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Secondary and Primary Schools working together to support Primary Physical Education and Sport. Gaby Crolla 3 rd December 2013. Children and Young People’s Department. Aims for tonight’s update. Brief overview of new curriculum and assessment - September 2014
Secondary and Primary Schools working together to support Primary Physical Education and Sport Gaby Crolla 3rd December 2013 Children and Young People’s Department
Aims for tonight’s update Brief overview of new curriculum and assessment - September 2014 The PE and Sport Premium and Ofsted Guidance Self Review Date for next update
What do you in your role think is possible to accomplish for your Young People in PE and Sport?
The current structure of Secondary and Primary Schools working together to support Primary Physical Education and Sport
Roles within Partnership LA Headteachers – Primary and Secondary Primary subject head in PE Secondary specialist in PE Member of Primary and Secondary staff who qualify assure/oversee the Partnership PE and Sport Programme
PE and Sport Supports Whole School Improvement Participation in PE and sport can improve a huge range of positive attitudes, attributes and skills Participation PE and sport will improve skill and health/well-being outcomes which with support, transfer into measurable school achievement outcomes Sport can also help to shape behaviour, reduce truancy, promote inclusion and cohesion
Priorities for individual schools All primary schools should have effective development plans to improve provision and outcomes in and through PE, physical activity and school sport. All primary schools to have a PE co-ordinator. All primary schools to build PE and sport into whole school plan to underpin school standards PE and Sport Premium and school website
Government Announcement: Sport Premium • 50 million ring fenced in each of the next two years to support delivery of PE and sport in primary schools. • Funding allocated through a lump sum for each school. Typical primary school with 250 pupils to receive £9,250 each year.
Physical Education and School Sport Premium Funding • Ofsted to strengthen coverage of PE • Updated Handbook in September Inspectors will assess and report on: How effectively this new funding is being used to improve PE and sport provision when making the judgement on the quality of the school’s leadership and management
Ofsted latest findings Beyond 2012 – Outstanding Physical Education for All Physical Education in Schools 2008-2012 Published February 2013
Strengths Physical Education is in good health • Two thirds of Primary and three quarters of Secondary Schools teaching, achievement, curriculum and leadership and management are good or outstanding • Significant investment in PE has raised the profile of PE through SSPs and Sports Colleges • PE made a significant difference to pupils’ personal development and well-being and enjoyment of school • Two hours of PE in Key Stages 1-3 in most schools
Weaknesses • PE in one third of primary schools required improvement • In primary schools subject knowledge and confidence in teaching PE is an issue • Planning/Assessment is still weak • Not enough ‘physical’ education in PE
Ofsted Subsidiary Guidance Taking account of the following factors: The increase in participation rates in such activities as games, dance, gymnastics, swimming and athletics the increase and success in competitive school sports how much more inclusive the physical education curriculum has become with the growth in the range of provisional and alternative sporting activities the Improvement in partnership work on Physical Education with other schools and other local partners links with other subjects that contribute to pupils’ overall achievement and their greater spiritual, moral social and cultural skills the greater awareness amongst pupils about the dangers of obesity, smoking and other such activities undermine pupils’ health
Evidence Inspectors will use evidence gained from: • Meetings with school leaders • Observation of lessons and/or extra-curricular activities • Discussions with pupils • Reviewing details of the PE and sport provision on their school website prior to the inspection
National Curriculum for PE Develop competence to excel in a broad range of physical activities. Are physically active for sustained periods of time. Engage in competitive sport and activities. Lead healthy active lives. Attainment targets By the end of each key stage, pupils are expected to know, apply and understand the matters, skills and processes specified in the relevant programme of study.
Key question for schools to consider: Do you provide a broad, rich and engaging PE curriculum?
Progress – Assessment September 2014
Assessment and Progress Levels to disappear Expectations at each banding
Assessment and Progress Ofsted inspections will be informed by whatever pupil tracking data schools choose to keep. Schools will continue to benchmark their performance through statutory end of key stage assessments, including national curriculum tests.
Assessment and Progress Formative Assessment: Schools will be able to introduce their own approaches to formative assessment, to support pupil attainment and progression.
Assessment and Progress Planning for progress: What do they need to know, be able to do, or understand, by the end of this key stage, that they could not do at the start of it? Progress in the quality of work Progress in knowledge – breadth Progress in skills – height Progress in understanding - depth
Assessment and Progress Working Working Working Below Within Above Jake Joseph Hermione Assessing Fred Tom John Progress Ethel Georgina Rupert Peter Kelly Kent Wayne Billy Lizzie Imisi Ella
Next update meeting March 25th 2014 Agenda: Monitoring, evaluating progress and impact Support with new curriculum and assessment