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How To Safely And Humanely Deal With Birds On Buildings

Birds are a part of nature, and when in the right environment, seeing them fly and hearing them sing can uplift your spirits. However, birds roosting or nesting close to your home or office (especially in large numbers), is not so uplifting, and their waste can actually be hazardous to our health.<br>

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How To Safely And Humanely Deal With Birds On Buildings

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  1. How To Safely And Humanely Deal With Birds On Buildings

  2. Birds are a part of nature, and when in the right environment, seeing them fly and hearing them sing can uplift your spirits. However, birds roosting or nesting close to your home or office (especially in large numbers), is not so uplifting, and their waste can actually be hazardous to our health. Pigeons in particular, are a big problem for many folks living and working in urban environments, and high rise complexes are often full of these feathered critters. Fortunately, though, there are a few humane ways to deal with pesky birds and help keep your home, office and their inhabitants, safe from the risk of disease.

  3. Firstly, it’s important to look at ways how not to try and deter these birds: Never use poison Poisoning creatures is a cruel and inhumane way to deal with their presence, and is typically ineffective in dealing with a larger bird problem. Don’t go down the trap-and-release route This method invariably doesn’t work, and most birds find the process incredibly stressful and may even die as a result. Instead, try any one of these methods to deter birds safely and humanely from making your home, their home:

  4. Evaluate the problem Try to find out what might be attracting the birds in the first instance, and see if you can eliminate that source, whether it be trash, warmth or a nearby water source. If the attraction can’t be eliminated, move on to the following steps.

  5. Check for nests If the birds have already made a nest close to your home or office, you should never move it if it has chicks or eggs in it. If it’s empty, you can safely remove it and clean up the surrounding area that may be covered in droppings and other debris. If there is a large number of droppings, always wear protective clothing, especially disposable gloves and a face mask. If there are eggs or chicks present, wait a few weeks for them to hatch and then start flying. If the chicks are already there, it won’t be long before they start to leave the nest on a regular basis. When this happens, you can then go on to remove the nest and clean up.

  6. Have safety nets installed Pigeons in urban environments in India typically make balconies on high rise buildings their roosting, nesting or social spots. They create a lot of noise, make a lot of mess, and are generally considered to be a nuisance. With the addition of a robust but non-intrusive safety net installed across the opening of your balcony, however, you can humanely prevent them from ever entering that space, while also keeping family members who may be at risk from falling over the edge, much safer, especially young children and pets.

  7. Use visual deterrents These can be effective, but oftentimes, once a particularly brave bird discovers that the plastic predator isn’t real, they will return to your building, and bring their friends! Regularly changing the deterrent can help though, and you can swap between fake predators and holographic bird tape that reflects sunlight and make a noise in the breeze. Bird spikes These will effectively prevent birds such as pigeons and crows from being able to land on your balcony or any ledge, and they won’t be able to build a nest, either.

  8. Birds can be a real nuisance when they perch, roost or nest close to your home or office, but it’s important to remember that they have as much right to share this planet as we do. As such, always use humane methods when trying to deter them, like safety nets, visual deterrents and spikes.

  9. Aaaradhya Offers All Types of High Quality Safety Nets from Residential Buildings to Large Commercial or Industrial Sites. We are the best experienced provider of balcony safety nets and pigeon safety nets in Chennai since 16 years. Our popular products are balcony safety nets, pigeon safety nets, bird spikes, anti bird netting, cricket practice nets, Football and Volleyball Nets, Duct Area Safety Nets, Children Safety Nets, Construction Safety Nets, Swimming Pool Safety Nets, Terrace Top Safety Nets, Coconut Tree Safety Nets. We offer all safety nets at lowest price (35% off all types of nets). Free installation & free inspection. We have branches in Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh & Karnataka. If you are looking for anti bird net in Chennai or any other Safety Nets Sales or Service related Queries Call us at 9177377345 or 9177533567.

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