company to go with a competitor because the competitor's team was perceived to be more passionate about a worthy cause. worldsleaders.com | 11

  10. What's the common thread for successful branding? #brandonpurpose Going through the ETA process changed the trajectory of George's career as well. He emerged with a one-page to remind him of his purpose, his why and his hows. It sparked him to come alive with expanded ambitions to pursue something even more fullling. He decided to pivot into leading an economic development project that will shore up the wellbeing of a community and leave a legacy that he did not have access to in his corporate life. He says this career transition work is the most important he's ever done. *Brand Manifesto “Messaging matters,” says Maloney. It is her manifesto. Research from Capgemini's Digital Transformation Institute says that 82% of people make buying decisions based on emotion. Therefore she implores that it's not enough to talk about what you do; executives must be able to authentically articulate why they exist to serve as evidenced by Simon Sinek's TEDTalk, “Start with why.” It is one of the top five most viewed TEDTalks ever. “I got hooked on the power of corporate branding in my first role in public relations right out of college,” says Mary. Her mentor, who she still keeps in touch with, opened her eyes to the power of perceptions. Together, their team successfully rebranded a regional Rehabilitation facility specializing in treating children with disabilities, propelling it from virtually unknown to international recognition within one year. The key message was “Amazing Kids.” It was so impactful that the organization's URL was changed to amazingkids.org which is still being used after three decades. You can hear more stories of brand shifts in The Great Work of Your Life video series. Modeled after the long-running show, Inside the Actors Studio, lmed at Pace University, the series features a Proust questionnaire concept and a rotating panel of guests who share an insider's view of how they are realizing their true calling and staying aligned with their personal brand. 12 | SEPTEMBER 2023

  11. A client keeps the Revealing Genius on his desk in a family heirloom typewriter where he can see it every day. Arguably one of the most important personal/career development exercises, it enables leaders to “give words” to their true north and calling. It also serves as a guide to enable us to say “no” respectfully to things that do not serve us anymore. Think of it as a necessary framework from which to mindfully pursue the great work of our lives. *Brand Manifesto worldsleaders.com | 13

  12. The brand stories we told exponentially helped more families around the world to receive necessary healthcare. This is why I'm effusive about branding. It's become my life's work. Throughout her 30+-year career serving as CEO and Chief Marketing Officer on the client and agency side, Mary has successfully led repositioning, messaging and rebranding initiatives for hundreds of brands including Mercy Health System, Penn Medicine, Blue Cross Blue Shield, Intuit, Center for Creative Leadership. She has guided companies through mergers, acquisitions, crisis, capital raises, new product launches on multiple continents, turnarounds and major milestones including centennial celebrations. She sold her first business, a Marketing & Communications agency specializing in promoting medical practices and healthcare tech companies at age 32. She is the recipient of the ATHENA leadership award for actively assisting others, particularly women, in realizing their full potential. She joins nearly 8,000 leaders spanning +500 regions representing 48 states and 11 countries. Recipients include C-level executives of major corporations, Presidents of Universities and Foundations, a NASA astronaut, Human Rights and Social Justice Activists, Philanthropists, Actors and Celebrities, Athletes and Olympic Gold medalists, Ambassadors, Members of Congress, Highest ranking military professionals, a US Supreme Court Justice and Secretary of State and Medical and Public Health Advocates. Notable ATHENA Global leadership award recipients include Nina Totenberg, Billie Jean King, Condoleezza Rice, Christina Koch and Marlo Thomas. Her education includes Duquesne University, Villanova University and the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania. She's also served as an adjunct professor and guest lecturer for multiple colleges and universities. What she learned along the way and continues to teach is that company cultures do not soar without powerful messaging that resonates internally and externally. “Get the messaging right and it creates tremendous momentum for the brand.” 14 | SEPTEMBER 2023

  13. Passionate about paying it forward to empower leaders in healthcare It was an ophthalmologist who believed in Mary, recognized her talent for messaging and helped her get her first business started. She therefore feels duty bound to pay it forward. She knows first-hand how raising capital can make or break a business. Having pitched and raised millions from Angel investors, VCs and private equity firms, she proactively sponsors healthcare industry entrepreneurs through her involvement as a trusted advisor and keynote speaker with organizations like Springboard Enterprises, the Caregiver Accelerator and the Florida Blue Pitch Competition. By participating in these initiatives, she ensures that game-changing companies and their founders receive the necessary guidance to develop effective messaging to gain the support they need to enter competitive markets swiftly and make their mark. Active with ACHE, she serves on the Regent Advisory Committee (RAC) for Northern & Western Florida. Her big goal for this year is to sit for the exam to earn the distinction of board certification and become a Fellow of the American College of Healthcare Executives (FACHE). The flagship “Excavate Your Brand Genius” Summit held quarterly, is a live, virtually facilitated starting point where participants internalize a structured, proven, trademarked ETA Process (Excavate-Tell-Affirm™) to create clear, compelling brand narratives that stand out and resonate with target audiences. worldsleaders.com | 15

  14. About Revealing Genius For healthcare executives who want to powerfully and authentically communicate their personal brand value, Revealing Genius is the online education hub that delivers positioning, messaging and brand strategy direction so leaders can swiftly achieve what they desire and deserve most in their careers. Clients benefit from: Self-paced, medical, allied health and nursing colleges, universities, associations, online courses and education for Ÿ Live facilitated cohort training retreats for healthcare executives and their leadership teams, longitudinal studies of the impact of #brandonpurpose , bespoke board Ÿ Ÿ 1:1 confidential private “next act” coaching with individuals and consultants or via hospital/health system outplacement services directly Keynote speech preparation /Series A investor pitch deck Ÿ Trusted fractional advisement for corporate rebrand strategy, organizational change management, brand positioning/messaging/brand identity alignment Ÿ Revealing Genius chooses to focus on distinguishing brands in the healthcare industry to serve as a force- multiplier for good health and wellbeing, a company core value and our greatest asset. www.revealinggenius.com #brandonpurpose 16 | SEPTEMBER 2023

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  17. DAVID CONTORNO CONTORNO Revolutionizing the Health Insurance Industry with Transparent and Patient-Centric Health Plans A Passion Unveiled David's journey in the insurance industry began at the age of 12, but it wasn't until he turned 17 that he found his passion in benefits and health insurance. For the first 18 years years, he dedicated his career to providing traditional broker services and offering conventional health plans. But inevitably, costs went up and benefits went down. So he chose to take a very different path. Alongside his insurance work, David also nurtured a love for photography, which led him to pursue a college education in the field. He even gained experience by working at a renowned chain of camera stores, although the company has unfortunately closed its doors since then. Despite his detour into photography, David's professional path has predominantly remained rooted in the same industry he thrives in today for nearly 30 years. worldsleaders.com | 19

  18. I his outspoken critique of traditional insurance carriers and their detrimental effects on employers, clinicians, and patients, David has emerged as a pioneering figure within the industry. express a desire to do so in the near future, recognizing that progress in its field benefits all stakeholders. n the competitive world of insurance, few leaders have made as significant an impact as David Contorno, Founder & CEO of E Powered Benefits. Renowned for While E Powered Benefits does provide a full benefits package, its primary focus and unique selling proposition lie in revolutionizing the most crucial aspect of employment decisions: the health plan. Teaching and Leading by Example David believes that teaching is a crucial element in achieving his goals. He actively engages in teaching and mentoring endeavors, which have proven to be highly rewarding. By sharing his knowledge and experiences, David often receives significant returns on his investment. He focuses on mentoring consultants individually, instructs the CHVA course developed by his partner Emma Fox, and frequently speaks in educational settings. Drawing from his extensive experience as a seasoned agency owner and successful consultant, David recognized the pressing need for change. Fueled by a passion for transparency and a desire to empower employers, he embarked on a groundbreaking journey to establish an anti- BUCAH (Blues, United, Cigna, Aetna, and Humana) brokerage. With an unwavering focus on reshaping health plans, David aimed to re-establish control in employers' hands while prioritizing affordable, high-quality care for all covered patients. Furthermore, David believes in practicing what he preaches when it comes to healthcare consumption. He applies the same metrics and principles that he advises his clients to use when making healthcare decisions for himself and his family. It is essential to him that people recognize his commitment to action rather than mere words. David acknowledges that the industry is filled with rhetoric and empty promises. For instance, when a Third-Party Administrator approaches him, claiming to support the same ideals, he challenges them by asking if they are familiar with the tagline from the Capital One commercial, "What's in your wallet?" If they produce a carrier ID card, he interprets it as a sign that they do not believe in practicing what they advocate, suggesting a double standard. David's trailblazing efforts have not gone unnoticed. Garnering accolades and recognition, he has been honored as Forbes' Most Innovative Insurance Broker, BenefitsPro's Broker of the Year, and Validation Institutes' Advisor of the Year. Furthermore, his tireless work in reforming the US healthcare system has earned him a place in multiple New York Times Best Selling books. Beyond his impressive accolades, David actively engages with audiences nationwide, spreading his wealth of knowledge and expertise. Passionate about educating fellow advisors and industry stakeholders, he dedicates himself to equipping them with the tools and insights required to deliver high-performance health plans to employers across the country. Through his teaching, mentoring, and personal example, David strives to bring about a shift in the industry, where consistency and integrity in applying healthcare metrics and incentives become the norm. Empowering Employers and Employees E Powered Benefits specializes in providing consulting services to employers and industry brokers/consultants. The company introduces a ground-breaking approach to constructing a unique type of health plan that achieves what may appear impossible but is actually remarkably simple. Its aim is to create a health plan for employees that significantly reduces costs for employers by 40-60% compared to traditional plans, while offering members the benefit of NO OUT-OF-POCKET expenses for most services. Moreover, its plan incentivizes improved clinical outcomes and enhances overall quality of life. A Profit-Driven Model for True Health David is passionate about reshaping the healthcare system to move away from a profit-driven model that primarily benefits when individuals are sick. He acknowledges the existence of for-profit healthcare systems and recognizes that even non-profit systems are motivated by profit, as evidenced by high executive compensation and tax exemptions, which ultimately burdens the community with higher taxes. At E Powered Benefits, the company offers comprehensive educational resources, including a validated course accredited by The Validation Institute. Additionally, its annual conference attracts a diverse audience of 450 or more brokers, plan partners, and doctors, serving as a platform for collaboration with like-minded individuals and organizations within the industry. It actively engages with those who are already implementing similar plans or However, David doesn't advocate for eliminating the for- profit aspect of healthcare entirely. Instead, he envisions a system where profit is maximized through keeping people healthy. In the environment of the last few decades, at least, if our society were to achieve true health, every healthcare system and insurance carrier would go out of business. 20 | SEPTEMBER 2023

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  20. A Pioneer in Healthcare Organizations' Success in Medicare, Medicaid, and Underserved Markets 22 | SEPTEMBER 2023

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  22. With more than 25 years in the health care space, Dawn Maroney is regarded not only as an industry expert, but also a pioneer in positioning health care organizations for success in the challenging Medicare, Medicaid and underserved markets. Currently serving as the President of Markets at Alignment Health, a tech-enabled Medicare Advantage company revolutionizing senior care, and as the CEO of Alignment Health Plan, Dawn has made significant contributions to the healthcare industry. Her previous role as the Chief Medicare Officer at Blue Shield of California, formerly Care1st Health Plan, saw her leading operations for over 400,000 Medicare and Medicaid beneficiaries in California, Arizona, and Texas. Dawn's executive responsibilities at Blue Shield included sales, marketing, product development, revenue management, and membership accounting. During her tenure, Blue Shield's membership doubled, and the organization achieved improved CMS star ratings and significant revenue growth. Her leadership played a vital role in driving the company's success, making her a highly respected figure in the healthcare space. Prior to her role at Blue Shield, Dawn served as the Chief Sales and Marketing Officer at CareMore Health Plan, where she was instrumental in the company's growth from 3,500 to 65,000 members. She also contributed to CareMore's status as a top- performing and profitable industry leader. Dawn's expertise and leadership have earned her recognition as one of the most influential figures in the healthcare industry. Her innovative ideas and strategic approach continue to drive success in the Medicare, Medicaid, and underserved markets. 24 | SEPTEMBER 2023

  23. Revolutionizing Healthcare through Data Integration revolutionary care model that can and should be replicated throughout the healthcare industry. For years, healthcare organizations have struggled with effectively utilizing the vast amounts of digitized data generated within the industry. Often, this data is siloed within individual organizations and cannot be effectively used to enhance business operations, improve clinical outcomes, and drive consumer satisfaction. Alignment Health recognized this challenge and seized the opportunity to implement an integrated data management system, which has become a significant competitive advantage for the organization. By leveraging technology and data, Alignment Health has established a unique care model that is driving better outcomes for patients and improving the overall healthcare experience. Alignment Health, provides a wide range of services that leverage technology, support the doctor, and put the senior first. Specifically, Alignment's proprietary AVA technology platform processes information from more than 200 unique data sources against more than 170 artificial intelligence models to provide our teams with actionable insights to provide personalized care at scale. Alignment Health has developed a worldsleaders.com | 25

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  28. Dr. Rupert Ecker 32 | SEPTEMBER 2023

  29. Prioritizing Diversity, Collaboration, and Ethical Conduct in Advancing Scientific Progress worldsleaders.com | 33

  30. L promoting diversity, inclusivity, and ethical conduct. Scientific leaders are expected to foster collaboration and teamwork among diverse groups of researchers, promote scientific literacy and education, and communicate effectively with the public about the importance and impact of scientific research. eadership in science today involves not only advancing scientific knowledge and technology but also understanding of cells, tissues and organs. Furthermore, his innovative analytical techniques have facilitated the understanding of the molecular foundation of cancer and other ailments as well as contributed to the development of novel therapeutic regimen in precision medicine. Dr. Ecker, along with his former mentor and business associate Georg Steiner, established TissueGnostics in 2003. Dr. Rupert, in his role as CEO of TissueGnostics GLOBAL, is responsible for overseeing the company's strategic direction, R&D, quality policies, and collaboration with academic institutions. His primary passion lies in actualizing creative ideas and translating theory into practical applications. Dr. Rupert Ecker, the CEO, co-founder, and co-owner of TissueGnostics, has been intrigued by science and motivated to push beyond existing boundaries. His aspiration of achieving scientific breakthroughs has been fulfilled by creating pioneering technology that has enabled researchers to broaden their 34 | SEPTEMBER 2023

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  32. G in alcohol, other drugs, and mental health. He extends his services to the healthcare, welfare, and social service sectors across the Gold Coast and throughout Australia. eorge Patriki, the Director of Gold Coast Addiction and Treatment Rehab, is renowned for his expertise in providing dual diagnosis training out of the drug culture in 1983 ignited his passion for helping individuals struggling with substance abuse. George boasts an impressive 29-year track record as a counselor, educator, and clinical supervisor, accumulating extensive clinical experience. Since 1992, he has dedicated his life to this noble cause, evolving into a dual diagnosis consultant on the Gold Coast and across Australia. With over seven years of firsthand experience as a former addict and more than a decade spent navigating various treatment and recovery programs to address underlying issues, George possesses a unique perspective. His journey Throughout his career, George has devoted countless hours to assisting thousands of individuals grappling with drug 36 | SEPTEMBER 2023

  33. Transforming Lives Through Dual Diagnosis Training and Addiction Support Tell us about the inception of the company. How did it all start? and alcohol issues alongside concurrent mental health challenges. His commitment extends to those facing severe, life-controlling problems stemming from significant trauma. 39 years ago, I started helping people with complex issues, and 29 years ago, I started working full time in this industry. My company was formed through this journey and evolved into what it is today. George's multifaceted role encompasses court advocacy, counseling, outreach efforts, community forums, seminars, and the facilitation of recovery groups for drug users, including those with dual and multiple diagnoses as well as their loved ones. What has made you successful? What do you value? As a testament to his dedication, George has been delivering dual diagnosis training since 2000. Over the past 22 years, he has also served as an educator for both government and non-government organizations in Australia and across 116 countries worldwide through his online platform, Dual Diagnosis Training ( www.dualdiagnosistraining.com.au Over the last 29 years working in substance abuse, addictions, and mental health, I began to observe issues that were not being addressed in a person's treatment strategy and were causing relapses in their recovery. Over the years, I evolved my clinical practice into the Integrative Holistic Framework, which brings together the biological, psychological, spiritual, and social dynamics in a person's life to maximize treatment outcomes. ). Below are highlights of the interview conducted between World's Leaders and George Patriki: Which are the major services of the company and how the company to get ahead in the competition? What value-added services does the company provide? Describe who you are as a person, inside and outside of the workplace. I am passionate about being a light in the community and the world in which I live and doing my part to make it better than I found it. We take a similar approach to treating addictions and mental health that Dr. Daniel Amen uses, i.e., bio-psycho- spiritual-social ( www.amenclinics.com ). Walking this journey of love is how I try to live, both in my workplace and outside. Psychotherapy is complimented by allied health practices such as massage and acupuncture to help calm the limbic system, particularly for people who have significant anxiety worldsleaders.com | 37

  34. and PTSD. We also use many modalities according to people's individualized needs, such as EMDR, psycho-education, narrative therapy, solution-focused therapy, etc. In other words, we offer a smorgasbord of modalities and approaches that are tailored to a person's individual needs. We also encourage people to look at their individual biochemistry with integrative doctors who can address various epigenetic abnormalities that impact their mental health. Common culprits include zinc deficiencies, omega-3 deficiencies, anti-oxidant deficiencies (that cause oxidative stress to both the body and the brain), as well as other key nutrients such as B vitamins, vitamins C and D, probiotics, etc. What are the most important aspects of a company's culture? What principles do you believe in, and how do you build this culture? These are well presented by Dr Stephen Covey in '7 Habits of Highly Effective People'. I try to live these principles and invite everybody that I work with, including clients, to embrace them too. 38 | SEPTEMBER 2023

  35. What is the significance of innovative ideas in the company? There are many interventions that can help people suffering from either physiological health problems (e.g., low-density laser, hyperbaric oxygen, etc.) or mental health issues (e.g., neurofeedback, transcranial magnetic stimulation, etc.). Accessing these options can help people resolve treatment-resistant issues, and this research has been outlined by Dr. Norman Doidge as well as Dr. Bessel Van der Kolk. We try to include as many innovative and helpful interventions as possible, including EMDR and other treatment approaches. We also support the introduction of neuroelectric therapy in Australia (for non-pharmacological options to detox), as developed by Dr. Patterson. Give us your opinion on; do organizations rely heavily on individual heroics or team processes? While individuals inspire and offer leadership by example, any effective organization will work together as a team through a carefully designed mission statement that reflects the principles and values of the company as well as its aims and objectives. What are your responsibilities as the founder and CEO of the company? What is the happiest part of your daily routine? To lead my company in implementing the Integrated Holistic Approach to Addiction Treatment. It always brings me joy to see people's lives changed, knowing that many future generations of this person will also be blessed by these changes. What advice would you give someone going into a leadership position for the first time? Read Dr. Stephen Covey's 7 Habits of Highly Effective People' and ensure that you are committed to your personal growth, as explained by Dr. Scott Peck in 'The Road Less Traveled and many of his books, as well as Dr. Victor Frankl. worldsleaders.com | 39

  36. 40 | SEPTEMBER 2023

  37. Haden A. Haden A. Haden A. Land Land Land A Tech Proficient with Diverse Exper?se in Na?onal Security and Related Industries worldsleaders.com | 41

  38. W With a professional experience spanning over four decades, Haden Land possesses a diverse range of expertise that caters to the requirements of businesses and government agencies working in national security and related industries, as well as beyond. As both the CEO and CTO of S2P, Haden's responsibilities are comprehensive, covering all aspects of the business, from start to finish. These responsibilities are similar to those held by the CEO and CTO of a startup software company. Haden takes great pleasure in witnessing successful business execution outcomes from optimizing and establishing processes, people, and technology in all essential aspects of S2P's business operations. He also relishes coaching and mentoring people within the enterprise, collaborating with strategic partners, and engaging with customers. 42 | SEPTEMBER 2023

  39. Dr. John Norris | Founder & Executive Chairman | S2P Dr. Bradford Sims | President| Capitol Technology University worldsleaders.com | 43

  40. Owner & CEO POE Holistic Health 46 | SEPTEMBER 2023

  41. Kristen Poe Making an Impact on the World by Providing Healthcare to Others worldsleaders.com | 47

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  43. T The greatest gift we can give ourselves is our health, and almost everything else in life depends on it. Healthcare transforms into a collaborative, patient-centered practice that prioritizes healing and prevention over symptom repression. Instead of only treating symptoms and searching for band-aid solutions, functional health takes a systems- based approach to addressing the underlying causes of chronic disease and barriers to wellness. Good nutrition and lifestyle medicine may support and improve almost every illness or symptom that exists. It's not necessary for everyone to have the agility of a tightrope walker or the stamina of a competitive cyclist. You decide what level of functional health you require to lead a more fulfilling life. Meet, Kristen Poe, owner and CEO of POE Holistic Health, who thinks the world would benefit from more functional health providers and modalities to keep up with the growing demand for functional healthcare and lifestyle medicine. worldsleaders.com | 49

  44. ORIOL SEGARRA Leading the Transformation of The Family Firm from a Traditional Pharmaceutical Company to a Successful Transnational Corporation Focused on Natural Consumer Healthcare It's a transformation that we are very proud of, by the way. It's been an extraordinary journey in which I've had the best years of my professional life, like many others who are part of this great family. And we still have a lot of challenges ahead of us!" 50 | SEPTEMBER 2023

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