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What you will Learn

Learn about confined spaces, permit requirements, hazards, and safety measures necessary for entry. Understand different types of confined spaces, atmospheric dangers, and how to control and mitigate risks effectively. Explore various hazards including atmospheric, physical, mechanical, and electrical factors. Discover essential practices like air monitoring, defining entry conditions, and the importance of proper ventilation. Ensure safety by identifying, evaluating, and eliminating hazards before entry. Equip yourself with knowledge about oxygen levels, atmospheric risks, and the characteristics of toxic and corrosive environments. Stay informed on how to handle flammable atmospheres and prevent hazards during confined space entry.

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What you will Learn

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  1. What you will Learn What is a Confined Space Hazards of Confined Spaces Basic Entry Requirements

  2. General Requirements All employees required to enter confined or enclosed spaces must be instructed in: • nature of the hazards • necessary precautions to be taken • use of protective and emergency equipment

  3. What is a Confined Space? • Is large enough and so configured that an employee can bodily enter and perform assigned work • Has limited or restricted means for entry or exit (for example, tanks, vessels, silos, storage bins, hoppers, vaults, and pits are spaces that may have limited means of entry.) • Is not designed for continuous employee occupancy.

  4. What is a Permit Required Confined Space? A Permit-required confined space is confined space that has one or more of the following characteristics:

  5. Permit Required Spaces • Contains or has a potential to contain a hazardous atmosphere • Contains a material that has the potential for engulfing an entrant

  6. Permit Required Spaces • Has an internal configuration such that an entrant could be trapped or asphyxiated by inwardly converging walls or by a floor which slopes downward and tapers to a smaller cross-section • Contains any other recognized serious safety or health hazard

  7. Typical Confined Spaces • Boilers & Furnaces • Pipelines • Pits • Process Vessel • Silo & Storage Tanks • Sewer & Manholes • Trenches & Excavations

  8. Hazards of Confined Spaces • Atmospheric • Physical Configuration • Mechanical • Electrical • Thermal • Noise • Vibration • Engulfment or Entrapment

  9. Controlling Confined Space Hazards Each Confined Space has different hazards.  Hazards can also change with time and usage. • Post signs to warn of the dangers. • Use barriers to prevent uncontrolled access • Develop and use a written space entry program.

  10. Controlling Confined Space Hazards • Conduct air monitoring and tests to identify and evaluate hazards. • Define acceptable entry conditions. • Monitor entry conditions • Eliminate or control the space's atmospheric hazards before entry • Lockout all internal hazards prior to entry

  11. Entry Point Hazards • Small Openings make entry and rescue difficult • Sharp edges can tear protective clothing or air lines • Temporary ladders and vent gear can make even large openings difficult to transit • Vertical entry points are fall hazards

  12. Ventilation Needed • Deadly gases can be trapped inside • Rotting Organic materials create hazardous gases • Pipe leaks, welding, system material can create hazardous atmospheres. • Rust consumes the oxygen you need.

  13. Atmospheric Hazards • Oxygen Deficient Atmospheres • Oxygen Enriched Atmospheres • Flammable Atmospheres • Toxic Atmospheres • Corrosive Atmospheres • Asphyxiating Atmospheres  

  14. Oxygen Deficient 19.5 % is the minimum acceptable oxygen level for work with out an air supplied respirator. 12-14% - Poor judgment. 10-12% - Lips blue Mental Confusion 8-10% - Fainting & Nausea 6-8% - Causes Death

  15. Asphyxiating Atmospheres Reduction of oxygen in a confined space may be the result of either consumption or displacement. Consumption of oxygen takes place during • Combustion of flammable substances • Bacterial action, as in the fermentation process • Chemical reactions as in the formation of rust

  16. Oxygen Enriched Oxygen level above 21%. • Causes flammable and combustible materials to burn violently when ignited. Such as: Hair, clothing, oil soaked materials • Never use pure oxygen to ventilate. • Never store or place compressed gas tanks in a confined space.

  17. Flammable Atmospheres Required Factors: • Oxygen • Flammable Gas, Vapor or Dust • Ignition Source • Welding • Electric Tools • Sparks • Smoking

  18. Flammable Atmospheres Caused by… • enriched oxygen atmospheres • vaporization of flammable liquids • byproducts of work • chemical reactions • concentrations of combustible dusts • fumes from chemicals on inner surfaces

  19. Toxic Atmospheres • Material in space • Absorbed materials can “gas off”. • Decomposition of materials • Work being performed • Welding, cutting, brazing, soldering. • Painting, scraping, sanding, degreasing. • Sealing, bonding, melting. • Cleaning, descaling

  20. Corrosive Atmospheres Corrosive atmospheres can be not only a respiratory problems but also cause skin exposure reactions and damage to your nervous system though skin absorption or breathing. Examples of Corrosives  • Bleach • Ammonia • Acids

  21. Physical Configuration Hazards The use and shape of a space can create hazardous conditions • Use of Ladders & Scaffolding • Wet or slippery surfaces • Uneven bottoms • Bends in tunnels • Narrow areas that can entrap workers • Poor lighting Use retrieval & fall protection when possible

  22. Mechanical Hazards Some confined spaces have unguarded mechanical equipment such as: • Paddles • Blades • Shafts • Chain or belt drives All equipment must be Locked and Tagged before entry

  23. Electrical Hazards Electric Shock is a possible hazard in Confined Spaces Hazard Sources include: • Broken lighting • Electrical sensing devices • Limit switches • Level indicating devices • Hazards from equipment taken inside

  24. Temperature Hazards High and Low Temperatures are Hazards Burns Frosbite Heat Stress Wearing Protective clothing can increase the heat stress on a worker

  25. Worker Comfort Factors affecting worker comfort: • Air temperature • Air velocity though the space • Humidity • Radiant heat • Protective Clothing • Activities 

  26. Engulfment Hazards Engulfment is the entrapment of a person by the contents of a space • Liquids • Small granular product such as grain • Crusting or Bridging of material • Flooding • Water Flow

  27. Engulfment Hazards Completely empty the contents before entry Use retrieval and fall arrest equipment to prevent sinking into contents of a space.

  28. Noise Hazards Noise creates a hazard by • Causing hearing loss • Preventing communication • Lowering worker's effectiveness Eliminate noise sources prior to entry Use proper hearing protection

  29. Surface Hazards Slippery, Wet or Damp Surfaces • Slips & Falls • Chemical Exposure • Possible increased chance of electric shock • Uneven surfaces

  30. Vibration Hazards • Vibration of the body can cause damage to the body • Using Vibrating tools can cause damage to fingers & hand • Eliminate equipment vibrations prior to entry • Use Vibration dampening tools & gloves

  31. Basic Confined Space Entry Procedure All entrants, supervisors and entry attendants must be fully qualified 1. Conduct Pre-Entry Briefing 2. Assemble and check equipment 3. Establish Acceptable Entry Conditions 4. Conduct initial air sampling 5. Execute & Complete Entry Permit 6. Station Entry Attendant

  32. Entry (continued) 7. Establish Monitoring of Atmosphere 8. Establish Communication 9. Execute Hot Work Permit if applicable 10.Post Confined Space Entry Permit 11. Enter Space 12. Post–entry debrief if problems were encountered

  33. Testing The Atmosphere Verify presence of safe work atmosphere. • Calibrate Air Monitoring Equipment before use • Test all areas of a confined space • Top, Middle, Bottom • Check for Explosive & Toxic Gases • Check Oxygen level • Record all readings

  34. Ventilation • Consider best of exhaust or supply or both • Provide workzone exhaust if welding • Plan ventilation supply and exhaust paths • Ensure no “re-circulation” of air supply • Use continuous ventilation • Retest the confined space before and during entry

  35. LOCKOUT! • Lock & tagging ALL electrical sources. • Blank & bleeding fluid lines • Disconnect mechanical drives &shafts. • Secure mechanical parts • Lock & Tag all valves

  36. Rescue Team A qualified rescue team and rescue equipment must be available for entry into all Permit Required Confined Spaces Qualified Entry Attendant must be in constant communication with workers in the space Entry Attendant must have source of communication with the Rescue Team

  37. Summary All persons involved in Permit Required Confined Space Entry must be qualified: Supervisor Attendants Entrants Rescue Team Confined Spaces are Dangerous Places – Know how to control or eliminate hazards

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